Informationsmarktverzerrung durch Fundamentalismus am Beispiel der USA

Kapitel 6: Apokalyptische Außenpolitik

4. Rapture — Endzeitkatastrophe, aber ohne uns

von Margarete Payer


Zitierweise / cite as:

Payer, Margarete <1942 - >: Informationsmarktverzerrung durch Fundamentalismus am Beispiel der USA. -- Kapitel 6: Apokalyptische Außenpolitik. -- 4. Rapture — Endzeitkatastrophe, aber ohne uns. -- Fassung vom 2005-04-21. -- URL:

Erstmals publiziert: 2005-03-30

Überarbeitungen: 2005-04-21 [Ergänzungen]; 2005-04-16 [Ergänzungen]; 2005-04-13 [Ergänzungen]; 2005-04-08 [Ergänzungen]

Anlass: Lehrveranstaltung an der Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, Sommersemester 2005

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0. Übersicht

1. Mottos

"But let us turn our face from that dreadful scene,
and be reminded that the redeemed of God ...
 shall not be on the earth at that time."

[Zitiert in: Boyer, Paul <1935 - >: When time shall be no more : prophecy belief in modern American culture. -- Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992. -- xiv, 468 S., [16] p. of plates : Ill., map ; 25 cm.  -- ISBN: 067495128X. -- S. 126. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

Abb.: Satire auf Billboards
[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-22]

Life was filled with guns and war,
and everyone got trampled on the floor.
I wish we'd all been ready.

Children died, the days grew cold,
a piece of bread could buy a bag of gold.
I wish we'd all been ready.

There's no time to change your mind,
the Son has come and you've been left behind.

A man and wife asleep in bed,
she hears a noise and turns her head, he's gone.
I wish we'd all been ready.

Two men walking up a hill,
one disappears and one's left standing still.
I wish we'd all been ready.

There s no time to change your mind,
the Son has come and you've been left behind.

[I wish we'd all been ready / von Larry Norman <1947 - >. -- Aus: A Thief in the Night / Film von Donald W. (Whitney) Thompson <1937 - >. -- 1972. -- Zitiert in: Balmer, Randall Herbert <1954 - >: Mine eyes have seen the glory : a journey into the evangelical subculture in America. -- 3rd ed.  -- New York : Oxford University Press, ©2000.  -- xviii, 327 S. ; 21 cm.  -- ISBN: 0195131800. -- S. 59. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

Hören Sie einen Audioclip von "I wish"

Quelle der wma-Datei (Sänger: Larry Norman): . -- Zugriff am 2005-04-16

2. Neutestamentliche Grundlagen

Abb.: Entrückungs-Uhr

[Bildquelle: Boyer, Paul <1935 - >: When time shall be no more : prophecy belief in modern American culture. -- Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992. -- xiv, 468 S., [16] p. of plates : Ill., map ; 25 cm.  -- ISBN: 067495128X. -- Nach S. 144. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

Matthäusevangelium 24, 29 - 42, besonders 40 - 41

29Bald aber nach der Trübsal derselben Zeit werden Sonne und Mond den Schein verlieren, und Sterne werden vom Himmel fallen, und die Kräfte der Himmel werden sich bewegen.
30Und alsdann wird erscheinen das Zeichen des Menschensohnes am Himmel. Und alsdann werden heulen alle Geschlechter auf Erden und werden sehen kommen des Menschen Sohn in den Wolken des Himmels mit großer Kraft und Herrlichkeit.
31Und er wird senden seine Engel mit hellen Posaunen, und sie werden sammeln seine Auserwählten von den vier Winden, von einem Ende des Himmels zu dem anderen.
32An dem Feigenbaum lernet ein Gleichnis: wenn sein Zweig jetzt saftig wird und Blätter gewinnt, so wisst ihr, dass der Sommer nahe ist.
33Also auch wenn ihr das alles sehet, so wisset, dass es nahe vor der Tür ist.
34Wahrlich ich sage euch: Dies Geschlecht wird nicht vergehen, bis dass dieses alles geschehe.
35Himmel und Erde werden vergehen; aber meine Worte werden nicht vergehen.
36Von dem Tage aber und von der Stunde weiß niemand, auch die Engel nicht im Himmel, sondern allein mein Vater.
37Aber gleichwie es zur Zeit Noah's war, also wird auch sein die Zukunft des Menschensohnes.
38Denn gleichwie sie waren in den Tagen vor der Sintflut, sie aßen, sie tranken, sie freiten und ließen sich freien, bis an den Tag, da Noah zu der Arche einging.
39und achteten's nicht, bis die Sintflut kam und nahm sie alle dahin, also wird auch sein die Zukunft des Menschensohnes.
40Dann werden zwei auf dem Felde sein; einer wird angenommen, und der andere wird verlassen werden.
41Zwei werden mahlen auf der Mühle; eine wird angenommen, und die andere wird verlassen werden.
42Darum wachet, denn ihr wisset nicht, welche Stunde euer HERR kommen wird.
[Luther-Bibel 1912:]

