Ausgewählte Texte aus der Carakasaṃhitā

Anhang A: Pflanzenbeschreibungen

Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.

zusammengestellt von Alois Payer

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Carakasaṃhitā: Ausgewählte Texte aus der Carakasaṃhitā / übersetzt und erläutert von Alois Payer <1944 - >. -- Anhang A: Pflanzenbeschreibungen. -- Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. -- Fassung vom 2007-07-09. -- URL:    

Erstmals publiziert: 2007-07-09


Anlass: Lehrveranstaltung SS 2007

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Abb.: Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.
[Bildquelle: Kirtikar-Basu, ©1918]


"The T. dioica (Roxb.) is cultivated as an article of food. An alcoholic extract of the unripe fruit is described as a powerful and safe cathartic, in doses of from 3 to 5 grains, repeated every third hour as long as may be necessary. —(Beng. Disp.) The plant is a wholesome bitter, which imparts a tone to the system after protracted illness. It has also been employed as a febrifuge and tonic. The old Hindoo physicians used it in leprosy.—Pharm. of India."

[Quelle: Drury, Heber <1819 - 1872>: The useful plants of India : with notices of their chief value in commerce, medicine, and the arts. -- 2d ed. with additions and corrections. London : Allen, 1873. -- xvi, 512 p. ; 22 cm. -- s.v. "T. cucumerina"]



Sans, Patola.

Vern. Palwal, Hind.

The Trichosanthes dioica is extensively cultivated as an article of food in Bengal. The unripe fruits are much used by the natives as a culinary vegetable and are considered very wholesome and especially suited for the convalescent. In fact they constitute one of the most palatable vegetables grown in this country. The tender tops are also used as a pot-herb and are regarded as tonic and vermifuge.

The leaves, fresh juice of the fruits and the root are all vised medicinally. The leaves are described as a good, light and agreeable bitter tonic. The fresh juice of the unripe fruit is often used as a cooling and laxative adjunct to some alterative medicines such as the preparation called Rasa sindura, etc. The bulbous root is called Ramyaka in Sanskrit and is classified amongst purgatives by Susruta.

In bilious fever, a decoction of patola leaves and coriander in equal parts, is given as a febrifuge and laxative. The leaves enter into the composition of several compound decoctions for fever. The following called Patolādi kvātha is an illustration. Take of patola leaves, red sandal wood, root of Sanseviera Zeylanica (murvā), Picrorrhiza Kurroa (katuki), Stephania hernandifolia (pāthā) and gulancha, each one drachm, water half a seer, boil together till reduced to one-fourth.

Patola enters into the composition of several compound decoctions for boils and other skin diseases for which it is considered a very efficacious remedy. The following is an illustration. Take of patola leaves, gulancha, mustaka, chiretā, nim bark, catechu, root-bark of Justicia Adhatoda (vāsaka), and Oldenlandia herbacea (parpata), equal parts, in all two tolās, and prepare a decoction in the usual way. This decoction is regarded as a valuable alterative, tonic and febrifuge.

- The root is used in combination with Ipomoea Turpethum and other adjuncts as a drastic purgative in jaundice, anasarca and ascites. The following called Patolādya churnna is an illustration. Take of the root of Trichosanthes dioica (patola), turmeric, bāberang seeds, kamalā powder, and the three myrobalans, two tolās each, cinnamon, and the root of the indigo plant, three tolās each, Ipomoea Turpethum (trivrit) four tolās; powder the ingredients finely and mix. Dose, about one drachm with cow's urine. After the use of this medicine, light food only (such as gruel) should be taken.

The fresh juice of the leaves of Trichosanthes dioica is recommended by several writers, to be applied to the bald patches of alopecia."

[Quelle: Dutt, Uday Chand: The materia medica of the Hindus / Uday Chand Dutt. With a glossary of Indian plants by George King. -- 2. ed. with additions and alterations / by Binod Lall Sen & Ashutosh Sen. -- Calcutta, 1900. - XVIII, 356 S. -- S. 169ff.]