Zitierweise / cite as:
Payer, Alois <1944 - >: Chronik Thailands = กาลานุกรมสยามประเทศไทย. -- Chronik 1962 / B. E. 2505. -- Fassung vom 2017-03-17. -- URL: http://www.payer.de/thailandchronik/chronik1962.htm
Erstmals publiziert: 2012-10-02
Überarbeitungen: 2017-03-17 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-12-07 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-11-21 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-09-23 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-09-09 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-04-25 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-04-20 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-03-24 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-02-21 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-01-11 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-10-02 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-09-25 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-08-20 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-04-27 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-04-07 [Ergänzungen] ; 2014-11-25 [Ergänzungen] ; 2014-11-05 [Ergänzungen] ; 2014-10-12 [Ergänzungen] ; 2014-08-23 [Ergänzungen] ; 2014-03-19 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-12-09 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-11-20 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-10-25 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-10-18 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-10-08 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-09-30 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-09-19 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-06-04 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-05-20 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-04-23 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-03-15 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-03-13 [Ergänzungen] ; 2013-01-23 [Ergänzungen]
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Thailand von
Tüpfli's Global Village Library
Gewidmet meiner lieben Frau Margarete Payer die seit unserem ersten Besuch in Thailand 1974 mit mir die Liebe zu den und die Sorge um die Bewohner Thailands teilt. |
bei den Statistikdiagrammen! Bei thailändischen Statistiken muss man mit allen Fehlerquellen rechnen, die in folgendem Werk beschrieben sind:
Die Statistikdiagramme geben also meistens eher qualitative als korrekte quantitative Beziehungen wieder.
ca. 1962
Abb.: Die königliche Familie, ca. 1962
[Bildquelle: Thailand official yearbook 1964]
Abb.: Königin Sirkit, 1962
[Bildquelle: Bureau of the Royal Household of Thailand / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Anzahl der Nutztiere:
Abb.: Anzahl der Nutztiere (in Tausend, Schätzung), 1962
[Datenquelle: Thailand official year book 1964. -- S. 335]
1951 - 1969
Bruttosozialprodukt pro Kopf:
Abb.: Bruttosozialprodukt pro Kopf (in Baht) in Preisen von 1962 und in aktuellen Preisen, 1951 - 1969
[Datenquelle: Ingram (1971), S. 222]
Vergleich der budgetären Vorschläge des Public development plan for Thailand der International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) und des Thai National Economic Development Plan 1961 - 1966, beide für das Jahr 1962:
Abb.: Vergleich der Budget-Vorschläge der IBRD und des Thai Sechsjahresplans für 1962 (in Tausend US-$)
[Datenquelle: Thak (1978), S. 169]
"In late 1962 the general idea of the village dilemma as illustrated above received publicity from a somewhat unrelated source. About this time, teams from the Royal Thai Army, the Ministry of Interior, and the United States Information Service started to move about in back areas, especially along the Mekong River. The objective was to gather information on the increasing Communist infiltration and assess their propaganda attack across the river from Laos. A common finding relative to the villagers’ ability to fend for themselves arose from these investigations and was expressed as follows: Throughout the whole of the area visited, villagers seemed skilled enough to construct substantial homes depending on available material. They can make the necessary machinery to gin cotton, till their fields, weave their cloth and make a number of other machine-like objects necessary to village life. The problem of the villager is not the lack of skill in most cases, but the lack of manufactured materials which are hard to obtain. In the case of village road construction it is the lack of steel nuts and bolts, angle iron braces and nails which prevents bridge construction necessary to all-weather roads, not the lack of timber or manpower."
[Quelle: Nairn, Ronald C.: International aid to Thailand: the new colonialism?. -- New Haven : Yale University Press, 1966. -- 228 S. ; 22 cm. -- (Yale studies in political science ; 19). -- S. 62f. -- Fair use]
Anzahl der Richter:
Abb.: Anzahl der Richter an den insgesamt 110 Gerichten in Thailand, 1963
[Datenquelle: Thailand official year book 1964. -- S. 257]In den südthailändischen Provinzen mit muslimischer Mehrheit gibt es fünf Provinz-Gerichte erster Instanz. In ihnen ist bei Zivilsachen neben den beiden Richtern jeweils ein Kadi (قاضي) (Datoh Yutitham - ดะโต๊ะยุติธรรม - "Ehrwürdiger muslimischer Gerechter") Beisitzer und achtet darauf, dass nach dem Recht des Islam gerichtet wird. Gegen Entscheidungen und Rechtsinterpretationen des Kadi gibt es keine Berufung.