Lukasevangelium 17, 34 -37

34Ich sage euch: In derselben Nacht werden zwei auf einem Bette liegen; einer wird angenommen, der andere wird verlassen werden.
35Zwei werden mahlen miteinander; eine wird angenommen, die andere wird verlassen werden.
36Zwei werden auf dem Felde sein; einer wird angenommen, der andere wird verlassen werden.
37Und sie antworteten und sprachen zu ihm: HERR wo? Er aber sprach zu ihnen: Wo das Aas ist, da sammeln sich auch die Adler.
[Luther-Bibel 1912]

Johannesevangelium 14, 1-3:

1Und er sprach zu seinen Jüngern: Euer Herz erschrecke nicht! Glaubet an Gott und glaubet an mich!
2In meines Vaters Hause sind viele Wohnungen. Wenn es nicht so wäre, so wollte ich zu euch sagen: Ich gehe hin euch die Stätte zu bereiten.
3Und wenn ich hingehe euch die Stätte zu bereiten, so will ich wiederkommen und euch zu mir nehmen, auf dass ihr seid, wo ich bin.
[Luther-Bibel 1912]

Lord Jesus, come! Nor let us longer roam
Afar from Thee, and that bright place
Where we shall see Thee face to face.
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!

Lord Jesus, come! Thine absence here we mourn:
No joy we know apart from Thee,
No sorrow in Thy presence see.
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!

Lord Jesus, Come!
And claim us as Thine own;
With longing hearts the path we tread,
Which Thee on high to glory led,
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!

Lord Jesus, come! And take Thy people home:
That all Thy flock, so scattered here,
With Thee in glory may appear.
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!

Text: Plymouth Brethren Hymnal, 1856;
Melodie: Philipp Paul Bliss (1838 - 1876), 1873

Klicken Sie hier, um "Lord Jesus ..." zu hören

Quelle der midi-Datei: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-24

1. Brief des Paulus an die Korinther 15, 51 - 52

51Siehe, ich sage euch ein Geheimnis: Wir werden nicht alle entschlafen, wir werden aber alle verwandelt werden;
52und dasselbe plötzlich, in einem Augenblick, zur Zeit der letzten Posaune. Denn es wird die Posaune schallen, und die Toten werden auferstehen unverweslich, und wir werden verwandelt werden.
[Luther-Bibel 1912]

1. Brief des Paulus an die Thessalonicher 4, 13 - 18

13Wir wollen euch aber, liebe Brüder, nicht verhalten von denen, die da schlafen, auf dass ihr nicht traurig seid wie die andern, die keine Hoffnung haben.
14Denn so wir glauben, dass Jesus gestorben und auferstanden ist, also wird Gott auch, die da entschlafen sind, durch Jesum mit ihm führen.
15Denn das sagen wir euch als ein Wort des HERRN, dass wir, die wir leben und übrig bleiben auf die Zukunft des HERRN, werden denen nicht zuvorkommen, die da schlafen.
16denn er selbst, der HERR, wird mit einem Feldgeschrei und der Stimme des Erzengels und mit der Posaune Gottes herniederkommen vom Himmel, und die Toten in Christo werden auferstehen zuerst.
17Darnach wir, die wir leben und übrig bleiben, werden zugleich mit ihnen hingerückt werden in den Wolken, dem HERRN entgegen in der Luft, und werden also bei dem HERRN sein allezeit.
18So tröstet euch nun mit diesen Worten untereinander.
[Luther-Bibel 1912]

Caught Up

Though we may not know the moment when our blessèd Lord shall come
To receive us to mansions “over there,”
Yet we know ’twill not be long before He takes His loved ones home,
And we’re caught up to meet Him in the air.


