Chronik Thailands



Alois Payer

Chronik 2009 / B. E. 2552

3. Juli bis Dezember

Zitierweise / cite as:

Payer, Alois <1944 - >: Chronik Thailands = กาลานุกรมสยามประเทศไทย. -- Chronik 2009 / B. E. 2552. -- 3. Juli bis Dezember. -- Fassung vom 2017-03-22. -- URL:

Erstmals publiziert: 2013-04-15

Überarbeitungen: 2017-03-22 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-04-20 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-01-18 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-06-29 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-04-20 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-04-05 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-01-21 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-10-22 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-10-13 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-08-27 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-04-26 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-04-25 [Teilung des Jahrgangs] ; 2013-04-21 [Ergänzungen]

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Dieser Text ist Teil der Abteilung Thailand von Tüpfli's Global Village Library




Gewidmet meiner lieben Frau

Margarete Payer

die seit unserem ersten Besuch in Thailand 1974 mit mir die Liebe zu den und die Sorge um die Bewohner Thailands teilt.


Vorsicht bei den Statistikdiagrammen!

Bei thailändischen Statistiken muss man mit allen Fehlerquellen rechnen, die in folgendem Werk beschrieben sind:

Morgenstern, Oskar <1902 - 1977>: On the accuracy of economic observations. -- 2. ed. -- Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 1963. -- 322 S. ; 20 cm.

Die Statistikdiagramme geben also meistens eher qualitative als korrekte quantitative Beziehungen wieder.


2552 / 2009 Juli bis Dezember

2009-07 - 2009-09

Herkunft der legalen Fremdarbeiter:

Abb.: Herkunft der über 1 Mio. legalen Fremdarbeiter (in Prozent), 3. Quartal 2009
[Datenquelle; Siroj Sorajjakool <1959 - >: Human trafficking in Thailand : current issues, trends, and the role of the Thai government. -- Chiang Mai : Silkworm, 2013. -- 241 S. : 21 cm.  -- ISBN 978-616-215-060-9. -- S. 33.]


Japans Exporte sind im Juli um 35,7% geringer als im Vorjahr.

Abb.: Japan
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Exporte Japans (in Milliarden Yen) 2005 - 2010
[Datenquelle: Ministry of Finance, Japan]


Premiere des Films Nymph (นางไม้) von Pen-Ek Ratanaruang (เป็นเอก รัตนเรือง, 1962 - )

Abb.: Plakat
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

"Nymph (Thai: นางไม้, translit. Nang mai) is a 2009 Thai drama film directed by Pen-Ek Ratanaruang (เป็นเอก รัตนเรือง, 1962 - ). It competed in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.[1]


May (เมย์ ) is a city woman who has everything she could ask for. Her long-time husband, Nop (นพ), showers love and attention on her. But fate or desire play tricks on the couple who watches their lives drift by without much thought or reflection, and May starts an affair with Korn (กรณ์), himself a married man. One day Nop, a professional photographer, is assigned to take a trip into the forest to film its wildlife. He decides to bring his wife along. But the journey slowly reveals how the invisible weight of their urban lifestyle haunts them like a spectre. When her husband fails to return to the tent, May sets out to look for him and then Nop returns. But the forest has changed him into someone else.

  • Nopachai  Jayanama (นพชัย ชัยนาม, 1973 - ) as Nop (นพ)
  • Porntip Papanai (พรทิพย์ ปาปะนัย, 1982 - ) as Nymph
  • Wanida Termthanaporn (วนิดา เติมธนาภรณ์, 1983 - ) as May (เมย์ )
  • Chamanun Wanwinwatsara (ชมะนันทน์ วรรณวินเวศร์, 1978 - ) as Korn (กรณ์ )"

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-03-28]


Tod von Robert S. McNamara (geb. 1916), ehemaliger US-Verteidigungsminister von 1961 - 1968, "Architekt des Vietnamkriegs", der u.a. die Napalm-Angriffe auf Vietnam befahl. Wurde deswegen nie vor Gericht gestellt, sondern wurde 1968 - 1981 Präsident der Weltbank. Gab aber im Unterschied zu Henry Kissinger zu, dass er schwere Schuld trägt.

Abb.: Eine Seltenheit: ein schuldiger Politiker gibt seine Schuld zu

"Zu den zentralen politischen Aufgabengebieten in seiner Zeit als Minister gehörte der Vietnamkrieg, der auch zu seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt führen sollte. Unter McNamara wurden die Truppen in Vietnam aufgestockt und die Bombardierungen immer weiter verstärkt. Unterstützt von den führenden US-Offizieren führte das schließlich zu einer Stationierung von 485.000 Soldaten bis Ende 1967 und 535.000 bis Juni 1968 unter dem Befehl von General William Westmoreland.

Mit der Eskalation der Truppenerhöhung und der Intensität der Kämpfe stiegen auch die Verluste. Entgegen der Ansicht vieler US-Offiziere setzte McNamara dabei als wesentliche Strategie der Kriegsführung auf die Statistik: Davon ausgehend, dass die Zahl der Vietkong-Kämpfer begrenzt sei, setzt er auf einen Abnutzungskrieg, an dessen Ende die Gegenseite besiegt sei. Der Erfolg dieser Strategie wurde dann an der Zahl getöteter Gegner gemessen, dem Body Count. Dieser Hang zu Statistiken und Tabellen brachte ihm im Pentagon den Namen "Computer auf Beinen" ein.

Im November 1967 empfahl McNamara überraschend, die Truppenstärke einzufrieren, die Bombardierung Nordvietnams einzustellen und den Bodenkampf Südvietnam zu überlassen – was Präsident Johnson sofort zurückwies. McNamara erklärte, die von ihm jahrelang verfolgte Politik sei falsch und seine Strategie für den Krieg gescheitert. Nachdem er vorher entschlossen für den Krieg eingetreten war, war seine Position nun diskreditiert und er verlor jedwede Unterstützung, auch von Präsident Johnson. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt befand er sich mehrmals am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs, da er sich den Medien und öffentlich den protestierenden Studenten stellte, seine Meinungen offensiv vertrat und damit zu einem der unbeliebtesten Politiker seiner Epoche wurde.

Am 29. November erklärte er schließlich seinen Rücktritt, verbunden mit der Ankündigung seines neuen Postens bei der Weltbank.

Viele Jahre später bekannte McNamara, der sich in seiner Zeit bei Ford Motors für die Einführung des Sicherheitsgurtes einsetzte: "Wäre ich doch bloß nicht Kennedys Ruf in die Politik gefolgt und damit verantwortlich geworden für unzählige Tote in Vietnam"."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-01-18]


Präsidentenwahlen in Indonesien: General Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (1949 - ) wird mit 60,80% der Stmmen wiedergewählt.

Abb.: Indonesien
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
[Bildquelle: DonkeyHotey. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-01-04. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

2009-07-09- 2009-08-02

Kerkrade (Niederlande): 16th World Music Contest (WMC). In der Kategorie Feldmusik gewinnt die rein weibliche Marching Band der Suranaree Wittaya School (โรงเรียน สุรนารีวิทยา), Nakhon Ratchasima (นครราชสีมา) mit 95% der möglichen Punkte vor über 200 Mitbewerbern. Die Höchstnote stellt einen Rekord beim WMC dar.

Abb.: Lage von Nakhon Ratchasima (นครราชสีมา)


Die astrologischen Zeichen für einen Militärputsch wären gut, so Thanong Khanthong (ทนง ขันทอง) in The Nation:

"I HEARD that the people in green uniforms are making some unusual movements in preparation for something big. Many people are also feeling worried about the solar eclipse that will take place on July 22. The solar eclipse is seen by some as a bad omen for countries directly affected by it. Most people also would like to know whether there will be any serious political incidents between now and July 22, and beyond. The country is still in turmoil.

So I decided to consult my favourite astrologer.

"What can we expect from this eclipse?" I asked.

"If the military were to stage a coup, they should do it now. The alignment of the stars is on their side. The eclipse on July 22 would be ideal because it is when there is an eclipse over the country. If they wait longer, the timing will slip away," she said."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28]

Abb.: Wahrsager, Wat Pho, Bangkok, 2001
[Bildquelle: Ariel Ophelia. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-18. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Bearbeitung)]


Außenminister Kasit Piromya erklärt, dass der Sudan ( ‏جمهورية السودان‎) das Sprungbrett Thailands in die Märkte des mittleren Ostens und Afrikas werden könnte. Die Regierung will schon bald mit den thailändischen Banken und dem privaten Sektor diskutieren, welche Investitionsmöglichkeiten im Sudan bestehen. "Wir müssen unsere Einstellung gegenüber Afrika als Region der Instabilität und der Konflikte ändern. Es gibt ungeheurere Möglichkeiten dort."


Abb.: Lage von Sudan ( ‏جمهورية السودان‎)


Offener Brief der Triumph Gewerkschaft in Thailand, an Dr. Markus Spiesshofer, CEO, Triumph International, CH-5330 Bad Zurzach, Schweiz:

"Die derzeitige Wirtschaftskrise hat einen verheerenden Einfluss auf die Arbeiter in unserem Bereich und es ist von äußerster Wichtigkeit, dass Arbeitern und ihren Gewerkschaften erlaubt wird, eine Rolle bei der Bekämpfung der Krise zu spielen. Es ist einfach nicht akzeptabel, dass Kündigungen von derart massivem Ausmaß ohne jede Beratung mit der Gewerkschaft vorgenommen werden, deren Mitglieder und Führer ernsthaft durch die Entscheidung betroffen sind.

Ich würde Sie daher bitten Einfluss auf das Management zu nehmen um sicher zu stellen, dass die bereits ausgesprochenen Kündigungen aufgehoben werden und dass dringend Verhandlungen mit der Gewerkschaft beginnen. Vor allem sollten diese Verhandlungen dazu dienen Personalkürzungen zu verhindern. Falls solche unabwendbar werden, sollten die Bedingungen wie Kompensationszahlungen und andere Beihilfen mit der Gewerkschaft verhandelt werden.

Ich sehe ihre dringenden Antwort entgegen.
Neil Kearney, Generalsekretär"

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28]

Abb.: Lage von Bad Zurzach
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


"A confidential letter has been sent to a Prime Minister's Office Minister, blacklisting websites, community radio stations and cable TV stations. The source of the letter has not been reported.

On July 20, Thai Rath [ไทยรัฐ] and Manager [ASTVผู้จัดการออนไลน์] reported that the letter was sent to PM's Office Minister Satit Wongnongtoey [สาทิตย์ วงษ์หนองเตย] and contained a list of websites, and radio and cable TV stations which were considered subversive and inflammatory.

The letter indicates that a cable TV station located in Lad Phrao  [ลาดพร้าว] broadcasts the activities of Thaksin Shinawatra [ทักษิณ ชินวัตร
] around the clock. Manager points out that this is to emulate royal activities.

According to the letter, a special task force which includes Special Branch police has been formed and assigned to monitor the contents of these outlets. And it has been found that these outlets have been inciting the public against the government and democracy as well as the Monarchy on an almost daily basis. Songs attacking the government and the elite are written and played.

All information has been sent to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva [อภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ
, 1964 - ] and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban [สุเทพ เทือกสุบรรณ, 1949 - ] for further action.

Abhisit, Suthep and Satit are reportedly coordinating with the police, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology and the task force to make arrests.

The community radio [วิทยุชุมชน] stations include
  • Udon [อุดร] (87.75MHz),
  • Khon Rak Thai [คนรักไทย ] (95.25),
  • Chiang Mai [เชียงใหม่] (92.50),
  • Lampang [ลำปาง] (90.25),
  • Chiang Rai [เชียงราย] (104),
  • Rim Ping [ริมปิง, Amphoe Lamphun],
  • Lamphun [ลำพูน],
  • Ubon [อุบล], and
  • Khon Rak Taxi [คนรักแท็กซี่] (92.75).

Abb.: Lage der genannten Radiostationen
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

The websites are

  • thaienews.

And the cable TV station is MVTV5.

According to Satit Wongnongtoei in a Matichon [มติชน] report on July 21, a subcommittee under the National Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NTC) has allowed community radio operators from across the country to register, and over 4,000 have done so.

 The NTC will later have to announce rules and terms for the issuance of temporary licenses, under which the registered operators have to operate. The operators are bound by two restrictions: not to use transmitters that interfere with mainstream radio frequencies, and not to air content subversive to Thai institutions and the government.

 'It has been checked and found that community radio operators who have not registered are mostly those who serve political interests. The PM has already said that he wants the relevant agencies to take care of them, but the agencies have been waiting for the NTC announcement. Two weeks have passed, but it has not yet been put on the NTC table. I don't know why. Today, I have called NTC Secretary-General Suranant Wongwitthayakamchorn (สุรนันท์ วงศ์วิทยกำจร) to push for the announcement soon. Once the announcement takes effect, those who have not registered will be considered illegal, and will have to stop operating,' Satit said.

Satit said that if the NTC could announce the rules and terms by next week, non-conforming community radio stations would be immediately closed, especially the dozens of stations which served political interests. It is necessary to maintain order, he said, noting that more than 99% of the operators who are good have now registered. So he is not worried about the remaining 1% holdouts who are bad people, as they are just a minority."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-03-13]


Partielle Sonnenfinsternis über Südostasien. Da Thailand großteils bewölkt war, ist die Sonnenfinsternis nur an wenigen Orten  beobachtbar.

Abb.: Verlauf der Sonnenfinsternis am 2009-07-22
[Quelle des animated gif: USGOV-NASA / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]


Amphoe Nong Chik (หนองจิก), Provinz Pattani: Verhaftung von Abdullorsa Surong (45), einem wichtigen Mitglied der südthailändischen Terroristengruppe Runda Kumpalan Kecil (RKK)

Abb.: Lage von Amphoe Nong Chik (หนองจิก)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Die Zahl der Touristen ist um 22% gegenüber dem Vorjahr zurückgegangen.


60. Geburtstag von Thaksin Shinawatra (ทักษิณ ชินวัตร, 1949 - ). Es tritt die Sängerin Takatan Chonlada (ตั๊กแตน ชลดา, 1983 - ) auf. Sie singt ihren Hit von 2007 (Songwriter: Sala Khunawut - สลา คุณวุฒิ aka ครูโบ้, 1962 - ) โปรดช่วยกันดูแลคนดี (Bitte helft einander, sich um gute Menschen zu kümmern). Der Song wird im Rothemden-Community-Radio-Network sehr häufig gespielt und verlangt, da men ihn auf Thaksin bezieht.

Der Song auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:2hrgxmqCr4ddzSd5uLTmn6

Abb.: CD-Hülle
[Fair use]

Text von โปรดช่วยกันดูแลคนดี:

กว่าจะมีคนที่ดีดี ซักคน
ทำถูกใจช้า ยังด่าทอ

[Quelle: http://เพลง -- Zugriff am 2016-01-18. -- Fair use]


Erstausgabe des Zweiwochenmagazins Voice of Taksin [!] = เสียงทักษิณ.

Abb.: Titelblatt


Das Ministerium für Information und Kommunikationstechnologie bestätigt folgende Zahlen zu blockierten Webseiten:


Das Sicherheitsteam am Suvarnabhumi Airport (ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ) verhaftet im Monat August 750 illegale Taxi- und Limousinen Fahrer sowie 405 illegale Reiseleiter.

Abb.: Lage des Suvarnabhumi Airport (ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: (Hoffentlich legale) Taxis beim Suvarnabhumi Airport (ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ), 2010
[Bildquelle: fotofreund. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-29. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Bearbeitung)]


Die ehemalige Task Force 399 wird umgewandelt in 151st Special Warfare Company, um den Drogenhandel über die Grenze Myanmars zu stoppen.

2009-08-01 - 2009-08-09

1st Asian Martial Arts Games (การแข่งขันกีฬาศิลปะการต่อสู้ป้องกันตัวแห่งเอเชีย ครั้งที่ 1) in Bangkok. Thailand gewinnt 21 mal Gold, 17 mal Silber und 16 mal Bronze und steht in der Gesamtwertung an erster Stelle.

Abb.: ®Maskottchen
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

"The 1st Asian Martial Arts Games were held in Bangkok, Thailand from August 1, 2009 to August 9, 2009 in 9 sports. Due to Political crisis in Thailand And 2009 Swine Flu, the Bangkok Asian Martial Arts Games Organizing Committee (BAMAGOC) and the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Thailand decided that Asian Martial Arts Games moved from the original schedule of April 25 to May 3 now on August 1 - 9.[1]


Participating nations

37 out of the 45 Asian countries took part. Iran, North Korea, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Timor-Leste did not compete. Iran, a favourite for a spot at the top of the leader board pulled out of the contest after fears of catching swine flu forced the Iranian National Olympic Committee to advise the country pull out of the contest.[3] Palestine, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan did not have any competitors at the games but their athletes still counted in the draw in Taekwondo because of their late withdrawal.[4]


  • Judo (柔道) (14)
  • Ju-Jitsu (柔術) (7)
  • Karate (空手) (10)
  • Kickboxing (キックボクシング) (10)
  • Kurash (куреш) (14)
  • Muay (มวยไทย) (15)
  • Pencak silat (11)
  • Taekwondo (태권도) (16)
  • Wushu (武術) (11)

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-04-06]


Thai Airways International (THAI) und Airbus einigen sich über eine spätere Auslieferung von sechs A380 Superjumbos im Wert von US$ 1,8 Mrd. THAI wollte zuerst eine Annullierung des Vertrags bzw. einen Umstieg auf ein billigeres Modell.

Abb.: Reklame von ®THAI für den A380, 2012
[Fair use]


Die Petition an den König um Amnestie für Ex-Ministerpräsident Thaksin hat 5,3 Mio. Unterschriften erreicht.