1960 - 1962
Anzahl der vor Gerichten erster Instanz verhandelten Fälle:
Abb.: Anzahl der vor Gerichten erster Instanz verhandelten Fälle, 1960 - 1962
[Datenquelle: Thailand official year book 1964. -- S. 269]
1952 - 1962
Kinder, die vom Jugendgericht vermahnt oder bestraft wurden:
Abb.: Anzahl der Kinder, die vom Jugendgericht vermahnt oder bestraft wurden, 1952 - 1962
[Datenquelle: Thailand official year book 1964. -- S. 299]
Dauer der Haftstrafen:
Abb.: Häftlinge nach Dauer der Haftstrafen, 1962
[Datenquelle: Thailand year book 1964. -- S. 316]
Religiöse Unterweisung in Haftanstalten:
Abb.: Anzahl der religiösen Unterweisungen (Predigten usw.) in Haftanstalten, 1962
[Datenquelle: Thailand official yearbook 1964. -- S. 320]
Khunying Sangdao Siamwalla (คุณหญิง แสงดาว สยามวาลา) gründet die Thai Muslim Women's Foundation of Thailand for the Welfare of Orphans (مؤسسة السيدات المسامات الخيرية لرعاية الأيتام بتايلاند تحت رعية ماك تايلاند) (มูลนิธิช่วยเหลือเด็กกำพร้าของ สตรีไทยมุสลิมแห่งประเทศไทยในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์). Der König übernimmt das Patronat.
"The Thai Muslim Women Foundation of Thailand for the welfare of Orphans was registered in 1962 A.D. It was formed by the Thai Muslim Women Association [สมาคมสตรีไทยมุสลิมแห่งประเทศไทย], chaired by Madame Sangdao Siamwala [แสงดาว สยามวาลา], in order to expand the Association’s educational activities for orphans and poor children. The Association’s board of trustees allocated a sum of Baht 110,143.75 that His Majesty the King had graciously donated, as the Foundation’s initial capital. This sum was the proceeds from an Idil-Fitr [Eid al-Fitr - عيد الفطر] ʻfete organized by the Association in 1961 A.D, with Khunying Sangdao Siamwala as the chairperson." [Quelle: http://www.thaimuslimorphans.com/history/. -- Zugriff am 2014-08-23]
Bau der St. Raphael Cathedral (อาสนวิหารอัครเทวดาราฟาแอล) in Surat Thani (สุราษฎร์ธานี).
Abb.: Lage von Surat Thani (สุราษฎร์ธานี)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
St. Raphael Cathedral (อาสนวิหารอัครเทวดาราฟาแอล), Surat Thani (สุราษฎร์ธานี), 2005
[Bildquelle: Ahoerstemeier / Wikipedia. -- GNU FDLicense]
Tonnage Hafen Bangkok nach Schiffs-Flagge:
Abb.: Tonnage Hafen Bangkok (in 1000 Tonnen), 1962
[Datenquelle: Thailand official year book 1964. -- S. 355]
Abb.: Schifffahrtsrouten um Thailand, 2012
[Bildquelle: Grolltech / Wikipedia. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Tonnage wichtiger Hochseehäfen außer Bangkok:
Abb.: Tonnage (in 1000 Tonnen) wichtiger Hochseehäfen außer Bangkok, 1962
[Datenquelle: Thailand official year book 1964. -- S. 355]
Abb.: Hafen Phuket (ภูเก็ต), ca. 1967
Promotion of Industrial Investment Act of 1962.
Pest auf der birmanischen Seite zur Provinz Tak (ตาก). Auf thailändischer Seite werden 75.000 Ratten getötet und ein Übergreifen der Pest auf Thailand kann verhindert werden.
Abb.: Birmanisches Grenzgebiet zur Provinz Tak (ตาก)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
In der Regenzeit schwerer Ausbruch von Dengue-Fieber in 31 Provinzen: 6100 Erkrankte, 272 Tote.
Abb.: Moskito-Bekämpfung gegen Dengue-Fieber, ca. 1967
Beginn der Massenbehandlung von Filiariase (Befall mit Fadenwürmern - Filarien) in einem endemischen Gebiet. Der Befall mit Mikrofilaria (besonders Larven von Wucheria bancrofti) kann von 7% der Bevölkerung auf 3% gebracht werden.
Abb.: Lebenszyklus von Wucheria bancrofti
[Bildquelle: CDC / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Elephantiasis als Folge des Befalls mit Wucheria bancrofti
[Bildquelle: Fox, George Henry, 1846-1937 / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Es erscheint:
Young, Oliver Gordon <1927 - >: The hill tribes of Northern Thailand : the origins and habitats of the Hill tribes together with significant changes in their social, cultural & economic patterns. -- Bangkok : Siam Society, 1962. -- 120 S. : Ill. -- (Monograph (Siam Society) ; no. 1)
"Young was born in 1927 in a Lahu [ 拉祜族] community in Yunnan [雲南], China mission house. His grandfather, William M. Young, was a Baptist missionary who had been working in northeast Burma since 1898. His father was born in Kengtung [ၵဵင်းတုင်], Burma and, with others, created the Lahu romanized script in 1925. Young supposedly spoke Lahu fluently and traveled through all mountain ranges of Northern Thailand. After finishing his degree in animal husbandry from the US, he returned to Thailand. With his own curiousity and with the support from the Unitied States Operations Mission to Thailand (USOM) and various Thai agencies, including the BPP [Border Patrol Police - ตำรวจตระเวนชายแดน], Young conducted a socio-economic survey of all hill tribes in Northern Thailand in 1960." [Quelle: Kwanchewan Buadaeng [ขวัญชีวัน บัวแดง]: The Rise and Fall of the Tribal Research Institute (TRI) : “Hill Tribe” Policy and Studies in Thailand. -- In: Southeast Asian Studies. -- 44,3 (2006-12). -- S. 363f.]
