
(Bildquelle: PlaneMad/Wikipedia. -- CC-by-sa)

An Elementary Grammar of the Kannada, or Canarese Language

by Thomas Hodson

0. Preface

Zitierweise / cite as:

Hodson, Thomas: An elementary grammar of the Kannada, or Cannarese language. -- 0. Preface. -- Fassung vom 2011-08-14. -- URL: http://www.payer.de/hodson/hodson00.htm 

First published as:  Hodson, Thomas: An elementary grammar of the Kannada, or Cannarese language ; in which every word used in the examples is translated, and the pronunciation is given in English characters. -- 2. ed. -- Bangalore : Wesleyan Mission Press, 1864. -- 128 p. ; 23 cm.

First time published here: 2011-08-14


©opyright: Public domain

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Fig.: Title page


The Tamil, the Telugu, and the Canarese, are the three principal languages of Southern India. The Canarese is spoken by several millions of Hindus who are living under the government of Englishmen.

To the Servants of the Government in the Civil, Judicial, and Educational departments, as well as to Missionaries, a knowledge of this language is absolutely necessary in order to right discharge of their respective duties.

When the Author commenced the study of Canarese, he felt., as many others have done, the need of a short and plain introductory grammar. He therefore arranged, for his own use and improvement, the valuable but chaotic materials of McKerrell's1 grammar ; and as he advanced in the language, he made various notes and additions. This manuscript, which was for years laid aside as useless, has now been carefully revised, and its contents are offered in their present form, as an elementary guide to those who wish to commence the study of this important language.

Bangalore, May 1st 1859.

Every line of the Grammar has been carefully revised, and many additions and improvements have been introduced into the SEcond Edition.

Bangalore, July 21st 1864.

1 McKerrell, John: A grammar of the Carnáṭaca language.  -- Madras :  College Press, 1820. -- 196 S. ; 31 cm.

Fig.: Areas where Dravidian languages are spoken
[Source of the picture:
BishkekRocks / Wikipedia. -- GNU FDLicense]

To 1. The Alphabet.