Aus dem Wortlaut der Petition:

"Aus diesem Grund möchte ich Ihnen voller Respekt diese Petition überreichen und untertänigst um die königliche Absolution für Polizei-Generalleutnant Thaksin Shinawatra bitten, der von der Kammer für politische Amtsinhaber des höchsten Gerichtes zu zwei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt worden war, um ihm die Möglichkeit zu geben, zurück zu kommen, um ihr Untertan zu sein, für den Nutzen des Landes arbeiten zu können, und um ein Berater in Wirtschaftsfragen zu werden, was uns helfen kann unsere Sorgen und Probleme zu überwinden. Wir haben Vertrauen und Zuversicht in seine Fähigkeiten."

[Übersetzung: -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28]


Das Bibliotheksschiff Doulos der Missionsgesellschaft Gute Bücher für Alle liegt in Bangkok.

Abb.: Doulos, Bangkok, 2009-08-08
[Bildquelle: Honou. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-11-18. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

"Das Motorschiff Doulos war bis 2010 das älteste noch fahrende Hochsee-Passagierschiff der Welt. Sie gehörte der christlich missionierenden Organisation Gute Bücher für Alle und wurde als fahrender Buchladen verwendet.


1977 übernahm die Missionsgesellschaft Operation Mobilisation (OM) Franca C. und benannte sie in Doulos um, nach dem griechischen Wort für „Diener, Sklave“. Als Betreiber wurde Gute Bücher für Alle (GBA) gegründet. Seither ist die Doulos mit einer ehrenamtlichen Crew bemannt und besucht als Buchladen Häfen auf der ganzen Welt.


Der Betrieb der Doulos wurde zum 31. Dezember 2009 eingestellt."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-11-18]


Es wird eine Polizei-IT-Task-Force eingerichtet zur Überwachung und Verfolgung von Webseiten, die die Monarchie beleidigen. Für die Polizei ist es aber schwierig Websites, deren Server sich im Ausland befinden, zu verfolgen.


Übergabe der Petition an den König um Begnadigung Ex-Ministerpräsident Thaksins (ทักษิณ ชินวัตร, 1949 - ) am Grand Palace (พระบรมมหาราชวัง). Tausende Rothemden hatten sich zuvor auf dem Sanam Luang (สนามหลวง) versammelt. In einer Videobotschaft singt Thaksin Shinawatra zusammen mit den Rothemden die Königshymne (เพลงสรรเสริญพระบารมี).

Bitte aufstehen! und dann Klicken!:

Klicken:  เพลงสรรเสริญพระบารมี

Thailändische Königshymne, gespielt von der US Navy Band
[Quelle der .ogg-Datei: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]

Königshymne (เพลงสรรเสริญพระบารมี)

นบพระภูมิบาล บุญญะดิเรก
ผลพระคุณ ธ รักษา
ธ ประสงค์ใด
ดุจจะถวายชัย ชโย

We, servants of His great Majesty,

prostrate our heart and head,

to pay respect to the ruler, whose merits are boundless,

outstanding in the great Chakri dynasty,

the greatest of Siam,

with great and lasting honor,

(We are) secure and peaceful because of your royal rule,

results of king cure

(is) people in happiness and in peace,

May it be that

whatever you will,

be done

according to the hopes of your great heart

as we wish (you) victory, hurrah!

Der Hymne auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:5vJLQIWz10yAmmcn3zPiuc


"Der Wäschehersteller Triumph International wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe, sich auf heimtückische Weise gewerkschaftlich gebundener Arbeitnehmer in Asien zu entledigen. Das Unternehmen sei auf Grund der Wirtschaftskrise dazu gezwungen, insgesamt rund 3600 Arbeitsplätze in Thailand und auf den Philippinen abzubauen. Vorwürfe von Menschenrechtsorganisationen, gleichzeitig werde in einer anderen Fabrik in Thailand Personal aufgebaut, seien falsch. Die fragliche Fabrik Nakhon Sawan (นครสวรรค์) gebe es seit 1992, "der Standort wurde von 2006 bis 2008 erweitert - die Erweiterung ist seitdem abgeschlossen, die räumlichen und personellen Kapazitäten sind voll ausgeschöpft", so ein Sprecher.

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28]


Studierende tragen ihre Uniformen zu sexy. Dies ist die Meinung der Leitungen der Chulalongkorn University (จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย) und der Thammasat University (มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์). Die Thammasat Universität will sich bei der Regierung dafür einsetzen, dass diese ein "Social Cabinet" einführen soll, um das Problem des unangemessenen Tragens der Uniformen zu lösen.

Abb.: Zu sexy?: Studierende der Chulalongkorn University (จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย), 2009
[Bildquelle: Ian Fuller. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]

Abb.: Die Regierung soll eingreifen: Studierende der Thammasat University (มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์), 2009
[Bildquelle: Ian Fuller. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]


Der König wendet sich über die Medien ans Volk:

"Recently I feel that our country could fail, because nobody is working in harmony. They are competing with each other and no one understands what the other is doing," the king said.

"I want to assure you that if everybody who is competent and has good intentions works together then we can make our country truly prosperous. So I ask all of you to cooperate, because if you don't our country will fall," he said.

"Our country will not collapse if everybody works together, especially all knowledgeable people," he said.

[Übersetzung: -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28]


Der König erlaubt dem niederländischen Tulpenzüchter Klaas Koedijk, eine neue Tulpenart "König Bhumibol" zu nennen.


Lady Gaga (1986 - ) erhält den Popular International Music Video Award und den Popular International Artist Award der Channel [V] Thailand Music Video Awards 2009: Thaipradit (รางวัลแชนแนลวีไทยแลนด์มิวสิกวิดีโออวอร์ดส: ไทยประดิษฐ์).

Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:1HY2Jd0NmPuamShAr6KMms

Abb.: Lady Gaga
[Bildquelle: DonkeyHotey. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-02-20. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Lady Gaga / von Murray Webb (1947 - ), 2010
[Bildquelel: Lady Gaga. 15 March 2010. Webb, Murray, 1947- :[Digital caricatures published from 29 July 2005 onwards (2006, 2007, 2008). Includes a selection of digital caricatures published from 2002 and up to July 2005.]. Ref: DCDL-0013909. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. -- Zugriff am 2013-03-07. -- "You can copy this item for personal use, share it, and post it on a blog or website. It cannot be used commercially without permission"]

Abb.: Lady Gaga, Bangkok, 2009
[Bildquelle: Praphol Chattharakul. -- -- Zugriff am 2009-06-18. --Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Bearbeitung)]


Chonburi (ชลบุรี): auf einer Gummiplantage wird ein Deutscher, der für eine Immobilienfirma arbeitet, durch eine um den Körper gebundene Bombe zerrissen. Nach Aussagen seiner thailändischen Frau hatte er Probleme mit anderen Immobilienmaklern und bekam Morddrohungen.

Abb.: Lage von Chonburi (ชลบุรี)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Offizielle Eröffnung des Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมแห่งกรุงเทพมหานคร) mit einer Ausstellung von Fotografien Prinzessin Sirindhorns (มหาจักรีสิรินธร, 1955 - ) unter dem Titel “Always Roaming with a Hungry Heart.” Der Titel stammt aus Alfred Lord Tennyson Gedicht "Ulysses" (1833).

Abb.: Lage des Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมแห่งกรุงเทพมหานคร)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมแห่งกรุงเทพมหานคร), 2010
[Bildquelle: Cush2k / Wikipedia. -- GNU FDLicense]


Peter Reid (1956 - ), Trainer der Thai Fußball-Nationalmannschaft (ฟุตบอลทีมชาติไทย) seit 2008-09, will Co-Trainer von Stoke City (Großbritannien) werden.

Abb.: Lage von Stoke-on-Trent
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Peter Reid, Thailand, 2009-04
[Bildquelle: Isriya Pareepairit. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-29. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]

"Peter Reid wurde im September 2008 offiziell als Nationaltrainer Thailands vorgestellt. Er bekam einen 4 Jahres Vertrag, dotiert mit 252 Millionen Baht. [6]

Seine Aufgabe und Ziel ist es, die Thailändische Nationalmannschaft (ฟุตบอลทีมชาติไทย) zur WM 2014 zu führen [7]. Thailand konnte sich bisher noch nie für eine WM qualifizieren und es wäre eine kleine Sensation, sollte dieses Vorhaben gelingen.

Erste Erfolge konnte Reid auch bereits verbuchen, als Thailand im November 2008 den T&T Cup in Vietnam gewinnen konnte. Dabei wurden Nordkorea und Gastgeber Vietnam bezwungen. Einen Monat später war Thailand neben Indonesien Gastgeber der ASEAN-Fußballmeisterschaft. Ziel war es, erstmals wieder nach 2004 das wichtigste Fußballturnier Südostasiens zu gewinnen. Die Gruppenphase überstand man souverän und kam bis ins Finale, wo man dann auf Vietnam traf. Durch ein Tor Vietnams zum 1:1 in der Nachspielzeit ging der Titel am Ende jedoch an die Vietnamesen.

Für Verwirrung sorgte ein Bericht in der Daily Mail während der ASEAN-Fußballmeisterschaft, demnach er es nicht ausschloss aus seinem laufenden Vertrag mit Thailand auszusteigen, sollte sein ehemaliger Verein Sunderland ihn als Trainer oder Manager verpflichten wollen. [8] Reid zog die Aussage schnellstmöglich zurück und sagte, dass er seinen Vertrag erfüllen werde.

Seine Aufgabe als Nationaltrainer Thailands nahm er trotz der Verwirrungen sehr ernst. Nahezu jedes Wochenende ist er in einem Stadion Thailands zu sehen, um Spiele und Spieler zu beobachten. Dabei halfen ihm vor allem am Anfang in Thailand lebende Engländer, welche schon seit Jahren den Fußball in Thailand verfolgen und sowohl Vereine als auch Spieler bestens kennen.

Mit der Thailändische Fußballnationalmannschaft erreichte er im Dezember 2008 das Finale der ASEAN-Fußballmeisterschaft, konnte die Elf jedoch nicht zum Titel führen.

Im September 2009 trennte sich der Thailändische Verband von Reid. Während einer Reise nach England, zusammen mit dem Verbandspräsidenten Thailands, entschied Reid, dass er gerne Co-Trainer bei Stoke City sein möchte. Seine Aufgabe als Nationaltrainers Thailand wollte er ebenfalls behalten. Dem stimmte der Verband jedoch nicht zu und entließ Reid aus seinem Vertrag. "

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-10-29]


Laut Thailand Research Fund gehören 90% des Strands in Phuket (ภูเก็ต) über thailändische Strohmänner Ausländern. Sehr gefragt bei ausländischen Investoren sind auch die Strände in Pattaya (พัทยา), Koh Phangan (เกาะ เกาะพะงัน), Koh Samui (เกาะสมุย) und Hua Hin  (หัวหิน). In Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) wird die Ausländerquote für Eigentumswohnungen weit überschritten. Eine Methode des Immobilienkaufs durch Ausländer ist die Heirat mit einer Thai, auf deren Namen das Grundstück gekauft wird.

Abb.: Lage von Phuket (ภูเก็ต), Koh Phangan (เกาะ เกาะพะงัน), Koh Samui (เกาะสมุย), Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Lage von Hua Hin  (หัวหิน) und Pattaya (พัทยา)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Erstmals seit 2003 wird wieder die Todesstrafe vollzogen: zwei Drogenhändler werden mit der Giftspritze hingerichtet. Sie waren 2001 verhaftet worden mit 114.000 Metamphetamin-Tabletten (Ya Ba - ยาบ้า) in ihrem Besitz.


Bericht von US-Botschafter Eric John an das State Departement in Washington DC:



The alleged connection to the Queen leads to birthday banners

8. (S) Part of the delay in arresting those known to be involved in the June 8 shooting is the perceived connection of the participants to the Village Defense Force project sponsored by Queen Sirikit and administered by Royal aide-de-camp GEN Naphol [Naphol Boonthap - ณพล บุญทับ] (ref A). Sunai [Sunai Phasuk - สุณัย ผาสุข] told us that on the Queen's Birthday, August 12, that his contacts reported seeing banners in every district of Pattani [ปัตตานี
], written in mistake-free central Thai, blaming her for problems in the south -- specifically her sponsorship of the Village Defense Force project -- as well as her involvement in politics and her alleged ownership of an infamous large blue diamond stolen by a Thai housekeeper in Saudi Arabia in 1989. The latter issues are commonly raised by red-shirts and anti-monarchists in the north and northeast of Thailand, but are not on the southern agenda. Sunai noted in addition that pamphlets and banners written in Thai by the Malay Muslim insurgents are usually homemade and invariably strewn with poor spelling.

Abb.: Sunai Phasuk - สุณัย ผาสุข, 2012
[Bildquelle: Prachatai. -- h -- Zugriff am 2013-02-11. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Bearbeitung]

9. (C) We had heard about the anti-Queen banners from a separate NGO source during our August 16-19 visit to the southern provinces (septel). Yala [ยะลา
] Vice-Governor Gritsada [กฤษฏำ] appeared surprised when we mentioned these banners to him on August 19, but he confirmed that the banners were written in perfect central Thai and mentioned issues that do not resonate down south, like the blue diamond. Gritsada said Pranai Suwannarat [พระนาย สุวรรณรัฐ], the director of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC [ศูนย์อำนวยการบริหารจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ (ศอ.บต.)]) had agreed these banners were the likely work of the UDD [United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship - แนวร่วมประชาธิปไตยต่อต้านเผด็จการแห่งชาติ], not the insurgents. Sunai told us that the widespread presence of the banners indicates the strong organization and funding available to the UDD in Pattani province.

Abb.: ®Logo, 2013

10. (S) There is widespread awareness among officials that the perceived connection between the June 8 mosque attack and the royally sponsored Village Defense project must be addressed, but typical Thai hesitancy to address a sensitive issue connected to the Royal family head-on has prevented more decisive action. FM Kasit [Kasit Piromya - กษิต ภิรมย์
, 1944 - ], who has taken a personal interest in addressing the southern violence and has led several large delegations of Ambassadors from EU and OIC countries to the south, told HRW's Sunai late August 25 that he planned to report to the Queen the harm caused by GEN Naphol's [Naphol Boonthap - ณพล บุญทับ] militia, both in terms of fostering renewed violence and in acting as an obstacle to the still-secret efforts at dialogue (ref B).


[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16]


Premiere des Films My Ex (แฟนเก่า) von Piyapan Choopetch (ปิยะพันธ์ ชูเพ็ชร์)

Abb.: Plakat
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

"My Ex (Thai: แฟนเก่า or Fan Kao) is a 2009 Thai horror film.


Ken (เคน) (Shahkrit Yamnarm - ชาคริต แย้มนาม, 1978 -) is a ravishing young superstar and the dream date of every girl. While he can attract any woman he wants, every detail of his life ends up in gossip columns and tabloid magazines.

Two of his previous girlfriends — high-society girl Meen (มีน) (Navadee Mokkhavesa - นวดี โมกขะเวส) and innocent college student Bow (โบ) (Atthama Chiwanitchaphan - อัฐมา ชีวนิชพันธ์, 1985 - ) — have already been exposed by the media. After dumping the pregnant Meen, he is now dating gorgeous young actress Ploy (พลอย) (Wanida Termthanaporn - วนิดา เติมธนาภรณ์, 1983 - ) and their every move makes the headline.

When news leak that Ken will marry Ploy, the media goes into a frenzy and the couple’s dream life turns into a nightmare. It seems that someone is stalking them, day and night. Is it an ex-girlfriend, an obsessed fan or vengeful paparazzi? Ken’s agent, Nimit (นิมิต) (Bordin Duke - บดินทร์ ดุ๊ก, 1966 - ), encourages him to take a break at his beachfront house but the problem only escalates as Ken starts to have visions of a woman and mysterious scratches begin to appear on his body. One by one, the people around Ken start to disappear… Ken begins to realize that an envious ghost of one of his ex-girlfriend never wants to let him go."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-03-28]


Darunee Chanchoengsilapakul (ดารณี ชาญเชิงศิลปกุล; aka. Da Torpedo - ดา ตอร์ปิโด) wird wegen kritischer Bemerkungen, die sie bei einer Kundgebung 2008 gemacht hatte, zu 18 Jahren Haft wegen Majestätsbeleidigung verurteilt.


Sam Chuk Community (อำเภอ สามชุก) und der Old Market District (ตลาด ๑๐๐ ปี สามชุก) in der Provinz Suphan Buri (สุพรรณบุรี) erhalten UNESCO 2009 Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation

Abb.: Lage von Amphoe Sam Chuk (สามชุก)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Modell des Old Market District (ตลาด ๑๐๐ ปี สามชุก), 2008
[Bildquelle: Michael Adams. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-28. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Eröffnung des Thai-ASEAN-oder TAN-News Network, des ersten 24-Stunden-Nachrichten- Fernsehkanals in Thailand in englischer Sprache. Er sendet via Satellit in alle ASEAN-Länder.

Abb.: ®Logo

Abb.: ASEAN-Länder, 2008
[Bildquelle: Martin Vigerske / Wikimedia. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]



Parlamentswahlen in Japan: Die Demokratische Partei (民主党) gewinnt 308 der 480 Sitze im Parlament. Die Liberal-Demokratische Partei (自由民主党), die fast 50 Jahre regiert hat, verliert 177 Sitze und hat nur noch 119 Sitze. Yukio Hatoyama (鳩山 由紀夫, 1947 - ) wird am 16. September Ministerpräsident.