Erstmals wird in einer Raffinerie in Thailand Heroin Nr. 4 (hochkonzentriertes Heroin) hergestellt: in Wang Tang Wu im Goldenen Dreieck. Monatsproduktion: 7 kg. Wir vorwiegend nach Hong Kong exportiert. 1963 beginnen mehrere kleine Raffinerien im Goldenen Dreieck Heroin Nr. 3 und Nr. 4 zu produzieren. Die meisten stellen mangels erfahrener Chemiker den Betrieb bald wieder ein.
"In 1962, the six recognized KMT [Kuomintang - 中國國民黨] refugee villages in Chiang Mai [เชียงใหม่] and Chiang Rai [เชียงราย] provinces housed some 5,000 residents. Several thousand more were in nearby satellite settlements and in highland military camps. Of the refugees, half were Han Chinese [漢族]. The others were ethnic minorities common to the tri-border region. All spoke at least some Chinese and village schools taught Mandarin [普通話]. Thailand’s Ministry of Interior and its border and immigration police, assisted by Special Branch intelligence officers, controlled the KMT villages. In theory, refugees needed police passes to leave their villages but haphazard registration and enforcement led to extensive unauthorized comings and goings. Former Nationalist Chinese military officers served as village headmen, administering the settlements internally and maintaining contact with Taipei’s Bangkok embassy, which channeled modest developmental assistance to the villages. When the refugee villages were officially established following the first KMT evacuation, the RTG [Royal Thai Government] provided land and some resettlement assistance. That support ceased after a few months as the refugees, aside from small and irregular stipends from Taiwan, became self-sufficient. Villagers supplied food to soldiers in nearby highland positions on the border and served the cross-border smuggling trade as porters and mule drivers, or muleteers. Cooperation with Thai police was generally good. Special Branch Police (police intelligence officers) routinely interrogated new arrivals and, in collaboration with ROC [Republic of China] officials, sent those of special interest on to Taiwan. They were anxious to debrief newly arrived refugees from Yunnan [雲南] about a range of topics. In many cases, Special Branch Police sent the refugees back into Yunnan as informal spies to bring back information or useful defectors."
[Quelle: Gibson, Richard M. ; Chen, Wenhua [陳, 文華] <1944 - >: The secret army : Chiang Kai-Shek and the drug warlords of the golden triangle. -- Singapore : Wiley, 2011. -- 338 S. ;: Ill. ; 23 cm. -- ISBN 978-0-470-83018-5. -- S. 242f. -- Fair use]
1962 - 1968
In der Provinz Suphan Buri (สุพรรณบุรี), einem Rückzugsgebiet der kommunistischen Guerillas, werden 38 Anführer der Communist Party of Thailand (พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์แห่งประเทศไทย - พคท) mit großem Propagandarummel festgenommen.
Abb.: Lage der Provinz Suphan Buri (สุพรรณบุรี)
Bildquelle: [Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
In Thailand werden folgende US-Truppen neu stationiert:
- Don Muang (ดอนเมือง)
- 35th ABS Don Muang RTAFB
- Bangkok
- Det 19th Logistical Command
- 9th ASA Field Station
- 11th ASA Reconnaissance Unit
- 17th Military Intelligence Detachment
- 136th Medical Detachment
- 167th Signal Company Radio Relay VHF
- 362nd Signal Company Tropo
- Detachment K Provisional Bangkok
- JUSMAGTHAI Support Group A
- JUSMAGTHAI US ARMY Element Bangkok
- SEATO Military Planning Committee Bangkok
- Area Command Bangkok
- US Army Command and Control Agency (Prov) Bangkok
- US Army Command Electronics Engineering Agency
- US Army Signal Command Element Bangkok
- US Army Special Troops Bangkok
- Korat (โคราช)
- 1st Aviation Company
- HHD 9th Logistical Command
- 31st Field Hospital
- 35th Finance Section
- 44th Engineer Group (Construction)
- 91st Medical Detachment
- 172nd Transportation Detachment (mov con)
- 201st Signal Detachment Radio Bcst
- 248th Quartermaster Detachment Ldry & Bath
- 249th Quartermaster Detachment Ldry & Bath
- 258th Signal Company Rad Rep-Avionics
- 513th MP Platoon Korat
- 515th Quartermaster Detachment Reefer, OP & Maint
- 579th Quartermaster Detachment Graves
- 580th Quartermaster Detachment Supply
- 581st Quartermaster Detachment petro
- US Army Special Troops Korat
- Detachment 1 35th TAC GP Korat RTAFB
- Ubon (อุบล)
- Det B 5th RRSOU
- 332nd ABS Ubon RTAFB
- Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่)
- Det C 5th RRSOU
- Sattahip (สัตหีบ)
- 153rd Army Postal Unit Sattihip
- US Army Sattahip Area Command Sattahip
- US Army Special Troops Sattihip
- Takhli (ตาคลี)
- 331st ABS Tahkli RTAFB
U.S. Navy's Mobile Construction Battalion Three (Seabees) baut die Nakhon Phanom (นครพนม) Royal Thai Air Force Base aus.