We’ll be caught up to meet Him in the air,
We’ll be caught up His blessedness to share;
Very soon He will come
To take His people home
Caught up to meet Him in the air.

There are times when we are called to wade through waters deep and wide,
And the sorrows of Christ Himself to share;
We remember He has promised to be ever at our side,
Till we’re caught up to meet Him in the air.


Then eternal years in glory with our Savior we will spend;
O we long for that morning bright and fair!
When the days of our sojourning and our pilgrimage shall end,
We’ll be caught up to meet Him in the air.


Text und Melodie: Thoro Harris (1874 - 1955), ca. 1917

Klicken Sie hier, um "Though we ..." zu hören

Quelle der midi-Datei: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-24

Brief des Paulus an die Philipper 3, 20 -21

20Unser Wandel aber ist im Himmel, von dannen wir auch warten des Heilands Jesu Christi, des HERRN,
21welcher unsern nichtigen Leib verklären wird, daß er ähnlich werde seinem verklärten Leibe nach der Wirkung, mit der er kann auch alle Dinge sich untertänig machen.
[Luther-Bibel 1912]

3. Rapture — die Entrückung

Pastor: My church, my people, you're not gonna be there when the bomb starts falling!

Congregation: — Jesus! Jesus! Yes! Hallelujah!

I'm gonna take you outta here!

— Hallelujah!

That picture's not very good, but it's Peaceful View Cemetery and the dead comin' out of their graves. For the dead shall be raised first.

— Oh, hallelujah!

We which are alive remain —

— Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air . . . Some of you are going to read the newspapers the next day after the church is gone: MULTITUDES MISSING! Disaster strikes the earth. Hundreds of wrecks — drivers missing. Panic and terror world wide. Graves split open. Why? Lift it up a little bit. Jesus is coming!

— Oh, yes! Jesus is coming.

— Yes! Yes!

Point Him out. I want you to see He's coming here in clouds of glory.

— Hallelujah!

The Bible said that the trump of God shall sound.

— Hallelujah!

There He is, right up in the middle. Hallelujah!

— Hallelujah!

He's comin'. I said, He's comin' in the clouds of glory. He's comin'. He's comin'. Jesus is comin' in the clouds of glory —

— Hallelujah! Jesus!

Over the horizon of Amarillo, Texas.

— Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!

Saints of God, do you see them rising out of the earth in the right hand bottom corner! It doesn't look too clear, but there it is: Jesus in the clouds and the saints rising to meet him. Jesus is coming!

— Oh, yes! Hallelujah!

. . . You say, "Brother Elms, are you talking about nuclear holocaust for the USA? Do you mean to tell me that we're going to be the victim of a terrifying nuclear attack?"

Absolutely! It is ordained in God's Word beyond any shadow of a doubt. I want you to get for me on the Lord's transparencies Revelations 18:17-19 right quick tonight. What does the Bible say? In Revelations 18:17-19? Remember, it's talking about Babylon. Babylon is America. "For in one hour— " Not a day, not a week, not a month, not a year. "In one hour..."

Rev. Roycc Elms, "Doomsday for the USA," sermon/slide show, First United Pentecostal Church of Amarillo, Texas, October 3, 1982.

[Zitiert in: Mojtabai, A. G. (Ann Grace) <1937 - : Blessèd assurance : at home with the bomb in Amarillo, Texas. -- 1st Syracuse University Press ed.  -- Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1997.  -- xvi, 255 S. ; 21 cm.  -- ISBN: 0815605080. -- Originally published: Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1986.  -- S. 152. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]


Bei Amarillo ist Pantex Plant [Webpräsenz: -- Zugriff am 2005-04-08], America's einzige Firma, die Nuklearwaffen zusammensetzt bzw. zerlegt, also ein primäres strategisches Ziel bei einem (Atom-)Krieg.

Abb.: Lage von Amarillo (©MS Encarta)


Abb.: Where are the dead
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-22]


In some variants of Christian eschatology, the rapture is the raising up of the faithful believers before the last days.

Supporters of this doctrine are most commonly found among fundamentalist and conservative Protestants, especially in the United States. Belief in the rapture is particularly associated with the school of Biblical interpretation called dispensationalism.