Abb.: Japan
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Yukio Hatoyama (鳩山 由紀夫) / von Murray Webb (1947 - ), 2009
[Bildquelle: Yukio Hatoyama. 2 September 2009. Webb, Murray, 1947- :[Digital caricatures published from 29 July 2005 onwards (2006, 2007, 2008). Includes a selection of digital caricatures published from 2002 and up to July 2005.]. Ref: DCDL-0012221. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. -- Zugriff am 2013-03-09. -- "You can copy this item for personal use, share it, and post it on a blog or website. It cannot be used commercially without permission"]


Bisher haben sich über 2 Mio. Thailänder mit Schweinegrippe (Influenza-A-Virus H1N1) angesteckt, der Großteil von ihnen ist nun immun.

Abb.: Symptome der Schweinegrippe
[Bildquelle: WilliamTheaker / Wikipedia. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Premiere des Films Phobia 2 (ห้าแพร่ง) von Songyos Sugmakanan (ทรงยศ สุขมากอนันต์, 1973 - ), Banjong Pisanthanakun (บรรจง ปิสัญธนะกูล), Parkpoom Wongpoom (ภาคภูมิ วงศ์ภูมิ), Visute Poolvoralaks (วิสูตร พูลวรลักษณ์), und Paween Purijitpanya (ปวีณ ภูริจิตปัญญา, 1978 - ).

Abb.: Plakat
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

"Phobia 2 (Thai: ห้าแพร่ง or Ha Prang, lit. "5-way Intersection") is a 2009 Thai horror film in five parts, directed by Songyos Sugmakanan (ทรงยศ สุขมากอนันต์, 1973 - ), Banjong Pisanthanakun (บรรจง ปิสัญธนะกูล), Parkpoom Wongpoom (ภาคภูมิ วงศ์ภูมิ), Visute Poolvoralaks (วิสูตร พูลวรลักษณ์), and Paween Purijitpanya (ปวีณ ภูริจิตปัญญา, 1978 - ).


Phobia 2 is dissected into 5 shorts stories; Novice, Ward, Backpackers, Salvage, and In The End.

Novice (หลาวชะโอน)

by Paween Purijitpanya (ปวีณ ภูริจิตปัญญา, 1978 - )

The story focuses on a 14 years old teenager; Pey (เป้), who has committed a crime, Pa-Hin (throwing rocks at oncoming cars) with his partner, Tee. In order to keep the news low, his mother decides that Pey must be ordained to become a Buddhist novice to escape from the crime he committed as monks cannot be arrested. While Pey remains unnoticed as a criminal by the law, his actions at a sanctuary disturbs a ceremony which was performed in order to "feed" the ghosts of the punished youth. Also, it is here where he has flashbacks of the night he caused his father's accident (and death) by throwing rocks at his car, mistaking him for a normal driver. While seeking repentance, was being punished by an invisible presence hurling rocks at him until he becomes severely disfigured. He attempts to call his mother for help but she only hears a high pitched cry. Pey is then transformed into one of the punished ghosts for his crime.

Ward (ห้องเตียงรวม)

by Visute Poolvoralaks (วิสูตร พูลวรลักษณ์)

Arthit (ตี้) is a playful teenager who crashes his bike and fractures both his legs, requiring him to spend the night in a hospital. He is moved from the Emergency room into a shared room, where he meets an old man in a coma who has been waiting for almost a month for his family to decide to pull the plug on his life support. He is scheduled to be let go the next day, as his last relatives need to travel from the North to see him. As the night progresses, Arthit begins to see strange things, such as a tray of food left for the old man suddenly disappearing. He tries to convince a nurse to move rooms but to no avail. As the night draws to an end, the old man suddenly gets up and attacks Arthit. He almost gains the upper hand when the old man pukes into his mouth and the screen fades to black. The next morning when the nurse checks on Arthit, she finds that the old man's spirit has been transferred into Arthit. It appears that this was the family's intention as they are seen bowing to him as he exits on a wheelchair.


by Songyos Sugmakanan (ทรงยศ สุขมากอนันต์, 1973 - )

Backpackers begins with two Japanese travelers (a boy and a girl) hitchhiking through the Thai countryside with no luck. No one will pick them up until the Japanese boy waves a small wad of money at a truck passing by which stops to pick them up. The truck is driven by a rough man who immediately extorts them for more money and a young man named Joi (จ้อย) who refers to the older as 'boss' and asks him not to pick up the passengers. However, the travelers realize that something is wrong when the driver repeatedly gets phone calls that sets him shouting down "don't make trouble!" and when there is a continuous loud banging from the back of the truck. The driver eventually drives the wrong way and holds the travelers hostage at gun point while he and Joi check the truck. They open up the cargo and is surprised when they see the truck filled with dead bodies as flashbacks reveal that the two men are father and son who work as drug runner; they transport people who swallowed buns of drugs and they tried to keep them alive, but eventually fail. The Japanese boy gains the upper hand by getting the gun, but the dead bodies return to life and kill him, after which the two men and the Japanese girl run for their lives as the zombies chase them, though the truck eventually crashes down and the zombies kill the driver.

Joi and the Japanese girl wake up at evening and find that the bodies have become motionless again. Joi checks up his father and found him dead with his stomach cut open, while the girl sees a corpse of a boy comes alive, seemingly innocent. The girl shoots Joi dead after he tried to convince her to abandon the boy and she and the boy drives a stray car (which crashed the truck earlier) away. The two eventually arrive at a fair and the girl tries to shoot the boy while he sleeps, but the boy knows and instead kills the girl, after which he runs to the fair maniacally.

Salvage (รถมือสอง)

a film by Parkpoom Wongpoom (ภาคภูมิ วงศ์ภูมิ)

Nuch (นุช) is a car dealer with a difference. She makes her comfortable living by rebuilding severely damaged cars, many from fatal accidents, and sells them to the unsuspecting with a sweet smile and a hand shake. But little do these unsuspecting bargain hunters know, that beneath the new upholstery and shiny repainted exteriors are cars with horrific pasts. One night after closing the car garage she discovers her son is missing. She tried to look for her son in her compound, and was spooked by the ghosts of accident victims. She got locked in a car, and witnessed how some of the victims got burnt to death in the car during an accident. Eventually she managed to escape, and tried driving her own car away. She had difficulties starting her car, and the engine sounded weird. As she pulled away from the compound, her car's engine suddenly died. She stepped out, and found her son's shoe in front of the car. She stepped forward, bracing herself for the worst, and opened the bonnet of the car. There, she found her little boy, incinerated by the engine of the car. The parts closed with Nuch crying motionless to her body-squashed dead little son.

In The End (คนกอง)

a film by Banjong Pisanthanakun (บรรจง ปิสัญธนะกูล)

Ter (เต๋อ), Puak (เผือก), Shin (ชิน) and Aey (เอ) are the movie crew of an upcoming ghost/horror movie "Alone 2", starring Marsha (มาช่า) as the lead character and Gade (เกด), who is sick as the ghost. They are shooting the last scene where the ghost appears crawling out of a dark hallway, but Gade collapses and is taken to the hospital by Aey in which the doctor tells him she has died. Ter, Puak, and Shin are discussing a possible ending change with the director who agrees, but Gade appears in the set shortly, seemingly alive enough. Gade requests Shin to be taken to the toilet at the same time when Aey phones him informing about Gade's death. Shocked, he passes Gade to Marsha and tells Ter and Puak about Gade. The rest of the studio (except Marsha) overhear their conversation through the microphone and hastily leave the set. Having no choice, they three and an oblivious Marsha decide to shoot the final scene to appease Gade's wish to complete the film. However, the power got off and a ghostly Gade pursues Ter, Puak, and Shin who drives off the set (Marsha's fate is unknown).

The trio see Aey standing alone in the road and take him up. When they see the remnant of his car crashed onto another car, they initially think that Aey had died and now haunts them, though he tells them that he managed to leave his car with minor injuries before the other car hits him. Gade suddenly appears much to their shock afterwards, though she tells them that she secretly left the hospital and the doctor who tells Aey is merely the twin of the real doctor. As they wave for a car to take them to the hospital, a car which is driven by a sleepy woman crashes them off.

  • Note=The characters of Ter, Puak, Shin, and Aey also starred in the short "The Man In The Middle" (คนกลาง) from 4bia (สี่แพร่ง, 2008), the film's predecessor. The fictional film "Alone 2" is likely an allusion to director Banjong Pisanthanakun's previous film Alone (แฝด, 2007), also starring Marsha Wattanapanich as the lead character.
  • Novice (หลาวชะโอน):
    • Jirayu Laongmanee (จิรายุ (เก้า) ละอองมณี, 1995 - ): Pey (เป้)
    • Chumporn Theppitak (ชุมพร เทพพิทักษ์, 1939 - ): Senior Monk (หลวงพ่อ)
    • Ray MacDonald (เรย์ แมคโดนัลด์, 1977 - ): Monk (หลวงพี่)
    • Apasiri Nitibhon (อาภาศิริ นิติพน, 1970 - ): Pey's Mother (แม่ของเป้)
  • Ward (ห้องเตียงรวม):
    • Worrawech Danuwong (วรเวช ดานุวงศ์, 1984 - ): Arthit (ตี้)
    • Chartpawee Treechartchawanwong (ฉัตรปวีณ์ ตรีชัชวาลวงศ์, 1984 - ): Nurse
    • Gacha Plienwithi (เกชา เปลี่ยนวิถี, 1926 - ): Old man
  • Backpackers:
    • Charlie Trairat (ชาลี ไตรรัตน์, 1993 - ): Joi (จ้อย)
    • Sutheerush Channukool (สุธีรัชย์ ชาญนุกูล): Driver
    • Akiko Ozeki (อาคิโกะ โอเซกิ / 秋子大関, 1992 - ): Japanese Girl
    • Theerneth YuKi Tanaka (ยูกิ ทานากะ): Japanese Boy
  • Salvage (รถมือสอง):
    • Nicole Theriault (นิโคล เทริโอ, 1973 - ): Nuch (นุช)
    • Peeratchai Roompol (พีรัชชัย รุมพล): Toey (เต้ย)
  • In The End (คนกอง=:
    • Marsha Wattanapanich (มาช่า วัฒนพานิช, 1970 - ): Marsha (มาช่า)
    • Nuttapong Chartpong (ณัฏฐพงษ์ ชาติพงศ์, 1986 - ): Ter (เต๋อ)
    • Kantapat Permpoonpatcharasuk (กันตพัฒน์ เพิ่มพูนพัชรสุข, 1985 - ): Aey (เอ)
    • Wiwat Krongrasri (วิวัฒน์ คงราศรี): Shin (ชิน)
    • Pongsatorn Jongwilas (พงศธร จงวิลาส, 1982 - ): Puak (เผือก)
    • Phijitra Ratsameechawalit (พิจิตรา รัศมีชวลิต): Gade (เกด)
    • Nimitr Lugsameepong (นิมิตร ลักษมีพงศ์, 1971 - ): Director

The movie is produced by GTH GMM Thai Hub (จีเอ็มเอ็ม แกรมมี่); Thailand's leading film production company following the very successful previous chapter; 4bia (aka See-Prang).[2]


The movie premiered on 09 September 2009 in Thailand and is part of the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International.[3]


It was a big hit, making 15.5 Million Baht on its opening day and 64.4 Million Baht in its opening week, highest in Thailand's movie history."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-03-28]


Wu Den-yih (吳敦義, 1948 - ) wird Ministerpräsident von Taiwan.

Abb.: Taiwan
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]


Die Royal Thai Airforce (กองทัพอากาศไทย) will für den Gebrauch der königlichen Familie vier Flugzeuge ATR 72-500 im Gesamtwert von 3,6 Milliarden Baht anschaffen. Bisher stehen der Königsfamilie zur Verfügung:  eine Boeing 737-800 (seit 2006 in Dienst), ein Airbus 310-300 (seit 1991), ein Airbus 319 CJ für VIPs.

Abb.: ATR 72-500, Bangkok, 2001
[Bildquelle: Jens Schinke / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Boeing 737-800, 2005
[Bildquelle: Arpingstone / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]


Das Parlament der indonesischen Provinz Aceh beschließt einstimmig ein Gesetz, nach dem Ehebrecher zu Tode gesteinigt und Homosexualität mit bis zu 8 Jahren Gefängnis bestraft werden können.

Abb.: Lage von Aceh (Indonesien)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]


Los Angeles (USA): Wegen Verletzung der US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act werden schuldiggesprochen Gerald und Patricia Green, Eigentümer von Festival Management. Die beiden sollen zwischen 2004 und 2006 mehrere Briefkastenfirmen gegründet haben, um Bestechungsgelder in Höhe von US $ 1,7 Millionen an die damalige Gouverneurin der Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Juthamas Siriwan (จุฑามาศ ศิริวรรณ), zu zahlen. Die Bestechungsgelder verrechneten die Greens laut Anklage mit Verträgen im Wert von US $ 13,5 Millionen.


Linköping (Schweden): Jungfernflug des ersten Mehrzweck-Kampfflugzeugs Saab Gripen D (JAS 39D), der an Thailand verkauft ist. Thailand hatte 2008 bei Saab sechs Gripen C/D gekauft. Sobald es das Budget zulässt, will Thailand weitere Kampfflugzeuge dieses Typs kaufen. Die Auslieferung nach Thailand wird ab 2011 erfolgen.

Abb.: Lage von Linköping
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Saab Gripen D (JAS 39D), 2006
[Bildquelle: DanieVDM. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-29. --  Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, share alike)]


Laut einem Bericht von Non-Violence International (Bangkok) hat die Regierung bisher in Südthailand über 30.000 Waffen zur "Selbstverteidigung" verteilt.


Der König wird ins Siriraj Hospital (โรงพยาบาลศิริราช) eingeliefert. Er leide an Ermüdung und Appetitlosigkeit.

Abb.: Lage des Siriraj Hospital (โรงพยาบาลศิริราช)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Ministerpräsident Abhisit trifft in New York US-Präsident Obama.

Abb.: Lage von New York (USA)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Barack Obama als Samurai ()
[Bildquelle: DonkeyHotey. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-01-17. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

Abb.: Ehepaar Obama und Ehepaar Abhisit in New York, 2009-09-23
[Bildquelle: Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]


Neuer Trainer von Thailands Nationalfußballmannschaft (ฟุตบอลทีมชาติไทย) wird Bryan Robson (1957 - ), früherer Nationalmannschaftskapitän Englands.

Abb.: Bryan Robson, Thailand, 2009
[Bildquelle: The Official Site of The Prime Minister of Thailand Photo by พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-29. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

"On 23 September 2009, Robson agreed to become coach of Thailand national team (ฟุตบอลทีมชาติไทย) in his first foray into international football management.[74] He was contracted to manage the team through to the 2014 World Cup. On 14 November 2009, Robson celebrated his first competitive match in charge of the team with a 3–1 away victory against Singapore in a 2011 Asian Cup qualifying group match.[75] On 18 November 2009, Robson then suffered his first loss – a 1–0 defeat against Singapore on home soil. In January 2010, this was followed by two goalless draws with Jordan and Iran during 2011 Asian Cup qualifying. On 3 March 2010, Robson's Thailand suffered a 1–0 defeat by the hands of Iran in Tehran in their final Group E game, effectively ending their hopes of qualifying for 2011 Asian Cup. On 11 August 2010, Robson led Thailand to another victory against Singapore with a score of 1–0 on home soil. In September 2010, Robson overcame Bob Houghton's India in a friendly with a score of 2–1 away from home. In December 2010, Robson failed to bring Thailand past the Group A of the 2010 AFF Suzuki Cup after managing only 2 draws against Laos and Malaysia and losing to Indonesia. He resigned as manager on 8 June 2011.[76]´"

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-10-29]


In einer Rede vor der Generalversammlung der UNO fordert Ministerpräsident Abhisit (อภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ, 1964 - ) die Länder der Welt auf die sufficiency economy principles (เศรษฐกิจพอเพียง, Genügsamkeitstheorie) des thailändischen Königs zu übernehmen, um künftige Krisen zu vermeiden.


500 Gelbhemden (เสื้อเหลือง) geloben am Mini-Preah-Vihear in Mueang Boran (เมืองโบราณ), alles zu tun, um Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ) von Kambodscha zurückzugewinnen.

Abb.: Lage von Mueang Boran (เมืองโบราณ)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ), Mueang Boran (เมืองโบราณ), 2008
[Bildquelle: Nico. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-29. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Bearbeitung)]

Abb.: Lage von Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]



Gerüchte, dass der König gestorben sei, bewirken, dass der SET (Stock Exchange Thailand) Index innerhalb von zwei Tagen um 7% fällt.

Abb.: SET 2009-09 - 2009-12



Start von "thai-fussball : dein Online-Magazin für Thaifussball seit 2009".

Abb.: ®Logo


China Radio International (CRI, 中国国际广播电台) lässt die "Top 10 international friends of China" wählen). Den neunten Platz erhält Prinzessin Sirindhorn (สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดา เจ้าฟ้ามหาจักรีสิรินธร รัฐสีมาคุณากรปิยชาติ สยามบรมราชกุมารี, 1955 - )


Die Volksrepublik China feiert mit einer großen Militärparade den 60. Jahrestag ihrer Gründung.