Abb.: ®Patch
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Lage der Nakhon Phanom (นครพนม) Royal Thai Air Force Base
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
1951 - 1962
United States Operations Mission (USOM)-Projekte in Thailand 1951 - 1962: Verpflichtungen der Partner:
Abb.: USOM-Projekte in Thailand 1951 - 1962: Verpflichtungen der Partner (in Mio. US-$)
[Datenquelle: Thak (1978), S. 170]
Abb.: "Seabees installing a water well in Thailand. In 1963, Seabee Teams were sent to Thailand to assist in the Royal Thai Government's Accelerated Rural Development Program. In the northern provinces these diversified units taught and advised local Thais in an effort to help them form the cadre of essential rural public works organizations. Three years of diligent work in this region was finally concluded in May 1966. In early November 1966, the Seabee Team program in Thailand shifted from rural development to the Thai Border Patrol Police Program for the development of remote area security. The program's underlying aim was to win village support for the government in regions continually plagued by communist insurgency. Before the termination of all Seabee Team efforts in Thailand in 1969, these skilled units had made significant progress toward the attainment of this national aim."
[Bildquelle: U. S. Navy Seabee Museum. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnavyseabeemuseum/6847257083/. -- Zugriff am 2012-02-19. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]
"An organ entrusted with the responsibility of operating the American assistance programmes in Thailand, in addition of course to the United States Embassy, is the United States Operation Mission or USOM. USOM officials are assigned to work in close co-ordination with the Thai competent authorities in economic programming and project development as well as their implementation. Moreover, USOM is the center for on-the-job training and for participant training programme, under which Thai officials are granted an opportunity to obtain special training abroad, whereas officials of third countries are sent to Thailand to participate in a training programme organized for them by USOM in full co-operation with the competent Thai agencies. The types of training made available under the AID participant programme are as follows: academic training, on-the-job training, a combination of academic study with on-the-job training, observation visits and workshops. According to statistics, almost 50 per cent of the Thai participant programme has been academic training, which may or may not lead to a degree."
[Quelle: Thailand official yearbook 1964. -- S. 128]
Die Kommunistische Partei Thailands (CPT, พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์แห่งประเทศไทย, พคท) eröffnet in Yunnan (云南) den Radiosender Voice of the People of Thailand (VPOT, เสียงประชาชนแห่งประเทศไทย).
Abb.: Lage von Yunnan (云南)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Erstes von USIS (United States Information Service) gebildetes Mobile Information Team. Initiator ist der USIS-Angestellte Robert Lasher. Das Programm wird 1971 beendet:
"The principal purpose of the MITs was to create a link between the Thai government and the villages by providing simple services, information concerning government welfare programs, and an anti-communist political message; the teams were also a useful vehicle for obtaining information about subversive activities. A typical MIT was composed of 8- 12 persons and normally included a representative of the Ministry of the Interior (with which the USIS primarily dealt), a doctor, a veterinarian, an education officer, provincial officials, and a representative of the USIS. Teams most often visited a village for one or more days, during which time team personnel talked to local people about their problems, while a doctor dispensed simple medical services. In the evening, a political message was presented through the screening of a film (which was often a wonder to the villagers) on government activities or the narration of an anti-communist story. The job of the USIS officer on such missions was to tell the villagers about the United States and to provide an image generally supportive of the Thai government. Before leaving, a small development project was carried out in the target area, generally suggested by the team and carried out under its direction by the local populace." [Quelle: Randolph, R. Sean: The United States and Thailand : alliance dynamics, 1950-1985. -- Berkeley : Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1986. -- 245 S. ; 23 cm. -- (Research papers and policy studies, 12). -- ISBN 0-912966-92-0. -- S. 106f.]
Inbetriebnahme der ersten Mobile Development Unit (MDU) durch das Thai Militär. MDU-Angehörige werden in Gebiete in Nordostthailand geschickt, die als kommunistisch infiltriert gelten. Später wird das Programm auf Nordthailand und Südthailand ausgeweitet.