Other Christian groups disagree with that interpretation, claiming that the rapture concept is a misinterpretation of scripture that simply describes the personal religious experience; a spiritual crossroads where the truths of the Holy Spirit and one's own sin are openly revealed. For example, the Pharisee Saul's experience of the spirit led to his transformation to become Paul a Christian, could be called a "rapture."

While such experience may be common across all faiths, how one interprets the experience depends on the culture, and theology from which one is based.

The Rapture

According to this belief, believers will suddenly disappear from Earth in the "twinkling of an eye", while all others will be left behind to endure the tribulation. In some Christian circles this is known as a pre-trib doctrine, because the rapture rescues the faithful from Earth before the tribulation, rather than after, as some other Christians believe. The resurrection of the dead will occur at the same time. Almost all Christians believe that believers will be taken up to heaven, but the essence of the term "rapture" is that in some way non-believers will be left behind for at least some period of time before the world finally ends, and this teaching revolves around the scripture passage in Matthew 24:40-41 which explains that "two shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left" (compare Luke 17:34-36), and also 1 Thessalonians 4:17 which teaches that believers will "be caught up the clouds to meet the Lord [Jesus Christ] in the air". These verses were not really paid much attention to before the Protestant reformation, and consequently most Christian denominations who have beliefs concerning a rapture are those that appeared after the reformation.


Supporters for this belief generally cite four primary sources in the New Testament:

  • John 14:1-3
  • In 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, the Apostle Paul writes: "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
  • In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul writes: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
  • In Philippians 3:20-21, Paul writes: "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself."

Generally, an elaborate set of predictions about the end times are constructed from these sets of verses, together with various interpretations of the Book of Revelation and the predictions of Christ's return in Matthew 24:30-36. In general, believers in the rapture consider the present to be the end times, and offer interpretations of the various symbolisms in the book of Revelation in terms of contemporary world events. They believe that, because of the presumed imminence of the end of the world, they have a unique ability to correctly understand these symbols, which had seemed so cryptic to Christians in earlier times.


Criticism of the rapture are usually based on the idea that it is a relatively new theory in the history of Christian belief, and also on the principle that anyone left behind who had knowledge of the theory but didn't believe in Christ would essentially have full proof to be convinced of the necessity of believing and thus everyone left behind would essentially be forced to believe (this would prevent any type of Antichrist from having any credibility). However, this may not be so, as God allows Satan to send them a deluding influence, backed up by many signs and false wonders (2 Thess 2:11: ["Darum wird ihnen Gott kräftige Irrtümer senden, daß sie glauben der Lüge"]).


Belief in the rapture became popular in some Christian circles during the 1970s, in part thanks to the books of Hal Lindsey, including The Late Great Planet Earth. Many of Lindsey's predictions in that book, which assumed that the rapture was imminent, were based on world conditions at the time. The Cold War figured prominently in their predictions of Armageddon, and other aspects of 1970s global politics were seen as having been predicted in the Bible. Lindsay believed, for example, that the 10-headed beast cited in Revelation was the European Economic Community, which at the time consisted of ten nations.

Many Christians continue to believe in the rapture, with their interpretations of biblical eschatology having been updated to reflect changes in world conditions.

The Rapture in media
  • There was a 1991 film starring Mimi Rogers called The Rapture which was about one woman's experience of the rapture.
  • Rapture is a major component of the premise of the Left Behind books and its various spin-offs. Again these books greatly revived belief in this concept.
External links

[Quelle: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-22]

Abb.: Methuselah is dying
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-22]

4. Rapture bildlich

Abb.: Die Entrückung auf der Autobahn
[Bildquelle: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-26]

"You'll be riding along in an automobile. You'll be the driver perhaps. You're a Christian. There'll be several people in the automobile with you, maybe someone who is not a Christian. When the trumpet sounds you and the other born-again believers in that automobile will be instantly caught away—you will disappear, leaving behind only your clothes and physical things that cannot inherit eternal life. That unsaved person or persons in the automobile will suddenly be startled to find that the car is moving along without a driver, and the car suddenly somewhere crashes.. .Other cars on the highway driven by believers will suddenly be out of control and stark pandemonium will occur on.. .every highway in the world where Christians are caught away from the driver's wheel."