Abb.: China
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Flugabwehrraketen S-300 (HQ-9) bei der Parade, Beijing, 2009-10-01
[Bildquelle: Jian Kang. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-01-11. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]


Tod des Filmemachers Bhandit Rittakol (บัณฑิต ฤทธิ์ถกล, geb. 1951)

"Bhandit Rittakol (Thai: บัณฑิต ฤทธิ์ถกล, b. 21 March 1951 [1] in Ayutthaya Province (อยุธยา), Thailand d. 1 October 2009 in Bangkok) was an award-winning Thai film director, producer and screenwriter. His films include the controversial biographical film of Thai communist revolutionary Seksan Prasertkul (เสกสรรค์ ประเสริฐกุล, 1949 - ), The Moonhunter (14 ตุลา สงครามประชาชน); the jungle thriller Tigress of King River (สาบเสือที่ลำน้ำกษัตริย์) and The Seed (Duay Klao or Thai: ด้วยเกล้า), a semi-documentary story of Isan (อีสาน) farmers hit by drought who are saved by cloud seeding operations sponsored by King Bhumibol Adulyadej, as well as the Boonchu (บุญชู) teen comedy series of the 1980s and 1990s.

Biography Early career

After graduating from Assumption University (มหาวิทยาลัยอัสสัมชัญ) in 1971, Bhandit became a journalist for The Nation, an English language daily newspaper that had just been started by some Thai journalists. Among the stories he covered was 14 October 1973 uprising.

In 1975, he became a film critic and screenwriter, which eventually led to a career as a director. He made his first film Khad Cheak (คาดเชือก), in 1984.

In 1987 he made Duay Klao (ด้วยเกล้า,The Seed), a drama about a farmers in the north of Thailand hit by drought. The movie starred folksinger Jarun Manopetch (จรัล มโนเพ็ชร) and it won best picture and best actor honors at the Thailand National Film Awards. The Seed was remastered and re-released in 2006 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the accession of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. This is the only Thai film made to date to specifically address King Bhumibol's cloud seeding program. As well other Thai royal projects are depicted in the film. The re-released film also featured a new score of compositions by the king.

Other films by Bhandit include Classmates (ส.อ.ว.ห้อง 2 รุ่น 44), which won best picture, best director and best screenplay in 1990; Miss You, winner of best picture, best director and best screenplay in 1993, and Once Upon a Time (กาลครั้งหนึ่งเมื่อเช้านี้), the hit comedy film series Boonchoo. His drama, Kalla khrung nueng ... muea chao nee (Once Upon a Time ... This Morning), won awards for best director and best screenplay and was submitted as Thailand's Best Foreign Language Film for the 68th Academy Awards in 1995.

 The Moonhunter

Bhandit became controversial in 2001 with the release of The Moonhunter (14 tula, songkram prachachon or 14 October: War of the People), a biographical film about 1970s Thammasat University (มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์) student activist and communist rebel Seksan Prasertkul (เสกสรรค์ ประเสริฐกุล, 1949 - ), who co-wrote the screenplay. The English title refers to an episode when Seksan was fighting in the jungles of Thailand and, one night, startled by the rise of the moon, he fired his rifle at it.

The Censorship Board banned the film's trailer, which included stock footage from 14 October 1973 student uprising, with soldiers and policemen beating up unarmed pro-democracy demonstrators. Bhandit then vowed to not release the film if the board made any cuts, but the board responded that Bhandit was simply using the censorship review process as a means of generating publicity for his film. As it turned out, the film was released without any cuts, a sign, Bhandit said, that Thai society was maturing.

The film was submitted by Thailand for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Subsequent films, the CGI-heavy The Tigress of King River (สาบเสือที่ลำน้ำกษัตริย์ ), the science fiction film, Ukkabat (อุกกาบาต, Meteor) and the swashbuckling period film, The Magnificent Five (พระ เสือ เด็ก ไก่ วอก) generated neither controversy nor critical acclaim.

Despite health problems including diabetes and a heart attack, Bhandit continued to work.

"What else I can do? Run a noodle shop?" the director was quoted as saying by The Nation in 2006. "I have to work. I don't have much time because a director of my age is going to be out of fashion soon."[6]

In 2008, he made a critical and commercial comeback with Boonchu 9 (บุญชู ไอ-เลิฟ-สระ-อู), which revived his hit teen comedy series highlighting the clash of rural and urban cultures. In 2009, he released the teen romance A-Nueng Kidthueng Pen Yang Ying (อนึ่ง คิดถึงเป็นอย่างยิ่ง), reviving his earlier Miss You series.

He also directed Maha Nakorn (สวัสดีบางกอก ตอน มาหานคร), one of nine shorts by different directors in the Sawasdee Bangkok anthology. It premiered as the closing film on 30 September 2009 at the 2009 Bangkok International Film Festival, just one day before his death. He was also at work on Boonchu 10, which studio Five Star Production (ไฟว์สตาร์ โปรดักชั่น) planned to go ahead and complete.

 Partial filmography
  • Khad Cheak (คาดเชือก, 1984)
  • Duay Klao (ด้วยเกล้า,The Seed) (1987)
  • Boonchoo (บุญชู)
  • Hong 2 Run 44 (ส.อ.ว.ห้อง 2 รุ่น 44, Classmates) (1990)
  • Kalla khrung nueng... muea chao nee (กาลครั้งหนึ่งเมื่อเช้านี้, Once Upon a Time... This Morning) (1994)
  • Satang (สตางค์, 2000)
  • 14 tula, songkram prachachon (14 ตุลา สงครามประชาชน,The Moonhunter) (2001)
  • sarb suer tii lum nam kasat (สาบเสือที่ลำน้ำกษัตริย์,Tigress of King River) (2002)
  • Chue chop chuan ha reung (ชื่อชอบชวนหาเรื่อง, 2003)
  • Ukkabat (อุกกาบาต,The Meteor) (2004)
  • Phra-seua-dek-kai-wawk (พระ เสือ เด็ก ไก่ วอก,The Magnificent Five) (2006)
  • My First Report (Short Films Project in Commemoration of the Celebration on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary, 2007)"

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2011-12-11]


Tassanai Buranupakorn (ทัศนัย บูรณุปกรณ์, 1974 - ) wird zum Bürgermeister von Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) gewählt. Die bisherige Amtsinhaberin, Dr. Duentemduang na Chiengmai (เดือนเต็มดวง ณ เชียงใหม่, 1971 - ), wird abgewählt.

Abb.: Lage von Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Wahlverliererin Dr. Duentemduang na Chiengmai (เดือนเต็มดวง ณ เชียงใหม่), 2007
[Bildquelle: Thanyasr / th.Wikipedia. -- GNU FDLicense]


Ein aus Trang (ตรัง) kommender Zug Richtung Bangkok entgleist bei Hua Hin (หัวหิน): 10 Tote, 54 Verletzte.

Abb.: Verlauf der Eisenbahn bei Hua Hin (หัวหิน)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Prinzessin Chulabhorn Walailak (สมเด็จพระเจ้าลูกเธอ เจ้าฟ้าจุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์ อัครราชกุมารี, 1957 - ) erhält die Adolf-Windaus-Medaille für Naturstoffforschung der Georg-August Universität in Göttingen. Das Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie der Georg-August-Universität würdigt mit dieser Auszeichnung die Verdienste der Wissenschaftlerin um die Naturstoffchemie.

Während der Feierstunde machte die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) die Prinzessin in einer Mahnwache auf die Situation von rund 5000 Flüchtlingen aus Laos aufmerksam und bat um Hilfe bei der Umsiedlung in Drittländer.

Abb.: Lage von Göttingen
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Die Abteilung für Kapitalverbrechen der Polizei (DSI) verhaftet Nat Sattayapornpisut (27) wegen Majestätsbeleidigung, weil er einen die Monarchie beleidigenden Video-Clip per E-Mail an einen Freund in Spanien geschickt hatte.

Abb.: Lage von Spanien
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]


Premiere des Films Bangkok Traffic Love Story (รถไฟฟ้า มาหานะเธอ) von Adisorn Tresirikasem (อดิสรณ์ ตรีสิริเกษม, 1975 - )

Abb.: Plakat
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

"Bangkok Traffic Love Story (Thai: รถไฟฟ้า มาหานะเธอ, RTGS: Rot Fai Fa Ma Ha Na Thoe) is a Thai romantic comedy film released by GTH (จีทีเอช) on 15 October 2009. It was directed by Adisorn Tresirikasem (อดิสรณ์ ตรีสิริเกษม, 1975 - ) and written by Navapol Thamrongruttanarit (นวพล ธำรงรัตนฤทธิ์).[1][2] The film tells the story of Mei Li  (เหมยลี่) (Cris Horwang - คริส หอวัง, 1980 - ), a thirty-year-old woman feeling desperate about being last among her friends to marry, and her relationship with Loong (ลุง) (Theeradej Wongpuapan - ธีรเดช วงศ์พัวพันธ์, 1977 - ), an engineer working on the BTS Skytrain (รถไฟฟ้าบีทีเอส) system. The skytrain, which celebrated its tenth anniversary the same year and lends its name to the film's Thai and English titles, is prominently featured throughout the story.

The film was criticized for its loose plot, but critics felt that young middle-class female Bangkokians could identify with the contemporary setting. The film was financially successful, earning 57 million baht on its opening weekend and over 140 million baht after four weeks.


On Ped's (เป็ด) (Panisara Pimpru - ปาณิสรา พิมพ์ปรุ, 1981 - ) wedding night, her close friend, Mei li or Li (Cris Horwang), had drunk too much wine and had fallen asleep in Ped's hotel room. Li woke up in the early hours, she drove back to her home however she had a car accident on her way and this was where she met Loong (Theeradej Wongpuapan). When Li arrives home, her family scolds her, and her father forbids her to drive, so Li has to go to work by public transport.

One night, Li wakes up in the middle of night and goes to the roof of her house. She accidentally catches her maid and her boyfriend, who are also on the roof. Her maid's boyfriend calls his 'elder' (responsible adult), who turns out to be Loong. Li next meets Loong again at a BTS Skytrain station. This time Li accidentally breaks Loong's sunglasses. Li buys a replacement pair of sunglasses and writes her number on the box. She arranges to 'bump into' Loong to give him the new sunglasses. After waiting for Loong to call, Li goes to a video rental shop that Loong visits regularly. Li's neighbor, Plern (เพลิน), uses a trick to get Loong's mobile number, but later goes to work at the same video store instead of giving Loong's number to Li. As revenge, Li uses Plern's mobile to send messages to Plern's three boyfriends, inviting them all to the store at the same time. Loong comes into the shop, and accidentally drops his laptop.

Feeling responsible, Li take Loong's laptop to Ped's husband, but he can't fix it. Li goes to return it at the BTS office. When Loong finishes work, he finds Li, and they ride the BTS to get home. Loong decides to throw away the laptop and its bag. Li picks the bag up out of the garbage bin and takes it home. There are many things inside, including film negatives. Li has the film printed, and finds there are pictures of Loong with Kob Kavita (กบ กวิตา) (Taksaorn Paksukjareon - ทักษอร ภักดิ์สุขเจริญ, 1980 - ), an actress in "Saint's Tear", a popular television series. The photo printing shop owner posts the pictures on the internet, as they are of a famous actress.

Li meets Loong again on a skytrain, and tells him that the pictures might have been published because of her, but Loong doesn't mind. Loong tells her that Kob is his ex-girlfriend, and they broke up because their time schedules didn't match. When the skytrain arrives at Ekkamai Station (เอกมัย), Li suggests that they watch the stars at the Bangkok Planetarium (ท้องฟ้าจำลองกรุงเทพ) and see an exhibition about a comet that will be appearing soon. Li asks Loong to watch the comet with her in Bangkok. Later, before the Songkran (สงกรานต์) holidays, Loong asks Li to come celebrate by throwing water.

During the Songkran festival, Plern joins them. Li doesn't enjoy the festivities because of her. Li knows Loong's address, which is a guesthouse next to Chao Phraya River (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา). Li changes her clothes and goes to see Loong, and finds him asleep. Li falls asleep next to him. After she wakes up, Loong asks her to travel around Bangkok. Loong asks Li to come to family day at the BTS, as he can take her into the depot. Loong takes pictures, but Li damages the camera.

On the family day visit, Li finds out that Loong is leaving in two days time to spend two years studying in Germany. They say goodbye on the Taksin Bridge (สะพานสมเด็จพระเจ้าตากสิน) . Loong sends Li a box when he arrives in Germany. Inside is the mirror from her car from when they first met, the damaged sunglasses, Bangkok Planetarium tickets, and the damaged camera, with the memory card still inside. Li looks at the pictures. She rushes to Suvarnabhumi Airport (สนามบินสุวรรณภูมิ) to try to stop Loong, but she is too late. On that day, the comet orbits to the earth. Loong watches the comet from on board his plane, while Li watches it as well.

Two years later, while going to work one evening, Li accidentally meets Loong on a BTS Skytrain. Loong works a day shift and has been back in Thailand for a few months. Both get off the Skytrain at Siam station (สถานีสยาม), which is the interchange station between the Sukhumvit Line (สายสุขุมวิท) and the Silom Line (สายสีลม). Li goes downstairs to change to a different line and doesn't turn back to look at Loong. Li gets on her train, but the electricity goes out. Passengers call their friends or family to say the train has stopped. Li's phone rings; it is Loong. He asks Li to again celebrate Songkran. Li replies that she is free for the holidays. When electricity comes back on, Loong is on the same Skytrain, standing next to Li. He tells Li that she has his number now, and to record it."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-03-28]


Bericht des US-Botschafters Eric John an das State Departement in Washington DC:

 "3. (U) On October 14 and 15, the Stock of Exchange of Thailand posted its first major losses in more than a year, after unverified rumors of the King's worsening health spread on the trader floor and to investment banks in Singapore, Hong Kong, and New York. High-volume selloffs drove the market downwards, leading to a 2.04 percent loss on October 14 and another 5.3 percent on October 15. The market dipped by more than eight percent at one point during the October 15 trading but recovered in a rally before the closing bell. (NOTE: According to the Stock Exchange rules, trading will halt temporarily if the index moves more than 10 percent (in either direction) from the previous day's closing value. END NOTE.) The SET regained some of these losses in October 16 trading, closing 3.5 percent higher than the previous day.

4. (U) The two-day frenzy saw high-volume trading, but in contrast to recent trends, foreign investors were the ones selling their shares while local Thais were net buyers. Local finance figures, including the President of the Stock Exchange and the Secretary General of the Securities and Exchange Commission, urged investors, foreign and domestic, to disregard the rumors since there had been no fundamental changes in the Thai economy. Even with the two days of losses, the SET Index remains approximately 60 percent higher than its 2008 year-end level.

Rumor-Mongering or Just Gossip? -------------------------------

5. (SBU) It was widely rumored that a group of high net worth Thai investors initiated the latest round of gossip themselves in a profit-seeking scheme, temporarily selling off large volumes of their own stocks at high prices before buying back their shares when the market fell. Editorials in October 16 local newspapers circulated this gossip, too: the Thai language daily Naew Na  [แนวหน้า] and the English language daily The Nation blamed the market's losses on "bad people" intent on hurting the nation and the monarchy for the sake of politics and/or money.

6. (SBU) In hopes of dispelling the rumors, the Royal Household Bureau [สำนักพระราชวัง
] continues to issue daily pronouncements on the King's health, stating that he is eating regularly now and recuperating. The Thai language Matichon [มติชน] splashed "King Is Eating More" across its October 16 headlines on its front page, rather than placing the Royal Household's press release in a small box on the front page as it and all other papers have been doing since the hospitalization began. As if to separate the issue of the stock market decline with that of the King's health, Matichon placed the stock market story in the business section, rather than the front pages.


[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-13]


Nachdem die deutsche und die israelische Botschaft sich beschwert haben, deckt "Louis Tussauds waxworks", Pattaya (พัทยา), eine Reklamewand mit einem Bild Adolf Hitlers und der Aufschrift "Hitler ist nicht tot" zu. Die Reklamewand stand an der Straße von Bangkok nach Pattaya (พัทยา).

Abb.: Lage von Pattaya (พัทยา)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

2009-10-23 - 2009-10-25

Beim Gipfeltreffen in Hua Hin (หัวหิน) gründet die ASEAN die "ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR)". Man einigt sich, bis zum Jahr 2015 eine politische und wirtschaftliche Gemeinschaft nach dem Vorbild der Europäischen Union zu bilden.

Abb.: Lage von Hua Hin (หัวหิน)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

"The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) was inaugurated in September 2009 as a consultative body of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The human rights commission exists to promote and protect human rights, and regional co-operation on human rights, in the member states (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam). The AICHR is directed by a body of Representatives, one per member state, each nominated by and answerable to their government and serving a three-year term, renewable once. Although the Commission was described as "toothless" by commentators including the Wall Street Journal, NGOs in the region presented cases of alleged violations to it at its inaugural meeting in Jakarta."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-01-05]


Am Flughafen wird die ehemalige Executive Direktorin der UBS Securities (Thailand) nach ihrer Rückkehr aus Wien verhaftet, da sie falsche Angaben über den Gesundheitszustand des Königs verbreitet haben soll. Aus dem selben Grund wird in Bangkok der Marketing-Geschäftsführer der KT Zmico Securities verhaftet.


Eine weitere Person wird festgenommen, da sie falsche Angaben über den Gesundheitszustand des Königs verbreitet haben soll.


Die kambodschanische Regierung gibt bekannt, dass der frühere thailändische Ministerpräsident Thaksin Shinawatra (ทักษิณ ชินวัตร) zum Regierungsberater ernannt worden ist. Deswegen werden Thailand und Kambodscha am nächsten Tag ihre Botschafter zurückrufen.

Abb.: Kambodscha
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]


Der Goldpreis steigt erstmals über 1100 US$ / Feinunze (31,1 g).