"The Mobile Development Units (MDU) were supposed to be corner-stone and trump-card of the governmental efforts in the rural areas. These units were founded in 1962 to symbolize the joint effort of Thai and American development programs. They consisted of a group of about fifty specialists in various fields delegated by the Ministries in Bangkok and commanded by a military officer, normally a major. The main task of the MDU's was to establish the authority of the government even in remote villages and to support the official propaganda by giving technical assistance, free medical care and subventions in case of need to the rural population. They were sent to especially poor districts and their order was to win back the sympathy of the people and to consolidate good relations between peasants and state. The leading slogan of this campaign was: "Thai people help Thai people to build up Thailand!" At the beginning nine units were formed of which seven were immediately dispatched to the Northeast. The main fields of activity of the MDU's were:
- to contain communist influences in the remote areas
- to control criminality
- to instruct local officials how to improve village administration and how to achieve popularity among the villagers.
Additional points of the program were:
- to build roads and bridges with the assistance of the rural people
- to drill wells which were supplied with water pumps if necessary
- the installation of sanitation and privies
- free medical care for sick people
- financial and technical assistance to build village schools, meeting halls, temples, dams and water reservoirs,
- to improve the standard of education and technical training
- the promotion of agriculture
- demonstrations of how to plant additional crops like fruits and vegetables to improve the daily diet and combat undernourishment and lack of proteins.
Not only the success of this ambitious program but also the ways of implementation were given special attention. The MDU members were told to deal with the rural people "kindly", to listen to them patiently and to treat them "like brothers and sisters".
Though the MDU-program was regarded as a blue-print of a rather ideal development strategy, it soon ran into difficulties: There were obviously contradictions between the needs of the peasants and the policy of the government. When we visited several MDU's in the Northeast near Nakhon Phanom [นครพนม], the whole program obviously had entered a critical phase and only US- funds and occasional visits by higher officials prevented its dissolution. The enthusiasm of the early days was gone, the population was not as "grateful" as the MDU-members had expected and above all - the "civil soldiers" were weary of the boring life in the country and increasingly missed the comfort of the capital city. Moreover, they were trained and admonished to be honest and consequently saw little chances to make an extra-income like their colleagues in the police and civil service.
After a while it became clear that the new development policy of the military regime in Bangkok had little effects on reducing popular support for the communist "jungle soldiers". Most observers explained the failure with the Bangkok officials' attitude towards the villagers who were often treated "arrogantly" and "without respect". In early 1967 Robert Shaplen came to the pessimistic conclusion that in spite of three years of work
"the MDU team had not really gained the villagers' confidence. I was told that the failure was due to a lack of understanding and consideration on the part of many MDU workers, which was said to typify a general inability on the part of many government officials in the region to realize that no matter how much equipment and technical aid a village might get, the people would not develop any deep loyalty to a government, which they felt treated them with contempt rather than with respect. Material results were too frequently a reflection of a MDU's or district chief's eagerness to meet government goals, without enough attention being paid to what the villagers themselves wanted."
Though it may be true that "interaction" between MDU workers and rural people might have been one aspect of the development dilemma in Thailand, it was - at least according to our findings - definitely not the main aspect but merely a contributing factor. People in the Northeast are traditionally used to heavy-handed treatment by government officials and therefore "arrogance" would have been no big surprise to them. In addition, we had the contrary impression that contacts were relatively cordial, because the MDU people had to accommodate themselves in the countryside and consequently saw no reason to alienate their environment deliberately.
However, it was interesting that the peasants always told us: "The MDU is here because of the communists!" which was indeed an important line of MDU propaganda. Thus the peasants "owed" the development efforts mostly to the communists and had the communists not already existed it would have been useful to invent them just to attract more development funds from Bangkok. After longer discussions it came to light that the peasants believed firmly that "to fight the communists is the problem of the government and not ours". This meant no less than that most of the villagers did not identify themselves at all with the government's battle against communism and subversion and expected help and aid rather than propaganda slogans."
[Quelle: Luther, Hans Ulrich <1940 - >: Peasants and state in contemporary Thailand : from regional revolt to national revolution?. -- Hamburg : Institut für Asienkunde, 1978. -- 109 S. ; 21 cm. -- (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde, Hamburg ; Nr. 98). -- ISBN 3-921469-49-X. -- S. 93ff. -- Fair use]
Die USA schenken Thailand das Landungsschiff HTMS Kram, einen Veteranen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg.