[Jerry Falwell, 1984. -- Zitiert in: Diamond, Sara: Spiritual warfare : the politics of the Christian right. -- Boston, MA : South End Press, ©1989. -- 292 S. -- ISBN 0896083616. -- S. 133]

5. Rapture Index — Endzeitlicher Erwartungsindex -- Zugriff am 2005-03-25 bringt einen jeweils aktuellen "Rapture Index", dem man entnehmen kann, wie groß die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist, dass die Entrückung unmittelbar bevorsteht.

"The Purpose For This Index

The Rapture Index has two functions: one is to factor together a number of related end time components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to standardize those components to eliminate the wide variance that currently exists with prophecy reporting.

The Rapture Index is by no means meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is designed to measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the rapture.

You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

Rapture Index of 85 and Below:  Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 85 to 110: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 110 to 145: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 145: Fasten your seat belts

Der 21. März 2005 hatte einen Index von 148, also "Fasten your seat belts!". Das Rekord-Hoch war der 24. September 2001 mit einem Index von 184, das Rekordtief war am 12. Dezember 1993 mit einem Index von nur 57.

Der apokalyptische Spekulant verfolgt also nicht nur den Dow Jones, sondern auch den Rapture index!

  1. False Christs
  2. Occult
  3. Satanism
  4. Unemployment
  5. Inflation
  6. Interest Rates
  7. The Economy
  8. Oil Supply/Price
  9. Debt and Trade
  10. Financial unrest
  11. Leadership
  12. Drug abuse
  13. Apostasy
  14. Supernatural
  15. Moral Standards
  16. Anti-Christian
  17. Crime Rate
  1. Ecumenism
  2. Globalism
  3. Tribulation Temple
  4. Anti-Semitism
  5. Israel
  6. Gog (Russia)
  7. Persia (Iran)
  8. The False Prophet
  9. Nuclear Nations
  10. Global Turmoil
  11. Arms Proliferation
  12. Liberalism
  13. The Peace Process
  14. Kings of the East
  15. Mark of the Beast
  16. Beast Government
  17. The Antichrist
  1. Date Settings
  2. Volcanoes
  3. Earthquakes
  4. Wild Weather
  5. Civil Rights
  6. Famine
  7. Drought
  8. Plagues
  9. Climate
  10. Food Supply
  11. Floods

Rapture Index 148
Net Change -3


Updated Mar 21, 2005

2002 High 179  2003 High 177  2004 High 157 2005 High 155
2002 Low  161  2003 Low  133  2004 Low  135 2005 Low  148

Record High 182        Record Low 57  
24 Sept 01              12 Dec 93      
04 Unemployment:
    The global job market shows signs of improvement. 
02 Occult: 
    The lack of activity has downgraded this category.
05 Inflation:
    High commodity prices are forcing up wholesale prices.  
07 Economy:
    The high price of oil is putting pressure on the global economy.
08 Oil Supply/Price
    The price of oil is up on strong demand.      
09 Debt and Trade:
    The U.S. federal and trade deficit hit new highs. 
11 Leadership:
    The historic nature of the Indonesian earthquake has upgraded 
    this category.  
12 Drug abuse:
    Drug use in teens declines by 11 percent 
15 Moral Standards:
    Gay marry supporters lose every major political vote    
16 Anti-Christian:
    A terror bombing against Iraqi Christians has upgraded this 
15 Moral Standards:
    The scourge of gay marriage upgraded this category   
19 Globalism:
    Several Asian nations are working on a free trade zone  
20 Tribulation Temple
    The lack of activity has downgraded this category. 
22 Israel
    A new round of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians has
    brought a shaky peace to the region.
24 Persia (Iran):
    The world has become focused on Iran's nuclear program.
27 Global Turmoil:
    A series of terrorist attack have occurred in Russia.  
28 Arms Proliferation:
    Iran, China, and Pakistan continue to buildup their military 
29 Liberalism:
    Liberals in the U.S. take huge beating
30  The Peace Process:
    The lack of activity has downgraded this category. 
31 Kings of the East
    China's economy continues to grow at a fast pace.
32 Mark of the Beast:
    Wal-mart is falling behind in its plan to bar code all products 
    with radio tags.
33 Beast Government:
    French voters are cooling in their support of the EU treaty.
36 Volcanoes
    The lack of activity has downgraded this category
37 Earthquakes
    Asia is hit by a massive 9.0 magnitude quake
39 Civil Rights
    A People power demonstrations has forced the resignation of the 
    Lebanese puppet government
40 Famine:
    The world hunger situation remains stable
41 Drought
    Heavy rains in Arizona end 8 years of drought
42 Plagues
    West Nile Virus spreads across North America
43 Climate:
    The increase in the frequency of Hurricanes has experts wondering  
    if there is a connection to climate change.  
45 Floods: 
    Floods in the Philippines kill over 1,300 people 