Abb.: Eine Feinunze Gold (nicht maßstabgetreu)
[Bildquelle: Kriplozoik / Wikipedia. -- GNU FDLicense]

Abb.: Goldpreis (US$ / Feinunze), London, 2009


Miss Migrant Worker Contest in Mae Sot (แม่สอด)

Abb.: Miss Migrant Worker Contest, 2009
[Bildquelle: ILO/John Hulme. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-04-21. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Bearbeitung)]

Abb.: Lage von Mae Sot (แม่สอด)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Bericht von US-Botschafter Eric G. John an das State Departement in Washington DC:




3. (C) The New Politics Party (NPP) [พรรคการเมืองใหม่] was founded on June 2, 2009 as the political arm of the PAD [People's Alliance for Democracy - พันธมิตรประชาชนเพื่อประชาธิปไตย
].  The NPP was established to complement, rather than supplant the PAD; and the party and street movement enjoy a substantial overlap in terms of membership, funding, and objectives. PAD coordinator and NPP Secretary General Suriyasai Katasila [สุริยะใส กตะศิลา, 1972 - ] told us November 3 that the PAD would "remain focused on countering Thaksin [ทักษิณ ชินวัตร, 1949 - ]," while the NPP would pursue the movement's goals within the formal, parliamentary-based political process. In a development that surprised no one, party loyalists overwhelmingly elected Sondhi [Sondhi Limthongkul - สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล/林明達, 1947 - ]as the party's first party leader during the NPP's inaugural general assembly on October 6. Sondhi, who has almost fully recovered from the spring assassination attempt that nearly killed him earlier this year (REF B) accepted the job, despite the fact that he once famously told his admirers to "slap my face with your shoes if one day I take any political position."

Abb.: Suriyasai Katasila [สุริยะใส กตะศิลา, 1972 - ] , 2011
[Bildquelle: Gifty27 / th.Wikipedia. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Sondhi Limthongkul - สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล/林明達, 1947 -

4. (SBU) The transition also involved a change in color, from yellow (of the PAD, in honor of King Bhumibol) to light green (of the NPP). The party's symbol contains four yellow interlocking arms (representing unity among the Thai people in all four regions) set against a green backdrop, with the green scheme representing the party's commitment to clean governance. The party has also embraced an environmental agenda, which it believes is consistent with its other goal of promoting sustainable development.

Abb.: ®Logo der New Politics Party (NPP) [พรรคการเมืองใหม่]
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]


5. (C) By and large the PAD supporters who now constitute the NPP party base have traditionally cast their ballots for Democrat [พรรคประชาธิปัตย์
] candidates. With the NPP now in the political arena, most analysts believe the NPP will be pulling votes away from the Democrats rather than introducing new voters into the political process or attracting votes from other constituencies. According to the party, NPP supporters are largely comprised of -- but not limited to -- educated, relatively affluent people in urban areas. NPP Sec-Gen Suriyasai predicts the NPP is likely to do the best in Bangkok and the Bangkok suburbs, in Pichit [Phichit - พิจิตร] (in the lower north), and upper north. The party could also steal a seat here and there through Democrat party defections (Note: MP elections generally turn on personalities and individuals rather than party affiliation. End Note.)

6. (C) Publicly at least, the NPP has set very bold objectives for the next round of elections. Privately, Suriyasai stated that the NPP expected to be in opposition regardless of whether the Democrats or Thaksin-backed Puea Thai [พรรคเพื่อไทย
] formed the next government; they would play a checking role on corruption and bad governance from the opposition benches.

7. (SBU) In April, for example, PAD leader Chamlong Srimuang [จำลอง ศรีเมือง
, 1935 - ] told the media "that it would be important for the new party to lead the government in the next coalition, otherwise it will be no different from all the old politics with its vote-buying, mud-slinging and money politics." In May, on the eve of the party founding, PAD leader (and current DP MP) Somkiat [Somkiat Pongpaiboon -สมเกียรติ พงษ์ไพบูลย์, 1950 - ] predicted to us that their new political force could score 30 seats in the next election. Suriyasai recently offered up a more sober minded analysis, telling us the NPP hoped to win 20 seats in the next election, a number that most observers feel is still overly optimistic. Based on conversations with contacts from across the party spectrum, most informed Thai political observers believe the party will pick-up anywhere between zero and 10 seats.

Abb.: Chamlong Srimuang [จำลอง ศรีเมือง, 1935 - ], 2006
Bildquelle: 2T / Wikimedia. -- GNU FDLicense]

Abb.: Somkiat Pongpaiboon -สมเกียรติ พงษ์ไพบูลย์, 2007
[Bildquelle: 2T /Wikipedia. -- Public domain]



Abb.: Prinz Vajiralongkorn [สมเด็จพระบรมโอรสาธิราช เจ้าฟ้ามหาวชิราลงกรณฯ สยามมกุฎราชกุมาร, 1952 - ], 2000
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-20. -- Fair use]

11. (C) For a party that was publicly built at least in part on a foundation of loyalty to the institution of the monarchy, the NPP privately is surprisingly schizophrenic on the succession question. Suriyasai revealed to us that the PAD/NPP was split between those who unreservedly supported the institution, and those who merely supported the King personally. He counted himself in the latter group, indicating a lack of support for the presumed heir to the throne: Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn [สมเด็จพระบรมโอรสาธิราช เจ้าฟ้ามหาวชิราลงกรณฯ สยามมกุฎราชกุมาร
, 1952 - ]. This begs the obvious question of what would happen to the party if -- as expected -- the Crown Prince inherited the keys to the Kingdom? Suriyasai told us that he personally believed the monarchy needed to be reformed, and even went so far as to characterize some elements of the royalist movement as "dangerous," perhaps even more so than the red-shirt movement backing Thaksin.


[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-20]


Da die 12 Yaksa-Statuen (ยักษ์) im Suvarnabhumi Airport (ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ) den Ladenbesitzern Unglück gebracht haben sollen, werden sie für 1 Mio. Baht aus dem Innenbereich des Passagier-Terminals in den Check-In-Bereich verschoben. Dies diene der "Verbesserung der Moral".

Abb.: Yaksa-Statue (ยักษ์), Suvarnabhumi Airport (ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ), 2012
[Bildquelle: Andrevruas / Wikimedia. -- GNU FDLicense]

Abb.: Plan des Suvarnabhumi Airport (ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ)
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Public domain]


Ex-Ministerpräsident Thaksin trifft in Kambodscha ein. Die thailändischen Behörden hatten seinem Privatjet den Überflug über Thailand verboten.


Das Kabinett beschließt, dem Parlament die Aufhebung des Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) über die Überschneidungen der Seegrenzen zu Kambodscha zu empfehlen. Das Memorandum war 2001 unterzeichnet worden.


Inbetriebnahme des 20.000 km langen Meeres-Glasfaser-Kabelsystems AAG (Asia-America Gateway)

Abb.: Verlauf des AAG
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-06-14. -- Fair use]


NZZ: Thailand droht ein heißer Herbst : Kein Ende des rot-gelben Zerwürfnisses - weitere Straßenproteste angekündigt.

"Nach Meinung des Establishments in Bangkok und der erzkonservativen Gelbhemden, der politischen Widersacher der «Roten», sind die Dörfler im Norden und Nordosten ungebildete Kreaturen und unfähig, bei Urnengängen eine vernünftige Wahl zu treffen. Zu gross sei die Gefahr, dass sich diese armen Trottel von gefährlichen Populisten wie Thaksin kaufen liessen.

Am besten wäre es deshalb, wenn sich Thailand vom Prinzip «Ein Mensch – eine Stimme» verabschiedete, meinen die Gelbhemden. Ein Teil der Abgeordneten solle deshalb zum Beispiel von Berufsverbänden bestimmt werden. Ihre wenig demokratischen Ansichten versuchen die «Gelben», dem Wahlvolk als «neue Politik» zu verkaufen – zum Wohl von Nation, Buddhismus und König. Gelb ist die Farbe des thailändischen Montags und zugleich jene von König Bhumibol, der vor bald 82 Jahren an einem Montag geboren wurde."

[Quelle: NZZ Internationale Ausgabe. --  2009-11-11. -- S. 3. -- Fair use]


Bericht von US-Botschafter Eric G. John an das State Departement in Washington DC:




Abb.: Lage der Provinzen Nong Khai [หนองคาย], Sakon Nakhon [สกลนคร], Nakhon Phanom [นครพนม]
[Bildquelel: CIA. -- Public domain]

3. (SBU) PolOff traveled to the upper northeastern provinces of Nong Khai [หนองคาย], Sakon Nakhon [สกลนคร
], and Nakhon Phanom [นครพนม] in early October. Support for Thaksin [ทักษิณ ชินวัตร, 1949 - ] -- and by extension the Puea Thai party [พรรคเพื่อไทย] and the UDD [United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship - แนวร่วมประชาธิปไตยต่อต้านเผด็จการแห่งชาติ] --remains robust in this part of Thailand. Puea Thai holds all six of Nong Khai's seats in parliament, four of Sakon Nakhon's six (Phumjai Thai [พรรคภูมิใจไทย] won the other two), and two of Nakhon Phanom's four seats (Phumjai Thai and Phuea Phaendin [พรรคชาติพัฒนาเพื่อแผ่นดิน] have one seat each). Contacts in all three provinces claimed that the Isaan [อีสาน] is not as prone to heated political confrontations as other parts of the country; our interlocutors attributed this to the strong Buddhist traditions of the region (Note: in fact, prior to the rise of Thaksin and his Thai Rak Thai movement  [พรรคไทยรักไทย] which united the Isaan politically for the first time, the region's politics were noted for regional barons who battled each other for local dominance. End note). Two other significant factors, however, explaining current dynamics are the dearth of support for the Democrat Party (DP [พรรคประชาธิปัตย์]) and the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD, or "yellow-shirts" [People's Alliance for Democracy -พันธมิตรประชาชนเพื่อประชาธิปไตย]), and the rural, agrarian demographic that characterizes the majority of the Isaan population.

4. (SBU) While Isaan is decidedly red--our interlocutors' estimated red-shirt support ranged between 70 and 90 percent--UDD organizers nevertheless tend to overstate attendance at their events here. Most contacts also added the caveat that the UDD supporters in Isaan tend to not be devoted as their Bangkok counterparts (Note: since April, few Isaan supporters have traveled to Bangkok for national rallies, paralleling reports that Thaksin had cut funding for transport and per diem payments to protesters. End note).

5. (SBU) Thanom Somphon [ถนอม สมพร ?], assistant to Puea Thai MP for Sakon Nakhon Niyom Wachkama [นิยม เวชกามา, 1951 - ] claimed that about two thousand people regularly gather for red-shirt rallies in the province. Chief of the Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO) Pitti Kaewsalupsri, on the other hand, said that the UDD gatherings there generally attracted only about four hundred people. While Nakhon Phanom is undoubtedly the most red of the three provinces we visited, provincial UDD leader and PAO member Manaporn Charoensri's [มนาพร เจริญศรี, 1965 - ] wildly optimistic claim that 50,000 red-shirts assembled in September was countered by PAO chief Somboon Sonprapa [สมบูรณ์ สันประภา], who said there are never more than 10,000 at the provincial rallies.


6. (SBU) Three years after Thaksin's removal from power, the popular support in the northeast that helped Thaksin become the only prime minister in Thai history to complete a full term and be reelected has not waned, and appears as strong as ever. Chief among his virtues, from the Isaan perspective, is that he listened and responded to the rural population, with his populist planks delivering virtually free, universal health care, village funds, limited farmer debt forgiveness, and access to credit previously not enjoyed by poor rural denizens. A sentiment commonly expressed in the northeast and by many Bangkok cab drivers and housekeepers--many of whom come from the northeast--is that while Thaksin was corrupt, at least he gave some back to the poor.

7. (SBU) Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University [มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏ] professor Preecha Thammavintorn [ปรีชา] has conducted surveys throughout Isaan. He told us that Thaksin, even overseas, retains a reputation of being close to the grassroots; the people still appreciate the results of his programs and policies. Sakon Nakhon PAO chief Pitti separately concurred, adding that Isaan people also appreciated how quickly his programs were implemented. The PAO chief in Nong Khai said Thaksin's methods were so effective that the Abhisit government continued them in an effort to win over Isaan voters. Thongmar Balthaisong [ทองมา บาลไธสง], the UDD leader in Nong Khai Province and wife of Puea Thai MP Somkkit Balthaisong [สมคิด บาลไธสง], went one step further to claim that while the DP was "copying Thaksin's homework," the local population could see right through it. Many people in Isaan said the DP-sponsored programs would work much better if Thaksin were in charge, according to Theerawat Champachaisri [ธีรวัฒน์], president of the Nakhon Phanom provincial assembly.


8. (SBU) One of the positive byproducts of Thaksin's attention to Isaan is that voters have learned to expect results from elected officials, according to our interlocutors. This development has fundamentally altered the concept of money politics in the northeast. Professor Preecha said his research indicated that the view of accepting money was often more sophisticated than it was often portrayed by media and critics, something most of our interlocutors confirmed. The traditional concept of vote buying, in which villagers accept money from only one candidate and then cast their ballot for that person, has given way to a system where people can take money from multiple politicians, but only vote for the person they believed would provide the greatest benefits. Nakhon Phanom UDD leader Manaporn summarized the Isaan attitude towards money politics as, "the sin is on the provider, not the acceptor." (note: this cynical voter attitude of taking inducements from all parties but voting one's conscience has actually prevailed in southern Thailand for years).

9. (SBU) In Sakon Nakhon both Professor Preecha and Senator Pradith Tanwatthanaphong cited the outcome of the June 2009 provincial by-election as proof of this new version of money politics. Phumjai Thai far outspent Puea Thai in the campaign trying to buy votes, they said, but the Puea Thai candidate won. Pradith said the outcome showed the enduring support for Thaksin and Puea Thai was based on results, not just money thrown at voters. Red-shirt organizers in Sakon Nakhon and Nakhon Phanom reinforced the sentiment that neither party affiliation nor personal influence alone was sufficient to guarantee election victory. On a cautionary note, Manaporn Charoensri said Puea Thai needed to field viable candidates that could produce tangible results, otherwise the people would not vote for them (note: indeed, Phumjai Thai bested Puea Thai in Isaan by-elections earlier in 2009, when Puea Thai was having difficulty finding good candidates).

NEWIN [Newin Chidchob - เนวิน ชิดชอบ, 1958 - ] HURTS PHUMJAI THAI [พรรคภูมิใจไทย
], CHAVALIT [ชวลิต ยงใจยุทธ, 1932 - ] BOOSTS PUEA THAI?

10. (SBU) Phumjai Thai's efforts to expand in upper Isaan were evident by the numerous party signs along the highways. A political science professor at the Sakon Nakhon Commercial School [โรงเรียนเทคโนโลยีพานิชยการ สกลนคร] said it was an indicator that the party was preparing for elections, which he believed would be held in the coming months. Pitti Kaewsalupsri in Sakon Nakhon told us the two MPs from Phumjai Thai had won their seats because of their prior affiliation with Thaksin and the Thai Rak Thai party. Some of our contacts predicted Phumjai Thai could retain those seats, while others said that Puea Thai would take those seats, claiming de facto Phumjai Thai leader Newin Chidchop was a liability to his party.

11. (SBU) Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University Professor Preecha said that people in the upper northeast did not trust Newin. Preecha said Newin's behavior revealed that he was looking out only for himself. A professor at Sakon Nakhon Commercial School told us that people in the Isaan valued loyalty, and viewed Newin's alignment with the Democrat-led coalition as a betrayal. The professor also related a recent incident in which Newin publicly slapped a local Phumjai Thai figure, damaging his reputation in the province. Many in Isaan also believed that Newin benefited from a double-standard in the Thai justice system, claimed Mongkol Tansuwan, Chairman of the Nakhon Phanom Chamber of Commerce. He said many people wondered why Newin has been allowed to be so openly involved in politics, and noted that Newin's acquittal in the rubber sapling case (REFTEL) only fuelled resentment against him.

Abb.: Chavalit Yongchaiyut [ชวลิต ยงใจยุทธ, 1932 - ]

12. (SBU) The return to politics of former Prime Minister and Nakhon Phanom native son Chavalit Yongchaiyut [ชวลิต ยงใจยุทธ, 1932 - ] has been largely positive for Puea Thai in the upper northeast, according to those we talked to, even though his net effect nation-wide is debateable. Contacts in Nong Khai and Sakon Nakhon indicated that Chavalit would have little impact locally, but suggested his popularity in his home province would be a boost to Puea Thai. UDD leader Manaporn said that while Chavalit was an important figure, his return would not be enough to guarantee Puea Thai would win all of the regional parliamentary seats in the next election. Somboon Sornprapha, Nakhon Phanom PAO Chief, said that Chavalit's influence has already turned some local Phumjai Thai supporters to Puea Thai. He predicted that this shift, combined with local troubles for Puea Phaendin, meant Puea Thai could easily win all four of the provincial parliament seats in the next election.


13. (C) King Bhumibol remains very popular in the northeast. All of our interlocutors said there was no truth to rumors that residents in Isaan had removed pictures of the King from their homes. Professor Preecha said that if asked to choose between Thaksin and King Bhumibol, the people of the northeast would choose the King. We did note, however, that there was not a portrait of the King visible at the coffee shop owned by Nong Khai UDD leader Thongmar Balthaisong (Note: not all commercial establishments and residences nationwide have portraits of the current King. In many areas, King Chulalongkorn's [พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาจุฬาลงกรณ์ พระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว
, 1853 - 1910] portrait occupies the place of honor).