Es erscheint:
Tanham, George K. (George Kilpatrick) <1922 - 2003>: Communist revolutionary warfare : the Vietminh in Indochina. -- New York : Praeger, 1962. -- 166 S. -- "This volume in the Praeger Security International (PSI) series Classics of the Counterinsurgency Era was among the first major published analyses by an American expert on the insurgency in Indochina. In addition to tracing the Chinese influence on the Vietminh cadres and the French military response, the book describes the organization, logistics, and tactics of the communist movement. The author, George Tanham, managed the U.S. rural development program in South Vietnam and later served as special assistant for counterinsurgency at the U.S. Embassy in Thailand during the mid-1960s." (Verlagsbeschreibung zu einer Neuausgabe 2006. -- Fair use)
Abb.: Einbandtitel
"The so-called Ho Chi Minh trail is no more than a series of paths that run north and south through the mountains and are not suitable for large arms shipments. . . . To judge by equipment and arms that have been captured from the Communists, they have been fighting largely with home-made weapons and with such material of French and American make as they have been able to steal or capture." "However, the crucial fact today is that the Communists are arousing the people to fight and work for them. It is easy but wrong to attribute their success solely to terrorist methods. They are systematically creating the "sea" that Mao thought essential for military success and eventual political control. Diem has been unable to win popular support either on a nationalist basis or with personal loyalty as a motivating force. Until his government has the active and continuing support of the Vietnamese masses and the troops, all the economic and military aid in the world, though it may delay it, will not halt the Communist advance."
[Zitiert in: Vietnam and America : a documented history / [edited] by Marvin E. Gettleman [and others]. -- rev. and enlarged 2. ed. -- New York : Grove Press, 1995. -- 560 S. ; 25 cm. -- ISBN 0-8021-3362-2. -- S. 149f. -- Fair use]
Bis jetzt haben Thailand, Großbritannien und die USA gemeinsam 18 Berufsschulen in Provinzstädten eingerichtet. An diesen lernen über 3700 Berufsschüler. In Bangkok wurde ein Teacher Development Center gebildet, das die Lehrer für die Berufsschulen ausbildet.
Abb.: Berufsschule, ca. 1967
Australien und Thailand haben (Datum nicht ermittelt) in Bangkok eine Military Technical Training School errichtet.
Israel entsendet nach Thailand Experten für Land- Besiedlung und Sprinkler-Bewässerung.
Erstmals kommen Offiziere und Offiziersanwärter der thailändischen Streitkräfte zur Ausbildung bei der deutschen Bundeswehr. Bis 2012 kommen so 384 thailländische Militärs zur Bundeswehr. 63 thailändische Militärs erhalten in diesem Zeitraum ihre Generalstab-/Admiralstabsausbildung in Deutschland.
Sechs vom Goethe-Institut entsandte Lehrer unterrichten Deutsch für 600 bis 900 Schüler.
An der Chulalongkorn University (จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย) wird ein Studiengang Deutsch als Hauptfach eingerichtet.
Die Lufthansa fliegt die Strecke Frankfurt - Bangkok dreimal in der Woche mit einer Boeing 707.
Abb.: Lufthansa Boeing 707, 1962
[Bildquelel: Ralf Manteufel / Wikimedia. -- GNU FDLicense]
Es erscheint:
Schmidt, Kurt Otto <1911 - 1968>: Thailand (Siam) : mit Stadtführer Bangkok. -- Buchenhain vor München : Volk und Heimat , 1962. -- 94 S. : Ill. -- (Mai's Weltführer ; Nr. 1). -- Preis: DM 6,90
Abb.: Einbandtitel
Zahlreiche Kuomintang-Kämpfer (中國國民黨) siedeln aus der laotischen Provinz Luang Namtha (ຫລວງນໍ້າທາ) nach Thailand um.
Abb.: Lage der Provinz Luang Namtha (ຫລວງນໍ້າທາ)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Buddhistische Thai-Tempel:
Abb.: Anzahl der verschiedenen Kategorien buddhistischer Thai-Klöster 1962
(insgesamt 23.322)
[Datenquelle: Bechert (1973). -- S. 605]
Abb.: Bot (โบสถ์) des königlichen Tempels (1. Klasse) (พระอารามหลวง ชั้นเอก) Wat Phra Singh (วัดพระสิงห์วรมหาวิหาร ), Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่), 2005
[Bildquelle: Heinrich Damm / Wikimedia. -- GNU FDLicense]
Abb.: Lage von Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Lage des Wat Phra Singh (วัดพระสิงห์วรมหาวิหาร )
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Buddhistische Nicht-Thai-Tempel:
Abb.: Buddhistische Nicht-Thai-Tempel 1962
[Datenquelle: Bechert (1973). -- S. 605]
Abb.: Birmanischer Tempel, Lampang (ลำปาง), 2009
[Bildquelle: Bruno Ideriha. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/biaebruno/4035284866/. -- Zugriff am 2012-02-19. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine Bearbeitung)]
Abb.: Lage von Lampang (ลำปาง)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Chinesischer Mahāyāna-Tempel, Bangkok, 2009
[Bildquelle: Matt Koltermann. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattkoltermann/3471594934/. -- Zugriff am 2012-02-19. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, share alike)]
Gründung der privaten Bangkok University (มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพ).