Rapture Index vom 21. März 2005. -- © -- Zugriff am 2005-03-25

6. "Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Hölle, wo ist dein Sieg?" (1 Kor 15, 55)

Für einen gläubigen Christen (nicht nur Fundamentalisten!) ist Rapture, die Entrückung, nur ein Sonderfall der Glaubensgewissheit, wie sie Paulus im 1. Brief an die Korinther, Kapitel 15 ausdrückt:

54Wenn aber das Verwesliche wird anziehen die Unverweslichkeit, und dies Sterbliche wird anziehen die Unsterblichkeit, dann wird erfüllt werden das Wort, das geschrieben steht:
55»Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg. Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Hölle, wo ist dein Sieg?«

[Luther-Bibel 1912]

Diese Zuversicht kommt z.B. in folgendem Lied des Mitbegründers der Church of Christ (Holineess) zum Ausdruck:

Abb.: Charles Price Jones

Death hath no terrors for the blood bought one,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
The boasted vict’ry of the grave is gone,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!


Jesus rose from the dead,
Rose triumphant as He said,
Snatched the vict’ry from the grave,
Rose again our souls to save—
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!

Our souls die daily to the world and sin,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
By the Spirit’s power as He dwells within,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!


We seek a city far beyond this vale,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
Where joys celestial never, never fail,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!


We’ll then press forward to the heav’nly land,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
Nor mind the troubles met on ev’ry hand,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!


We’ll rise some day just as our Savior rose,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
Till then shall death be but a calm repose,
O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!


Text und Melodie: Charles Price Jones (1865 - 1949), 1901

 Klicken Sie hier, um "Death hath ..." zu hören

[Quelle von Abb., Text und midi-Datei: -- Zugriff am 2005-03-25]

1880 schrieb Dwight L. Moody (1837 - 1899):

"I look on this world as a wrecked vessel. God has given me a life-boat, and said to me, "Moody, save all you can." God will come in judgment and burn up this world, but the children of God don't belong to this world; they are in it, but not of it, like a ship in the water. This world is getting darker and darker; its ruin is coming nearer and nearer. If you have friends on this wreck unsaved, you had better lose no time in getting them off."

[Zitiert in: Weber, Timothy P.: On the road to Armageddon : how evangelicals became Israel's best friend. -- Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, ©2004. -- 336 S. ; 24 cm.  -- ISBN: 080102577X. -- S. 48. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

Dementsprechend schrieb 1970 Robert Gromacki, ein baptistischer Geistlicher aus Idaho:

"Although Armageddon will be an awesome and terrifying experience for the world, it should be welcomed by the child of God as the day of vindication of our holy and sovereign Creator. Many beneficial results will be produced by this great battle . . . What then should be the believer's attitude to the destruction of the world by fire? First of all, he should welcome it and pray for its nearness."

David Wilkerson, eine Geistlicher der Assemblies of God und eine führende Persönlichkeit der Pfingsbewegung, schrieb :

"Are we so blind, so earthbound, that we want God to keep us alive physically, only to live in a contaminated, hostile environment? Why can't we see that a holocaust can only dissolve this earthly body; but that very dissolving brings us into a celestial one. It will be instant glory. How can we who are already dead to the world be adversely affected by a holocaust? As for me, I died to the world—its pleasures, its pains, its destruction—so that a meltdown simply brings me into the fullness of an inheritance I already possess in measure ... To me, going home to Jesus in a sudden fiery holocaust is an escape from God's wrath. How can it be wrath when He takes me by the hand and leads me to paradise? God's chosen can look at every disaster right in its fury and declare: "Nothing can move me; I am safe in the palm of his hand."