14. (C) Queen Sirikit and Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn clearly do not command the same level respect in Isaan as King Bhumibol, however. Senator Pradith from Sakon Nakhon said the resentment many in the Isaan felt towards the Queen was plainly evident in their discussions; it was not as harsh as the criticism from neighboring Udon Thani Province [อุดรธานี
], however, where he said some of her portraits had been spray-painted. According to Professor Preecha, the Crown Prince is not as popular as his father, and the people would have a difficult time accepting his current wife Princess Srirasmi [พระเจ้าวรวงศ์เธอ พระองค์เจ้าศรีรัศมิ์ พระวรชายาในสมเด็จพระบรมโอรสาธิราชฯ สยามมกุฎราชกุมาร, 1971 - ] as their queen, based largely on a widely distributed salacious video of the birthday celebration for the Crown Prince's white poodle Fufu [พลอากาศเอก คุณฟูฟู], in which Sirasmi appears wearing nothing more than a G-string in front of other guests and still photographers.


[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-18]


APEC-Gipfeltreffen in Singapur.

Abb.: Lage von Singapur
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: APEC-Gipfel in Singapur: APEC leaders from left, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, Chile's Michelle Bachelet, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and and Vietnam President Nguyen Minh Triet wave during a group photo at the summit's Gala Dinner in Singapore, Saturday, Nov.14, 2009.
[Bildquelle: AP Photo / Wong Maye-E. / Abhisit Vejjajiva. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-01-05. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]


Konzert der Rothemden (เสื้อแดง) in Khao Yai (เขาใหญ่). Ca. 20.000 Zuschauer.

Abb.: Lage von Khao Yai (เขาใหญ่)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Sanam Luang (สนามหลวง): Aus einem M79-Granatwerfer wird eine Granate in eine Demonstration der Gelbhemden (เสื้อเหลือง) geworfen: 9 Verletzte. Tausende von Gelbhemden demonstrieren gegen den Besuch von Ex-Ministerpräsident Thaksin in Kambodscha. Man demonstriert auch gegen ein Interview Thaksins in Times Online, in dem er den König erwähnt.

Abb.: Lage des Sanam Luang (สนามหลวง)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: M79-Granatwerfer, Vietnamkrieg
[Bildquelle: US-Army / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]


Eine Ärztin eines Krankenhauses wird verhaftet, da sie im Internet falsche Angaben über den Gesundheitszustand des Königs verbreitet haben soll. Solche Meldungen hatten den Aktienmarkt in Turbulenzen gebracht. Der Ärztin wird vorgeworfen gegen den Artikel 14 des Computer Crime Acts (Verbreitung falscher Informationen, welche die nationale Sicherheit bedrohen) verstoßen zu haben.


Daimler will ein Montagewerk seiner Nutzfahrzeug-Tochter Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (三菱ふそうトラック・バス株式会社) in Thailand schließen. Die Produktion soll nach Indonesien und Taiwan verlagert werden.


Bericht von US-Botschafter Eric G. John an das State Departement in Washington DC:

"2. (C) The Thai institution of monarchy remains an opaque institution, full truths about which are difficult to fix with any certainty. While many observers often refer to the Thai monarchy as if it were a unified, coherent institution, and use "the Palace" as short-hand in the same way "the White House" or "10 Downing Street" is employed as a metaphor for a clearly defined and located nexus of power, neither description is particularly appropriate in the current Thai context.

3. (S) There are in fact multiple circles of players and influence surrounding the Thai royal family, often times with little overlap but with competing agendas, fueled by years of physical separation and vacillating relationships between principals. Separate centers of influence/players focus around: King Bhumibol [ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช
, 1927 - 2016 ]; Queen Sirikit [สิริกิติ์, 1932 - ]; Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn [วชิราลงกรณ, 1952 - ]; Princess Sirindhorn [มหาจักรีสิรินธร, 1955 - ]; and the Privy Council [คณะองคมนตรีไทย], though the latter has less access/influence than many suppose. In addition, there are supporting bureaucratic entities such as the Office of Principal Private Secretary [สำนักราชเลขาธิการ], the Royal Household Bureau [สำนักพระราชวัง], the Crown Property Bureau [สำนักงานทรัพย์สินส่วนพระมหากษัตริย์], and the Privy Purse, which employ thousands and manage assets in the billions, as well as a bevy of minor royals whose motorcades routinely clog Bangkok's roads.


The King's Dwindling Circle of Men (and Women)

7. (C) Cambridge, Massachusetts-born King Bhumibol Adulyadej turns 82 December 5, by many accounts beset long-term by Parkinson's, depression, and chronic lower back pain, and short-term by an extended brush with pneumonia in September-October that caused him to lose weight and, for now, be wheelchair bound (refs A-B). As a result, his current companions are most likely to be doctors and physio-therapists from Siriraj hospital [ศิริราชพยาบาล], along with his second daughter Princess Sirindhorn, who often seems to act as his defacto personal assistant, and Queen Sirikit.

8. (S) Until relatively recently, it was much different. The King has lived nearly all of the past decade at his seaside Klai Kangwon Palace [วังไกลกังวลin] (appropriately titled "Far from Worries")  Hua Hin [หัวหิน
, having abandoned habitual residence in Bangkok in 2000 as his health worsened. Queen Sirikit only rejoined him full time in Hua Hin in mid-2008, concerned about his declining health and with an eye towards more firmly managing the transition to come. Prior to mid-2008, the King and Queen had lived most of the past 20 years largely apart, joint public appearances excepted. This unpublicized reality started after the Queen disappeared from public view in 1986 for about six months to recover from emotional exhaustion, in the wake of the King dismissing her favorite military aide de camp. Their social circles diverged sharply from then on, with very few figures spanning both camps.

9. (S) The King's decade-long sojourn in Hua Hin starting in 2000 significantly limited the amount of interaction he had not only with the Queen but also those whom many outsiders (incorrectly) presume spend significant amounts of time with him: Privy Councilors; as well as officials of the office of the Principal Private Secretary, all of whom are Bangkok-based and do not have regular access to the King. That limited access apparently has not changed during the ongoing hospitalization in Bangkok, with M.R. Thep Devakul [เทพกมล เทวกุล, 1936 - ] the only Privy Councilor allowed into the King's room, and that solely by virtue of his being a cousin of the Queen.

Abb.: M.R. Thep Devakul [เทพกมล เทวกุล, 1936 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

10. (C) Those few whose counsel the King has sought in recent years, according to various sources, are neither household names nor political players, but associated with his charitable development foundations or his closest staff. These include the sharp-tongued Thanphuying Butrie Viravaidya  [ท่านผู้หญิงบุตรี วีระไวทยะ], his deputy Principal Private Secretary (DPPS) and wife of NGO activist Meechai [มีชัย วีระไวทยะ
, 1941 - ] "the Condom King" (Butrie is currently ensconced at Siriraj Hospital); Wud Sumitra [นายวุฒิ สุมิตร], another DPPS; Sumete Tantivejkul [สุเมธ ตันติเวชกุล, 1939 - ], head of the Chai Patana Foundation [มูลนิธิชัยพัฒนา]; Disathorn Watcharothai [ดิสธร วัชโรทัย], Chair of the Rajanukhrao Foundation [มูลนิธิราชประชานุเคราะห์ ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์] and son of the Lord Chamberlain [เลขาธิการพระราชวัง]; and Pramote Maiklap [ประโมทย์ ไม้กลัด, 1940 - ], former director of the Royal Irrigation Department [กรมชลประทาน]. The Privy Councilor closest to the King is likely Air Chief Marshal Kamthon Sidhvananda [กำธน สินธวานนท์, 1926 - ], former long-time head of State Electricity Giant EGAT [การไฟฟ้าฝ่ายผลิตแห่งประเทศไทย,], whom the King credits for electrifying much of rural Thailand. His most regular social interaction in recent years came in weekly late-Saturday night jam sessions with his pick-up jazz band, whose geriatric members have played with the King for decades.

Abb.: Thanphuying Butrie Viravaidya  [ท่านผู้หญิงบุตรี วีระไวทยะ]
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-012-16. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Wud Sumitra [นายวุฒิ สุมิตร]
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-012-16. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Sumete Tantivejkul [สุเมธ ตันติเวชกุล, 1939 - ], 2010
[Bildquelle: The Official Site of The Prime Minister of Thailand Photo by พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

Abb.: Pramote Maiklap [ประโมทย์ ไม้กลัด, 1940 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Kamthon Sidhvananda [กำธน สินธวานนท์, 1926 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

11. (C) Inner circle proximity to the King may ultimately mean little when it comes to influence/impact, however. In the late 2008 political crisis caused by the occupation of Government House [ทำเนียบรัฐบาล
], and ultimately Bangkok's airports, by the yellow-shirt PAD [พันธมิตรประชาชนเพื่อประชาธิปไตย] activists claiming to be defending the monarchy, both Sumete [สุเมธ ตันติเวชกุล, 1939 - ] and Disathorn ดิสธร วัชโรทัย] joined Princess Sirindhorn in October 2008 in publicly stating that the King did not consider the yellow-shirts to be acting on his behalf. Disathorn went so far as to tell a seminar: "if you love the King, go home." Instead, PAD leader Sondhi Lim [สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล, 1947 - ] denounced both men from the PAD stage with curses; Sondhi repeated his criticism of Disathorn at the November 15 PAD rally. For her part, "Mom Butrie" [ท่านผู้หญิงบุตรี วีระไวทยะ] has been known for years as an outspoken opponent of Thaksin [ทักษิณ ชินวัตร, 1949 - ] and the Crown Prince, both of whom are reputed to regard her as their "enemy number one" within the King's circle. Despite relying on Mom Butrie for general advice and Princess Sirindhorn for assistance, however, all indications are that the King is unwavering in his insistence that the Crown Prince succeed him.

The Queen's Women (and Men)

12. (S) As the King withdrew from Bangkok-based public life over the past decade, Queen Sirikit [สิริกิติ์
, 1932 - ] rose in prominence, and she is expected by most to play a crucial role in the succession transition, before and after the King's passing. The Queen long maintained an active social life, with her tradition of twice weekly dinners that would start near midnight and last to dawn only ending with her move to Hua Hin [หัวหิน]. Based mainly out of Bangkok's Chitralada Palace [พระตำหนักจิตรลดารโหฐาน], she regularly spent extended stretches at palaces in the north (Chiang Mai [เชียงใหม่]), the deep south (Narathiwas [นราธิวาส]) and the northeast (Sakon Nakhon [สกลนคร]) through 2004, years after the King stopped his provincial travels. A 1994 Puma helicopter crash tragically robbed Sirikit of her most valued and respected advisers who could steer her away from trouble.

13. (S) The ladies-in-waiting [นางสนองพระโอษฐ์] who are left, the closest of which are Thanphuying Charungjit Teekara [ท่านผู้หญิงจรุงจิตต์ ทีขะระ, 1945 - ], head of the Queen's Support Foundation [มูลนิธิส่งเสริมศิลปาชีพในสมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์ พระบรมราชินีนาถ], and Thanphuying Chatkaew Nandhabiwat [ท่านผู้หญิงฉัตรแก้ว นันทาภิวัฒน์], appear to reinforce the Queen's tendency to be more nationalistic than the King. Those sentiments have led her astray in forays into political issues in recent years, both her attitudes towards the Malay Muslim deep south/promotion of Buddhism as the constitutionally- enshrined state religion in 2006-07, and the 2008 People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) yellow-shirt protests. The latter culminated in her disastrous decision to attend the October 13, 2008 funeral of a young female PAD supporter killed by a police tear-gas grenade, a move universally seen as dragging the monarchy, which is supposed to remain above politics, into the partisan fray.

Abb.: Thanphuying Charungjit Teekara [ท่านผู้หญิงจรุงจิตต์ ทีขะระ, 1945 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Thanphuying Chatkaew Nandhabiwat [ท่านผู้หญิงฉัตรแก้ว นันทาภิวัฒน์]
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Fair use]

14. (S) The men currently closest to the Queen include GEN Prayuth Chanocha [ประยุทธ์ จันทร์โอชา
, 1954 - ], Army deputy Commander and expected successor to GEN Anupong [อนุพงษ์ เผ่าจินดา, 1949 - ] as the country's most powerful military figure as of October 2010; and Grand Chamberlain/head of the Crown Property Bureau [สำนักงานทรัพย์สินส่วนพระมหากษัตริย์] Chirayu Israngkul [จิรายุ อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา, 1942 - ]. Apart from cousin M.R. Thep Devakul [เทพกมล เทวกุล, 1936 - ], the Privy Councilor [คณะองคมนตรีไทย] closest to the Queen is Palagorn Suwanrath [พลากร สุวรรณรัฐ, 1948 - ]. Two others in her inner circle as recently as early 2009--businessman Piya Malakul [ปีย์ มาลากุล ณ อยุธยา, 1937 - ] and deputy Royal Aide de camp GEN Naphol Boonthap [ณพล บุญทับ], have now been largely pushed aside with the Queen's assent, though not entirely out of her outer orbits. Charungjit [ท่านผู้หญิงจรุงจิตต์ ทีขะระ, 1945 - ] and Chatkaew  [ท่านผู้หญิงฉัตรแก้ว นันทาภิวัฒน์] (in the case of Piya) and Prayuth ประยุทธ์ จันทร์โอชา, 1954 - ] (with Naphol [ณพล บุญทับ],) intervened, after the Queen accepted the views of her closest associates that Piya and Naphol had damaged her standing due to their freelancing/claims to act on her behalf -- Piya vis-a-vis the PAD, and Naphol, who oversees a Village Defense Force (VDF) project associated with the June 8 mosque massacre in the south.

Abb.: Prayuth Chanocha [ประยุทธ์ จันทร์โอชา, 1954 - ], 2010
[Bildquelle: The Official Site of The Prime Minister of Thailand Photo by พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

Abb.: Chirayu Israngkul [จิรายุ อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา, 1942 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

Abb.: M.R. Thep Devakul [เทพกมล เทวกุล, 1936 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Palagorn Suwanrath [พลากร สุวรรณรัฐ, 1948 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

15. (S) For many years, Queen Sirikit actively promoted Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn's interests and was seen as his greatest backer in the face of widespread public opposition and open preference for Princess Sirindhorn. For instance, she was the driving force behind the Crown Prince's 2003 trip to Washington, which she intended as a cornerstone effort to rehabilitate his image in the eyes of the Thai people as an acceptable future King, one who had recently remarried and would soon produce an acknowledged male heir.

16. (S) The mother-son relationship suddenly changed in 2007 for two reasons: the appearance of video and still photos of Vajiralongkorn's wife Srirasmi [ศรีรัศมิ์
, 1971 - ] in the nude on the internet/CDs then widely available in Bangkok; and a noisy row over the amount of time the Crown Prince was spending outside Thailand. In 2008, the Queen and the Crown Prince had a shouting match at a hospital during the Queen's brief hospitalization, with the Crown Prince angrily berating her in front of ladies-in-waiting. Relations were further strained in late 2009 over the Police Chief struggle, with the Queen, supporting Acting Police Chief Pratheep [ปทีป ตันประเสริฐ, 1949 - ] , telling the Crown Prince to back off his support of GEN Chumpol [ชุมพล], and he defiantly refusing to do so. Several of the key ladies-in-waiting reportedly now refuse to be present when the Crown Prince visits the Queen.

The Crown Prince's Men (and Girls)

17. (S) Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn [สมเด็จพระบรมโอรสาธิราช เจ้าฟ้ามหาวชิราลงกรณฯ สยามมกุฎราชกุมาร
, 1952 - ] has spent most (up to 75%) of the past two years based in Europe (primarily at a villa at a medicinal spa 20km outside of Munich [München]), with his leading mistress and beloved white poodle Fufu [พลอากาศเอก คุณฟูฟู]. Vajiralongkorn is believed to be suffering from a blood-related medical condition (varying sources claim he is either: HIV positive; has Hepatitis C; is afflicted by a rare form of "blood cancer," or some combination which leads to regular blood transfusions). His current (third) wife Srirasmi [พระเจ้าวรวงศ์เธอ พระองค์เจ้าศรีรัศมิ์ พระวรชายาในสมเด็จพระบรมโอรสาธิราชฯ สยามมกุฎราชกุมาร, 1971 - ] and 4 year old son Adityadornkitigun [ทีปังกรรัศมีโชติ], known as Ong Ti, reside in his Sukhothai Palace [วังสุโขทัย] in Bangkok, but when Vajiralongkorn travels back to Bangkok, he stays with his second mistress in the retrofitted Air Force VIP lounge at Wing Six, Don Muang Airport [ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง] (note: both mistresses are Thai Airways stewardesses; the Crown Prince has shifted from flying F5s to Thai Airways Boeings and Airbuses in recent years. End note). Long known for violent and unpredictable mood swings, the Crown Prince has few people who have stayed long in his inner circle.

18. (S) One key exception: boarding school classmate Niphon Promphan [นิพนธ์ พร้อมพันธุ์, 1952 - ], who has long tended to the Crown Prince's finances/affairs at the palace and recently resigned as PM Abhisit's [อภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ , 1964 - ] Chief of Staff due to the spat between Abhisit and the Crown Prince over the Police Chief selection. Niphon is widely tipped to be the likely next Privy Council Chair, presuming Vajiralongkorn assumes the throne and cleans house. A relatively new close associate and princely financier is banned former Thai Rak Thai [พรรคไทยรักไทย
] politician Anutin Charnvirakul [อนุทิน ชาญวีรกูล, 1966 -], son of Interior Minister/Phumjai Thai [พรรคภูมิใจไทย] Chair Charavat [ชวรัตน์ ชาญวีรกูล, 1936 - ], and executive of the S. Deputy Police Commander Chumpol  [ชุมพล],(see above) reportedly served for many years as then PM Thaksin's [ทักษิณ ชินวัตร, 1949 - ] bagman, delivering funds skimmed from lottery proceeds to the Crown Prince and his staff; more recently, Chumpol is alleged to have been the conduit for Thaksin to "gift" a $9 million villa in Phuket [ภูเก็ต] to the Crown Prince. Patsri Bunnag [บุนนาค]
and her French husband Jean-Michel often accompany the Crown Prince on buying trips through Europe.