Abb.: ®Logo
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia]
Abb.: Lage der Bangkok University (มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพ)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Studierende der Bangkok University sammeln für eine arme Schule, 2009
[Bildquelle: Ian Fuller. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/ianfuller/3200535849/. -- Zugriff am 2012-02-02. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]
"Bangkok University (Thai: มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพ) is the oldest and largest private university in Thailand, established 1962. Located in the central business district of Bangkok, the university expanded its operation to Rangsit campus in Pathumthani province to accommodate its rapid growth. [...]
CampusesBangkok University has two campuses of study.
City CampusThe City Campus (called "Kluay Nam Thai Campus", Thai: วิทยาเขตกล้วยน้ำไท) is at 119 Soi Sukhumvit 40 (สุขุมวิท) in Phra Khanong sub-district (แขวงพระโขนง), Khlong Toei district (คลองเตย), Bangkok. It occupies approximately 15,000 m². It is the campus for most students in their third or fourth year. International students of all years attend this campus, as well as academics in special programs. It is the location of the office of the university's president, as well as the international college, the graduate school, and many other faculties. There are laboratories, classrooms, seminar rooms, libraries, computer centre, an indoor sports centre, and many other service institutes. An art gallery, the Bangkok University Gallery (BUG), opened on the campus in 2006.
Rangsit CampusThe Rangsit campus (วิทยาเขตรังสิต) is located at 9/1 5 Phahonyothin Road (ถนนพหลโยธิน), Tambon Khlong Neung (คลองหนึ่ง), Amphoe Khlong Luang (คลองหลวง) of Pathum Thani (ปทุมธานี) province. It is located approximately fourteen kilometres north of the old Bangkok International Airport (ท่าอากาศยานดอนเมือง), which is now used for domestic flights. The campus is approximately 265,000 m² in size. Regular students in their first and second years study here except regular Communication Arts students (not International) study on this campus for four years or their entire years. Also on the campus are the Bangkok University Stadium (สนามฟุตบอลมหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพ), home stadium of Bangkok University FC (สโมสรฟุตบอลแบงค็อก ยูไนเต็ด), Thailand Premier League 2006 champions (ไทยพรีเมียร์ลีก), the Surat Osathanugrah Library, and Pongtip Osathanugrah Communication Arts Complex which is well equipped with facilities that allow students to gain the essential skills for Communication Arts. The BU Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum, an important archaeological research facility, is on the Rangsit campus. The campus has received the ISO 14001 standard, the first in Thailand to receive the designation."
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangkok_University. -- Zugriff am 2012-02-02]
Bangkok: Tod des deutschen Eisenbahningenieurs Emil Eisenhofer (1879 - 1962). Eisenhofer war 1913 - 1917 verantwortlich für den Bau des 1350 m langen Khun Tan (ขุนตาล) Eisenbahntunnels
Abb.: Lage des Khun Tan (ขุนตาล) Eisenbahntunnels
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Einfahrt zum Khun Tan (ขุนตาล) Eisenbahntunnel, 2014
[Bildquelle: Frédéric Gloor. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/fredalix/14496053575. -- Zugriff am 2014-11-05. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, share alike)]
Es erscheint das Kinderbuch:
ว.ณ ประมวญมารค [Wor.Nor. Pramuanmark] [i.e. พระเจ้าวรวงศ์เธอ พระองค์เจ้าวิภาวดีรังสิต [Vibhavadi Rangsit]]<1920 - 1977>: นิกกับพิม [Nick Kub Pim]. -- พระนคร : แพร่พิทยา, 2505 [=1962]. -- 463 S. : 19 cm.
Es wird eines der beliebtesten Kinderbücher.
Einbandtitel einer neueren Ausgabe
Es erscheint:
Chen Duriyanga [พระเจนดุริยางค์ = Peter Feit] <1883 - 1963>: Thai music in Western notation. -- Bangkok : Fine Arts Department, 2505 [= 1962]. -- 16 S. -- (Thai culture. New series ; 16)
Abb.: Einbandtitel einer späteren Ausgabe
Abb.: Reklame für einen Gaskocher, der die traditionellen Holzkohlekocher ersetzen soll
[Bildquelle: Chronicle of Thailand : headline news since 1946 / ed. in chief Nicholas Grossman. -- Bangkok : Bangkok Post, 2010. -- ISBN 978-981-4217-12-5.-- S. 127. -- Fair use]
Gründung des The Thailand Sub Aqua Club. Damit beginnt die Geschichte des Sporttauchens in Thailand.