[Beide Zitate in: Boyer, Paul <1935 - >: When time shall be no more : prophecy belief in modern American culture. -- Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992. -- xiv, 468 S., [16] p. of plates : Ill., map ; 25 cm.  -- ISBN: 067495128X. -- S. 135f. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

Rev. Carlos L. Ramirez, pastor, Latin-American Baptist Mission in Amarillo, Texas, wo die US Atombomben zusammengebaut wurde und wo deshalb ein Hauptziel eines atomaren Angriffs der Sowjetunion war, schrieb 1984 "What to Do in Case of N[uclear]-Attack":

"Some time ago, informative sources published a list of the Texas cities considered as A-1 targets for Russian nuclear bombs. Amarillo is one of those prime targets. It means that there is a Soviet missile with your name on it.

Before that real danger, as born-again Christians, what are we to do? Above everything else: believe God's Word, because the Holy Bible is a supernatural book that reveals the supernatural character of today's conflict.

We are in a terminal era, close to the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in which angelic forces are warring against demonic forces for the control of this planet that wandered away from the Lord.

. . . The born-again Christian has conquered the fear of death and judgment because he has received Jesus as saviour and now partakes of the indestructible nature of God. For the born-again Christian, death is nothing else but the glorious encounter with the loving Saviour."

[Zitiert in: Mojtabai, A. G. (Ann Grace) <1937 - : Blessèd assurance : at home with the bomb in Amarillo, Texas. -- 1st Syracuse University Press ed.  -- Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1997.  -- xvi, 255 S. ; 21 cm.  -- ISBN: 0815605080. -- Originally published: Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1986.  -- S. 152. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

H. M. Baggarly, Zeitungsherausgeber in Amarillo, Texas:

And how does the prospect of Armageddon make him feel?

Quite well, it turns out. He smiles. "The Christians — that's the saved of all ages, all denominations, any believer — they are raptured. They are caught up in the air before Armageddon. They avoid this terrible time that's coming." Christians look forward to this time and call it the "blessed hope."

[Zitiert in: Mojtabai, A. G. (Ann Grace) <1937 - : Blessèd assurance : at home with the bomb in Amarillo, Texas. -- 1st Syracuse University Press ed.  -- Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1997.  -- xvi, 255 S. ; 21 cm.  -- ISBN: 0815605080. -- Originally published: Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1986.  -- S. 146. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

Buddy Stoner, Nuclear/Biological/Chemical weapons nstructor, Amarillo, Texas:

"Bishop Matthiesen, in concept, is right," Stoner affirms, "but in practical application, I feel like he is totally, completely, off base. Let's do away with all atomic warfare! Let's quit killing each other. Let's find the Utopia. But until Christ runs out of patience and comes back, we'll never find it."

Then, more quietly, he adds, "You know, I feel like it's an insult to humanity that we have the technological ability to put the human footprint on the moon, that we have the technical capabilities of launching an explorer satellite that will last virtually forever, but we don't have the compassion to get along with our neighbor across the backyard fence."

Stoner thinks the chances for world peace to be "very, very, very slim. And I'm —," he laughs a little, "an optimist. I think that it's just the fulfillment of prophecy in the Bible that man will become so corrupt, so evil and vile, and so obsessed with sin that, one of these days — well, I don't want to say that God's going to run out of patience — "

But, I remind him, he has already said precisely that.

"One of these days, God is going to run out of patience, and He's gonna say: 'All right, I've put up with all of this, all I'm gonna put up with, just hold it right there!' And that's going to be the end of time.

"As to whether man's going to destroy himself, I don't know. As to whether man's going to set the world ablaze with atomic weapons, I don't know. I study very little prophecy, because if I know what's going to happen, it's going to happen. If I don't know what's going to happen, it's going to happen, anyway.

"God isn't going to reveal to me what He's going to do. He isn't going to have to get my O.K. on it."

[Zitiert in: Mojtabai, A. G. (Ann Grace) <1937 - : Blessèd assurance : at home with the bomb in Amarillo, Texas. -- 1st Syracuse University Press ed.  -- Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1997.  -- xvi, 255 S. ; 21 cm.  -- ISBN: 0815605080. -- Originally published: Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1986.  -- S. 7f. -- {Wenn Sie HIER klicken, können Sie dieses Buch bei bestellen}]

Zu Kapitel 6.5.: Left behind — Romanserie über das Schicksal der Nicht-Entrückten