Abb.: Niphon Promphan [นิพนธ์ พร้อมพันธุ์, 1952 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Anutin Charnvirakul [อนุทิน ชาญวีรกูล, 1966 -]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

19. (S) Currently, the Chakri dynasty has but two eligible male heirs: Vajiralongkorn and his young son Ong Ti [ทีปังกรรัศมีโชติ], who appears to suffer from both physical and mental developmental delay issues and reportedly has regular seizures. Rumors started flying in late 2009 that the Crown Prince might have facilitated the return to Thailand of his oldest, disinherited son Chudhavajra Polpraserth [หม่อมเจ้าจุฑาวัชร มหิดล, 1979 - ], born of his eventual second wife Yuwatida [พระองค์ที่ประสูติแต่ สุจาริณี วิวัชรวงศ์, 1962 - ] when she was 16 and he was still married to his first wife, Princess Somsowali [โสมสวลี
, 1957 - ]. Chudhavajra is known to have resided in Florida for over a decade. Rumor has it that he obtained a pilot's license and supposedly is now flying for Bangkok Airways or Thai Airways after a successful "second family" reunion this past summer in Europe. Rumint aside, there has been no public acknowledgment of Chudhavajra's supposed presence, which could alter succession dynamics (septel). As a sign of the Vajiralongkorn's fickleness, the Crown Prince recently returned to Europe, leaving Srirasmi and little Ong Ti to preside at the November 15 royally-sponsored wedding reception of Niphon's daughter.

Abb.: Ong Ti [ทีปังกรรัศมีโชติ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

Princess Sirindhorn's [มหาจักรีสิรินธร
, 1955 - ] Circle

20. (S) Known to most Thai as "Prathep" [พระเทพ] (angel, a term from her formal title), Princess Sirindhorn is often mistakenly referred to as the "Crown Princess" in English, even though there can only be one crown heir (it is Vajiralongkorn), and Palace law does not allow for female monarchs. A professor of U.S. studies, among other topics, at Chulachomklao [โรงเรียนนายร้อยพระจุลจอมเกล้า
], the Thai version of West Point, Sirindhorn is clearly the most beloved Thai royal after the King, bears the lion's share of royal duties/ceremonies at this point, and serves her father in such personal tasks as recently interviewing and hiring a physio-therapist for him. However, her influence is actually quite limited, and her future most uncertain. A majority of royal watchers we have talked to, including many who know her well, predict she will quietly leave the country once her father passes, for both the stability of the country and her own personal safety, leaving the Thai stage to her brother.

21. (C) Sirindhorn's closest aides are a long-serving, stable group, starting with Passinee Limathakul [พัชญ์สินี] and Valliya Pangsrivongse, the two daughters of Pong Sarasin [พงส์ สารสิน, 1927 ] (Note: Pong served as the Thai nominal owner of the share transaction which allowed fugitive former PM Thaksin to sell his company to Singapore sovereign wealth firm Temasek. End note). Another close aide, Tirawat "Ting" Sucharitakul [ติรวัฒน์
, previously spent 20 years working outside Thailand at UNHCR and most recently got himself entangled in Thaksin's "Swedish channel" of negotiations, apparently representing no one beyond himself (ref C). Two final close associates are Thanphuying Araya Pibulnakarin [คุณหญิงอารยา พิบูลนครินทร์], her Secretary, and Dr. Prapod Assavairuthakarn [ประพจน์ อัศววิรุฬหการ], Sirindhorn's college classmate, currently Dean of Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Arts [คณะอักษรศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย].

Abb.: Tirawat "Ting" Sucharitakul [ติรวัฒน์ สุจริตกุล]
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Thanphuying Araya Pibulnakarin [คุณหญิงอารยา พิบูลนครินทร์]
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Prapod Assavairuthakarn [ประพจน์ อัศววิรุฬหการ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Public domain]

The Privy Council [คณะองคมนตรีไทย
] - less than meets the eye?

22. (SBU) The Privy Council is comprised of 19 elderly men, ranging in age from their mid-60s up to early 90s, who serve at the pleasure of the King. Statutorily they exist to offer advice to the King if he solicits it, review petitions on his behalf, act as ceremonial stand-ins for the King at various royally-sponsored ceremonies, and play a critical role in succession. One-third were flag-ranked officers; a third were Supreme Court justices, and a third were high ranking civil servants, particularly in development fields. Three spent an additional stint as PM (Prem [เปรม ติณสูลานนท์
, 1920 - ], Thanin [ธานินทร์ กรัยวิเชียร, 1927 - ], Surayud [สุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์, 1943 - ]
). All have spent their entire adult lives in sworn service to King Bhumibol, both before and after retirement at age 60.

Abb.: Prem Tinsulanonda [เปรม ติณสูลานนท์, 1920 - ], 2010
[Bildquelle: The Official Site of The Prime Minister of Thailand Photo by พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์. -- -- Zugriff am  2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

Abb.: Thanin [ธานินทร์ กรัยวิเชียร, 1927 - ], 2011
[Bildquelle: Photographer attached to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand : Peerapat Wimolrungkarat / พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

Abb.: Surayud [สุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์, 1943 - ]
[Bildquelle: Steve Evans. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]


23. (C) Privy Council Chair GEN Prem Tinsulanonda [เปรม ติณสูลานนท์, 1920 - ], PM from 1980-88, has a special title as senior statesman last held in the early 1940s by Pridi. Prem has parlayed his stature into a series of board chairmanships and enduring influence in military reshuffle lists, drawing criticism from many quarters for engaging in inappropriate "ang barami" [บารมี] - borrowing the charisma of the monarch. Because of their presumptive encouragement for the 2006 coup that removed Thaksin from office, Prem and post-coup interim PM Surayud Chulanont have been particular targets of Thaksin and the red-shirts' ire, as part of the red "throw the aristocrat- bureaucrats out" campaign. The spring 2009 red protests called for Prem to resign; in the fall 2009, red-shirts demanded that the Constitution be changed so that the Privy Council Chair could not serve as Regent during the King's incapacitation. One Privy Council member red-shirt leaders have told us they do respect: long-time FM (under Prem) ACM Sitthi Savetsila [สิทธิ เศวตศิลา, 1919 - ].

Abb.: Sitthi Savetsila [สิทธิ เศวตศิลา, 1919 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

24. (C) Yet the Privy Council plays a far smaller role than the red-shirts claim and many presume. Privy Councilors have only sporadic direct access to the King and can only offer advice or proposals if the King requests it, as several Privy Councilors have told us in the past year. Of note, GEN Prem is not particularly close to the King, as it turns out. While the Embassy has seen many instances of this over the years, perhaps the most notable came during the December 2006 visit to Thailand of former President George H.W. Bush. When King Bhumibol offered to host a dinner for former President and Barbara Bush, Prem did not make the initial guest list drawn up by the Royal Household Bureau on the King's behalf, despite having worked with the former President as Thai PM from 1980-88. One moment when the Privy Council will play a crucial role is in succession: once the King dies, the Privy Council is charged with forwarding the name of the named crown heir to parliament for endorsement as the next King.

Office of the Principal Private Secretary (PPS) [สำนักราชเลขาธิการ]

25. (C) The Office of the Principal Private Secretary employs about 200 staff operating out of the Grand Palace in Bangkok. Its formal roles include preparing paperwork to be signed by the King, who endorses all passed legislation and high-ranking government/military/police appointments, reviewing petitions to the King (aided occasionally by the six former Supreme Court justices on the Privy Council), and supporting foreign guests of the King/Queen. The current PPS, Arsa Sarasin [อาสา สารสิน, 1936 - ], younger brother of Pong, has long made clear his desire to leave the position to focus on managing his family's business, but he serves at the pleasure of the King. Arsa, his predecessor Bhira [Birabhongse Kasemsri - พีรพงศ์ เกษมศรี, 1932 - 2000], and his deputy Krit [Krit Garnjana-Goonchorn - กฤษณ์ กาญจนกุญชร, 1949 - ] all served as diplomats -- and all as Ambassadors to the U.S. Krit, in turn, is known as one of "Prem's boys," having served as the MFA's PM liaison/interpreter for Prem's entire PM stint.

Abb.: Arsa Sarasin [อาสา สารสิน, 1936 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Public domain]

Abb.: Birabhongse Kasemsri - พีรพงศ์ เกษมศรี, 1932 - 2000
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Krit Garnjana-Goonchorn - กฤษณ์ กาญจนกุญชร, 1949 -
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Fair use]

26. (C) The Office of the PPS does not have clear lines of authority, with certain employees' informal roles/influence more significant, such as Mom Butrie's [ท่านผู้หญิงบุตรี วีระไวทยะ], than their titles might suggest. Another such informal player is the Queen's foreign liaison officer within the OPPS, M.L. Anuporn "Joe" Kashemsant [หม่อมหลวงอนุพร เกษมสันต์], son of the King's now deceased cardiologist and the former National Counter Corruption Commissioner, Thanphuying Preeya [Preeya Kasemsant na Ayutthaya -  ท่านผู้หญิง ปรียา เกษมสันต์ ณ อยุธยา, 1932 - ], who indicted Thaksin on a false assets declaration in 2000 and is a regular at the Queen's dinner table. Once the number of the Queen's foreign visitors slowed dramatically in recent years, Anuporn started freelancing more in political intrigues.

Abb.: Thanphuying Butrie Viravaidya  [ท่านผู้หญิงบุตรี วีระไวทยะ]
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2013-012-16. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Preeya Kasemsant na Ayutthaya -  ท่านผู้หญิง ปรียา เกษมสันต์ ณ อยุธยา, 1932 -
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

Royal Household Bureau [สำนักพระราชวัง], Crown Property Bureau [สำนักงานทรัพย์สินส่วนพระมหากษัตริย์], Privy Purse [สำนักงานพระคลังข้างที่]

27. (C) The Royal Household Bureau (RHB) [สำนักพระราชวัง], led by the nearly senile 80 year old Lord Chamberlain Gaewkhwan Watcharothai [แก้วขวัญ วัชโรทัย, 1928 - ] and run out of the Grand Palace, employs several thousand staff to run the day-to-day support of the King/Queen and the upkeep of various palaces used by the King and Queen. A childhood school friend of the King, Gaewkhwan has largely withdrawn from day-to-day management of the RHB, allowing his two sons to run the show. The Privy Purse, directed by MIT grad Pinyo Ekarapanich [ภิญโญ เอครพานิช], manages King Bhumibol's personal property holdings/finances, distinct from the wider holdings of the institution of monarchy (see next para).

Abb.: Gaewkhwan Watcharothai [แก้วขวัญ วัชโรทัย, 1928 - ]

28. (C) The Crown Property Bureau (CPB) [สำนักงานทรัพย์สินส่วนพระมหากษัตริย์], run by Gaewkhwan's deputy, the Grand Chamberlain Chirayu Grand Chamberlain/head of the Crown Property Bureau [สำนักงานทรัพย์สินส่วนพระมหากษัตริย์] [Chirayu Israngkul - จิรายุ อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา, 1942 - ], employs between 100-200 people to manage the extensive property and portfolio holdings of the Crown and generate income to support the monarchy and various members. When Forbes magazine claims that King Bhumibol is the world's richest monarch, valuing him at $35 billion, they fix that number by applying commercial real estate rates to the declared CPB holdings, even though the majority of CPB holdings are likely never to fall in that category. Finding a balance between a better rate of return and the wider interests of the monarchy can be tricky, since much of the CPB's real estate is occupied by non rent-paying schools, hospitals, and government buildings on the one hand, and small urban Bangkok businessmen on the other, with the latter figuring among the institution's most fervent supporters. The CPB holdings are certainly a prize which then PM Thaksin and his team eyed while in office from 2001-06, believing they could "unlock value" if given managerial control.

Abb.: Chirayu Israngkul [จิรายุ อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา, 1942 - ]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]

Minor Royals - Ceremonies and traffic jamming motorcades

29. (C) A number of other minor royals continue to perform ceremonies and clog traffic with motorcades that routinely shut down exresays and major arteries on every trip to go shopping or play badminton, to the great annoyance of Bangkokians. Of most importance is Princess Soamsawali [โสมสวลี
, 1957 - ], the Queen's niece and Crown Prince's first wife. The Queen engineered Soamsawali's formal return to the royal family in 2003, as a counter-balance to the emergence of Srirasmi [ศรีรัศมิ์ , 1971 - ] as the Crown Prince's new wife. Soamsawali currently bears the second heaviest load of royal ceremonies after Sirindhorn. Her daughter, the Crown Prince's first child, Princess Bajrakitiyabha [พัชรกิติยาภา, 1978 - ] (known as Ong Ba), who received a Cornell law degree, has enjoyed an increasingly high profile and a reputation for being perhaps the sharpest of the royal family members. Ong Ba works as a provincial prosecutor in Udon Thani [อุดรธานี]; she is currently taking additional courses at John Jay College in New York.

Abb.: Princess Soamsawali [โสมสวลี, 1957 - ], 2010
[Bildquelle: Ernst Vikne. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Princess Bajrakitiyabha [พัชรกิติยาภา, 1978 - ], 2010
[Bildquelle: Photographer attached to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand : Peerapat Wimolrungkarat / พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

30. (C) The King's youngest child, Princess Chulaporn [จุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์
, 1957 - ], suffers from Lupus, and has cut down her appearances domestically in recent years, but travels extensively in Europe, where she receives medical treatment; her two daughters also contribute to traffic jams.

Abb.: Princess Chulaporn [จุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์, 1957 - ], 2010
[Bildquelle: Photographer attached to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand : Peerapat Wimolrungkarat / พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์.  -- --  Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]

The King's first child, daughter Ubonrat  [อุบลรัตนราชกัญญา
, 1951 - ´] (often incorrectly referred to as "Princess" in English), returned to Thailand and the Bangkok social scene in 2001 after 25 years as a Californian housewife and a divorce from a fellow MIT grad. However, the King chose not to restore Ubonrat's royal title of Princess, which he stripped after she married against his wishes.

Abb.: Ubonrat  [อุบลรัตนราชกัญญา, 1951 - ], 2009
[Bildquelle: The Official Site of The Prime Minister of Thailand Photo by พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์. -- -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]  

Princess Sirivannavari [สิริวัณณวรีนารีรัตน์
, 1987 - ], the Crown Prince's second daughter, from his second ex-wife Yuwatida [ยุวธิดา ผลประเสริฐ = สุจาริณี วิวัชรวงศ์, 1962 - ] (currently residing in Florida), is informally known as the "Fashion Princess" for her fashion design interests; she is currently working at the MFA in advance of a European posting as a "fashion liaison" to Paris and Milan.

Abb.: Princess Sirivannavari [สิริวัณณวรีนารีรัตน์, 1987 - ], 2011
[Bildquelle: U.S. Navy photo by Seaman Tatiana Avery / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]

Interpreting Royal Rumint - 3 brief case studies

31. (S) "The Swedish gambit" - Several times in 2009 Thaksin [ทักษิณ ชินวัตร
, 1949 - ] has tried to advance "negotiations" with various figures affiliated in some way with the monarchy via Swedish associates. He apparently hoped to leverage the prestige of the institution of monarchy to pressure the Democrat-led government to cut a deal with him to return his frozen assets, drop criminal charges, and allow his return to Thailand; what he offered in return was never clear. However, Deputy PPS Krit [Krit Garnjana-Goonchorn - กฤษณ์ กาญจนกุญชร]  told us in September that PPS Arsa [Arsa Sarasin - อาสา สารสิน, 1936 - ] continually shut down such feelers from Thaksin's camp to various figures in palace circles (ref D). Two individuals mentioned as interlocutors who have confirmed the Swedish talks with us -- Sirindhorn adviser Tirawat [ติรวัฒน์ สุจริตกุล] and Queen liaison officer Anuporn [หม่อมหลวงอนุพร เกษมสันต์] -- appear to have been freelancing, without authority to speak for anyone beyond themselves or deliver on any package deal, something Thaksin and his Swedish intermediaries apparently did not realize (ref C).

32. (S) "The December surprise" - there was a flurry of late October rumors, as the King's hospitalization stretched into its second month, of a possible announcement by the King in the anticipated annual Birthday speech (traditionally delivered December 4) that he would abdicate. One version had it in favor of the Crown Prince, a second for a Queen Regency on behalf of Ong Ti [ทีปังกรรัศมีโชติ
, 2005 - ]. Abdication rumors started mid-year, sourced (as best we can tell) out of the Crown Prince's circle and often repeated by red-shirts and those close to Thaksin, but without any confirmatory indication inside palace circles. The downturn in the King's health led many to wonder if insiders might change their mind.

33. (S) Yet the story seemed far-fetched for many reasons: Prem had indicated mid-October to Dutch diplomats that it was unlikely the King would deliver a birthday speech this year due to his health; the King has never shown an inclination to abdicate, knowing it sets a perilous precedent for a dynasty with an unpopular heir and uncertain future bloodlines; the only person with any stature to raise such an issue with the King would be the Queen, whose current views about the Crown Prince remain obscured; the Queen's associates with standing to forcefully raise such a delicate yet momentous issue with her are long dead; and it would take more than a month to prepare the country for an abdication decision--red-shirt leader Vira Musikapong [วีระกานต์ มุสิกพงศ์
, 1948], in dismissing the rumint, told us six months' minimum. (note: with an apparent upturn in the King's health, the rumors died down after a week).

34. (S) "No intermediaries" - Even Thai relatively close to royal principals treat purported wishes conveyed by other royal associates with caution, given the tradition of self-serving "ang barami." One charismatic, divisive figure once very close to the Queen, but no longer, is Thanphuying Viraya [ท่านผู้หญิงวิระยา ชวกุล, 1934 - ], a prodigious fund-raiser who was also Thaksin's chief agent of influence in palace circles until she was expelled circa 2003. When NCCC Commissioner Preeya [Preeya Kasemsant na Ayutthaya -  ท่านผู้หญิง ปรียา เกษมสันต์ ณ อยุธยา, 1932 - ] was preparing to indict Thaksin for his false asset declaration in late 2000, on the eve of his first electoral victory, Viraya claimed to Preeya that Queen Sirikit wanted her to back off the indictment. The message was reinforced by the Crown Prince, who verbally threatened Preeya in front of ladies-in-waiting. Shaken, Preeya sought an audience directly with the Queen, who told her to ignore what she had heard from others and do what was right based on the evidence in the case. Nine years later, Preeya's son Anuporn [หม่อมหลวงอนุพร เกษมสันต์] told us the Queen conveyed a similar message to PM Abhisit [อภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ
, 1964 - ] and DPM Suthep [สุเทพ เทือกสุบรรณ, 1949 - ] in late summer in regards to ensuring accountability for the June 8 mosque massacre, in the face of concern about the connection of the suspects to her aide de camp GEN Naphol [Naphol Boonthap - ณพล บุญทับ]: do what is right based on the evidence and legal norms.


[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2012-02-15]


Inter Press Service berichtet, dass Thailand in den vergangenen drei Monaten in der Provinz Sisaket (ศรีสะเกษ) entlang der kambodschanischen Grenze in zwei Schulen und mehreren Dörfern 340 Bunker gebaut hat. Kosten: 40 Mio. Baht.

Abb.: Lage der Provinz Sisaket (ศรีสะเกษ)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]


In Time Magazine berichtet Hannah Beech über die Iron Ladies [สตรีเหล็ก]:

"Jiranan Phedsri confesses that she has "one true friend." The 51-year-old Thai housewife strokes the object of her affection, caressing its cool curves. The recipient of the devout Buddhist's ardor? A .38-caliber Smith & Wesson pistol Jiranan carries wherever she goes in Thailand's troubled deep south, where a Muslim insurgency has resulted in roughly 4,000 deaths since it gained momentum in 2004. The handgun, though, isn't Jiranan's only trusted companion. As a volunteer in the Iron Ladies, an all-female civilian militia designed to protect Buddhists from Islamic extremists, she received military training on how to wield rifles and machine guns. Jiranan is such a sure shot that she was chosen to show off her target practice for Thailand's Queen Sirikit, who has personally sponsored the Iron Ladies. "I am ready to die for my Queen and for my country," says Jiranan, her fuchsia-painted lips breaking into a wide smile. "That's why I need my little friend.""

[Quelle:,9171,1938511,00.html#ixzz2L9LeaMlO. -- Zugriff am 2013-02-16. -- Fair use]

Abb.: Smith & Wesson Model 60, 3 inch barrel
[Bildquelle: Dori / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]

Abb.: M60 lightweight machine gun (auf dem Bild ein US-Soldat)
[Bildquelle: CHUCK MUSSI / DoD / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]


Tod von Ex-Ministerpräsident Samak Sundaravej (สมัคร สุนทรเวช, geb. 1935).

Abb.: Samak Sundaravej (สมัคร สุนทรเวช) mit US-Präsident George W. Bush, Bangkok, 2008-08-06
White House photo by Chris Greenberg / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]

"Samak Sundaravej, auch Samak Sunthornvej (thailändisch: สมัคร สุนทรเวช, Aussprache: [sàmàk sǔntʰáráwêːt]; * 13. Juni 1935 in Bangkok; † 24. November 2009 ebenda) war ein thailändischer Politiker und Chef der im August 2007 neu gegründeten Phak Palang Prachachon (PPP). Am 28. Januar 2008 wurde er zum Ministerpräsidenten seines Landes gewählt und am nächsten Tag ernannt. Nach wochenlangen Protesten gegen Samaks Regierung wurde er am 9. September 2008 vom Verfassungsgericht wegen einer verfassungswidrigen Nebentätigkeit abgesetzt.


Samak galt als reaktionärer Politikveteran, der bereits in den 1970er Jahren Hoffnungsträger der ultrarechten Monarchisten war. Mitte der 1970er Jahre war Thailand gespalten zwischen linken und rechten Aktivisten, während Indochina unter kommunistische Herrschaft geriet. Am 6. Oktober 1976 gingen Soldaten und bewaffnete „Hilfstruppen“ gegen demonstrierende Studenten der Thammasat-Universität vor und massakrierten vermutlich hunderte von ihnen. Kurz danach wurde Samak Innenminister einer vom Militär eingesetzten Regierung und verschärfte in dieser Position den Kampf gegen die Studenten und linke Aktivisten, die er massenweise verhaften ließ.

Nach dem Militärputsch von General Kriangsak Chomanan im September 1977 sowie in den relativ ruhigen Folgejahren verschwand Samak als Führer seiner rechtspopulistischen Pratchakon-Thai-Partei weitgehend aus den Schlagzeilen. Als nach einem weiteren Militärcoup 1992 unter General Suchinda Kraprayoon dieser eine Regierung bildete, war Samak Sundaravej wieder zurück auf der politischen Bühne als Vizepremierminister. Großdemonstrationen und ein Machtwort des Königs Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX.) zwangen Suchinda jedoch zum Rücktritt und ermöglichten die Rückkehr zur Demokratie. Ende der 1990er Jahre diente Samak als Minister in der Regierung des damaligen Premierministers Banharn Silapa-archa , unter anderem zusammen mit Thaksin Shinawatra.

Im Juli 2000 wurde Samak zum Gouverneur von Bangkok gewählt und versprach, die Korruption zu bekämpfen. Nach vier Jahren räumte er aber ein, dass er ihr Ausmaß unterschätzt habe und dass man machtlos dagegen sei. Zur Wiederwahl trat er nicht mehr an. Nach dem Ende seiner Amtszeit als Gouverneur wurde er Talkmaster im Fernsehen, bevor er im Jahr 2007 den Vorsitz der neu gegründeten PPP übernahm. Seine Partei ist de facto die Nachfolgerin der nach dem Militärputsch verbotenen Partei („Thai Rak Thai“ – Thais lieben Thais) des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten Thaksin Shinawatra, der sich nach einer Verurteilung zu einer Gefängnisstrafe ins Ausland abgesetzt hat. Eines der wichtigsten Ziele der PPP ist es immer noch, Thaksins Rückkehr aus dem Exil zu ermöglichen.

Bei den Parlamentswahlen in Thailand vom 23. Dezember 2007 gewann die PPP die Mehrheit der Stimmen. Nach einem vorläufigen Endergebnis entfielen 228 der 480 Sitze im Bangkoker Parlament auf Samaks Partei. Damit verfehlte sie die absolute Mehrheit. Samak kündigte jedoch an, eine Koalitionsregierung bilden zu wollen. Er selbst beanspruchte das Amt des Premierministers für sich.[1] Am 28. Januar 2008 wurde er vom thailändischen Parlament zum neuen Ministerpräsidenten gewählt. An seiner Regierung waren neben der PPP fünf weitere, kleinere Parteien beteiligt.[2]

Ende August 2008 kam es zu Massenprotesten gegen Samak, bei denen der Regierungssitz (Government House) tagelang besetzt wurde. Außerdem wurden kurzzeitig mehrere Flughäfen und Bahnlinien blockiert und ein Fernsehsender besetzt.[3] Anfang September 2008 kam es bei den Massenprotesten auch zu Toten und Verletzten, woraufhin der Ausnahmezustand in Bangkok ausgerufen wurde.[4] Einen Rücktritt lehnte Samak zu diesem Zeitpunkt ab.[5]

Am 9. September 2008 entschied das Verfassungsgericht, dass Samak mit einer Nebentätigkeit als Koch in einer Fernsehshow gegen die Verfassung verstoßen habe. Unmittelbar nach der Verkündung des Urteils wurde Samak für abgesetzt erklärt.[6] Pläne der PPP, Samak nach der Amtsenthebung als Ministerpräsidenten wiedereinzusetzen, scheiterten an dem Widerstand der Koalitionspartner, die am 12. September die Parlamentssitzung boykottierten. Die PPP erklärte daraufhin, auf eine weitere Kandidatur Samaks zu verzichten.[7]

Am 24. November 2009 um etwa 9 Uhr 30 verstarb Samak nach einem drei Tage langen Koma im Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok, in dem er schon monatelang wegen einer Krebserkrankung behandelt worden war. In einem ersten kurzen Nachruf[8] beschrieb ihn The Nation als eine der schillerndsten und umstrittensten Figuren in der thailändischen Politik.

  1. ↑ „Debakel für die Generäle“ Der Spiegel, 24. Dezember 2007
  2. ↑
  3. ↑ Tagesschau: Flughafen auf Phuket blockiert – Züge stehen still (nicht mehr online verfügbar) vom 30. August 2008 (aufgerufen am 13. September 2008).
  4. ↑ Tagesschau: Der Machtkampf in Thailand eskaliert (nicht mehr online verfügbar) vom 2. September 2008 (aufgerufen am 13. September 2008).
  5. ↑ Tagesschau: „Niemand kann mich zum Rücktritt zwingen“ (nicht mehr online verfügbar) vom 4. September 2008 (aufgerufen am 13. September 2008).
  6. ↑ Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Regierungschef als illegaler Fernsehkoch vom 9. September 2008 (aufgerufen am 13. September 2008).
  7. ↑ Focus: Samak Sundaravej gibt auf vom 12. September 2008 (aufgerufen am 13. September 2008).
  8. Former PM Samak dies of cancer Tuesday Tageszeitung The Nation vom 24. November 2009 (auf Englisch)"

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2011-10-06]

2009-11-26 - 2009-11-29

Beim World Scrabble Championship in Johor Bahru (Malaysia) gewinnt Pakorn Nemitrmansuk (1975 - ).

Abb.: Lage von Johor Bahru (Malaysia)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Das Labour Department setzt Thailand auf die Blacklist, da in Thailand bei der Herstellung von Shrimps, Textilen, Zuckerrohr und pornografischen Materialien Kinder oder Zwangsarbeiter genutzt werden.


New York: UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) zeichnet Prinzessin Bajrakitiyabha (พัชรกิติยาภา, 1978 - ), die Tochter des Kronprinzen, für ihre außerordentlichen Verdienste um die Beendigung der Gewalt gegen Frauen aus.

Abb.: Prinzessin Bajrakitiyabha (พัชรกิติยาภา), 2009
UN Photo/Jess Hoffman. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-10-30. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Bearbeitung)]


Das Privatsekretariat des Königs teilt mit, dass auf Anweisung des Königs The Trooping the Colour und die Geburtstagsansprache auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben werden.


Soziale Medien:


NZZ: Thailand in Rosa zu Ehren des Königs : Trotz pompöser Einheitsdemonstration bleiben die tiefen Gräben im Land bestehen / von Kurt Pelda.

"Hunderttausende von Thailändern haben am Samstag in Bangkok den 82. Geburtstag von König Bhumibol gefeiert. Die Umgebung des Königspalasts war in rosa Farbtöne getaucht, weil viele Teilnehmer zu Ehren ihres Monarchen rosafarbene Polohemden trugen. Eigentlich ist Gelb die Farbe Seiner Majestät, doch wäre die Feier damit zu sehr in die Nähe der monarchistischen Gelbhemden gerückt. Diese sind die Widersacher der «roten» Anhänger um den ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten Thaksin, der 2006 vom Militär gestürzt wurde. Als der König nach einem früheren Spitalaufenthalt das Krankenhaus verlassen konnte, trug er ein rosafarbenes Jackett. Seither symbolisiert die Farbe so etwas wie die Wünsche der Thailänder für die Genesung ihres greisen Landesvaters.


Die Feierlichkeiten waren wohl auch als Demonstration von Einheit gedacht, wobei diese all jene auszuschliessen droht, die sich wie die Rothemden wünschen, dass sich der Palast aus der Politik heraushält. Kurz vor dem grossen Fest waren in Thailands Medien Elogen erschienen, in denen der Monarch unter anderem als «König der Könige» beschrieben wurde. Die Seele Seiner Majestät sei rein und der Monarch befinde sich auf dem Pfad zur vollständigen Erleuchtung, hiess es zum Beispiel in der Tageszeitung «The Nation». Mit dem Verweis auf die bevorstehende Erleuchtung wird der König praktisch auf eine göttliche Ebene gehoben."

[Quelle: NZZ Internationale Ausgabe. -- 2009-12-07. -- S. 4. -- Fair use]


VW kauft 19,9% des japanischen Autobauers Suzuki (スズキ株式会社). Im Gegenzug übernimmt Suzuki für 770 Mio. € VW-Aktien. VW erhofft sich dazu einen Zugang zu den Märkten in China, Südostasien und Indien.

Abb.: ®Logo
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia]

Abb.: ®Logo
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia]

2009-12-09 - 2009-12-18

Südostasienspiele in Vientiane (ວຽງຈັນ) (Laos). Thailand gewinnt 86 mal Gold, 83 mal Silber und 97 mal Bronze. In der Gesamtbewertung steht Thailand mit 266 Medaillen an erster Stelle der 11 teilnehmenden Länder.

Abb.: Lage von Vientiane (ວຽງຈັນ) (Laos)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: ®Maskottchen
[Bildquelle: Jectre. -- -- Zugriff am 2012-01-18. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]


Premiere des Films ปายอินเลิฟ  = Pai in Love von Tanit Jitnukul (ธนิตย์ จิตนุกูล , 1956 - )

Abb.: Filmplakat
[Fair use]

Abb.: Lage von Pai (ปาย)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]


Eröffnung des Neubaus der Darun Aman Moschee (มัสยิดดารุลอามาน) in Chiang Rai (เชียงราย).

Abb.: Lage von Chiang Rai (เชียงราย)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

Abb.: Darun Aman Moschee (มัสยิดดารุลอามาน), Chiang Rai (เชียงราย)
Iceway12 / Wikipedia. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]

"Darun Aman Mosque (Thai: มัสยิดดารุลอามาน or Thai: มัสยิดบ้านฮ่อ) ,located at Isaraparb road, is the biggest mosques in Chiang Rai province. The mosque was one of many mosques in northern Thailand, built by Hui people (回族; حُوِ ذَو ) or roughly known as Chin Haw (จีนฮ่อ) in Thai.


The new building has just opened in 27th December 2009, replacing the old one. It shows a great mixture between Chinese and Islamic architecture. The main structure is highly influenced by the Persian architecture with the Chinese decorations. The tip of the two minarets has been replaced with the small Chinese pavilion, instead of a typical Islamic dome. The total cost was around 20 million Baht."

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2011-11-14]


Rosa-Hemden-Event in der Luk-Thung-Show เวทีไทย (Thai-Bühne)

"Not surprisingly, attempts by the pink shirts and the Democrat government to capitalize on the popularity and ubiquity of luk thung [เพลงลูกทุ่ง] have usually come across as forced and heavy handed. On December 27, 2009, the long-running televised luk thung concert show, Wethi Thai (Thai Stage) [เวทีไทย], diverted from its usual programming to broadcast a pink shirts rally featuring then prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. When long-term fans of the show arrived at the alternative venue they discovered that about a thousand pink-shirted supporters had already arrived by bus, along with a sizeable security presence. The stage featured a huge backdrop of the king, with a halo effect, looking over farmers planting rice. An introductory film interspersed footage of the king with footage of Abhisit and his government. Before the prime minister made his appearance, Grammy artist Mon Khaen [มนต์แคน แก่นคูน, 1973] sang molam [หมอลำ] accompanied by ten dancers all holding khaen [แคน / ແຄນ], the musical symbol of Isan [อีสาน]. Abhisit and other dignitaries then sang Phloen Phromdaen’s [เพลิน พรหมแดน, 1939 - ] classic "Chom thung" [ชมทุ่ง] (Admiring the Rural Scenery), before being presented with garlands and roses by a procession of poor people. The choice of song was curious considering Phloen’s well-known preference for the red shirts, but perhaps it was a case of reclaiming enemy territory. Despite being carefully designed to appeal to the luk thung demographic the overall effect was undermined by Abhisit’s obvious discomfort and lapses in memory during the song."

[Quelle: Mitchell, James Leonhard: Luk Thung : the culture and politics of Thailand's most popular music. -- Chiang Mai : Silkworm, 2015. --208 S. : Ill ; 21 cm. -- ISBN 978-616-215-106-4. -- S. 169. -- Fair use]

Künstlerlink Mon Khaen auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:3rgV9yITWBbo7vvlN6COHp

Der Song "Chom thung" auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:1tuyCQPm3Tm73XJGxSeazw

Abb.: CD-Hülle: "Chom thung" [ชมทุ่ง]
[Fair use]


Freundschaftsvertrag zwischen Lausanne (Schweiz) und Bangkok: Accord de fraternité entre La Ville de Lausanne, Capitale  du Canton de Vaud Conféderation Helvetique, et La Ville de Bangkok, Royaume de Thaïlande.

Abb.: Lage von Lausanne
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]

Verwendete Ressourcen


Zu Chronik 2010 / B. E. 2553. -- 1. undatiert