Abb.: Korallen vor Pattaya (พัทยา), 2006
[Bildquelle: TaQpets. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/24435399@N05/2334143391/. -- Zugriff am 2012-04-07. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine Bearbeitung)]
Abb.: Lage von Pattaya (พัทยา)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
"Diving began in Thailand in 1962 . The Thailand Sub Aqua Club was founded by two Thais and an Englishman who had just arrived . The club was very active and the Minister of Tourism became their patron . The first ever professional dive centre was opened in Pattaya (พัทยา) in 1975 by which time the sport had become well established and the Thailand Sub Aqua Club had its own premises in Pattaya . Shortly after the popularity of diving for both Thais and foreigners in Thailand increased . After Pattaya, the next destination to see see divers was Phuket (ภูเก็ต) and they were soon heading out to dive in the Similan Islands (หมู่เกาะสิมิลัน) and the rest of the Andaman Sea (ทะเลอันดามัน). The Similan islands have been ranked as one of the top ten diving sites in the world. Today, diving is popular all over the Andaman Sea, including Tarutao (ตะรุเตา) and the Surin islands (หมู่เกาะสุรินทร์).
Over on the other side of Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand, Ko Tao (เกาะเต่า, Turtle Island) has recently emerged as the biggest diving destination in Thailand with over twenty major centres located on the island."
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_in_Thailand. -- Zugriff am 2012-04-07]
Es erscheint der Rock-n-Roll-Song:
พิพัฒน์ บริบูรณ์ [Phiphat Boribun]: ทิ้งน้อง [Verlasse sie] / gesungen von สอางทิพย์ [Sa-ang Thip]
Es erscheint der Watusi-Song:
ศักดิ์ศรี ศรีอักษร [Saksri Sri-akson, 1937 - ]: ผู้ใหญ่ลี - วาทูซี [Bürgermeister Li - Watusi]
Der Song auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:2SWjUr5um6MZMiJRy5Y7bg
URL: https://open.spotify.com/track/2SWjUr5um6MZMiJRy5Y7bg
Kompositionen König Bhumibols 1962:
- Thammasat (ธรรมศาสตร์): zunächst ohne Text
- Späterer Thai-Text (1962/63) von Naichamnongrajakij (Mr. Jaral Bunyarattabandhu) (นายจำนงราชกิจ - จรัญ บุณยรัตพันธุ์, 1898 - 1972)
Abb.: ©Violinstimme
[Bildquelle: th.wikipedia. -- Fair use]
Aufstellung der US-Navy-Spezialeinheit US Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, Land Teams). Sie werden bald in Vietnam, später in anderen kriegerischen Handlungen der USA eingesetzt.
Abb.: "Republic of Vietnam...Members of U.S. Navy Seal Team One move down the Bassac River in a Seal team Assault Boat (STAB) during operations along the river south of Saigon.", 1967-11
[Bildquelle: NWCS-S / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Es erscheint:
Musique de Thaïlande / [hrsg.] Jean-Claude Berrier & Louis Le Bourgeois. -- BAM (Boite à musique). -- LD-388. -- Schallplatte (mono)
Das Album auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:album:3ET8kJc2RqB5G8ZACjmDlJ
URL: https://open.spotify.com/album/3ET8kJc2RqB5G8ZACjmDlJ
Abb.: Plattenhülle
Südvietnam: Gründung der kommunistischen People's Revolutionary Party (Đảng Nhân dân Cách mạng Việt Nam)
- We will overthrow the Ngo Dinh Diem [1901 - 1963] government and form a national democratic coalition government.
- We will carry out a program involving extension of democratic liberties, general amnesty for political detainees, abolition of agrovilles and resettlement centers, abolition of the special military tribunal law and other undemocratic laws.
- We will abolish the economic monopoly of the U.S. and its henchmen, protect domestically made products, promote development of the economy, and allow forced evacuees from North Vietnam to return to their place of birth.
- We will reduce land rent and prepare for land reform.
- We will eliminate U.S. cultural enslavement and depravity and build a nationalistic progressive culture and education.
- We will abolish the system of American military advisers and close all foreign military bases in Vietnam.
- We will establish equality between men and women and among different nationalities and recognize the autonomous rights of the national minorities in the country.
- We will pursue a foreign policy of peace and will establish diplomatic relations with all countries that respect the independence and sovereignty of Vietnam.
- We will re-establish normal relations between North and South as a first step toward peaceful reunification of the country.
- We will oppose aggressive wars and actively defend world peace."
[Quelle: http://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1962vietcong1.html. -- Zugriff am 2016-08-29]
Drei ausländische Schönheitsköniginnen tanzen in Badekleidung vor dem Erawan-Hotel Twist. Ministerpräsident Sarit ist schockiert:
"The government will not promote the Twist. On the contrary, it will regard the dance with aversion. However it will not ban the Twist. How can we stop people who want to dance it? The censors will take out Twist and Rock 'n' Roll scenes from movies." Über die drei Models: "Let them dance. They dance here, and then go away. Let us not follow them. That's all."
[Zitiert in: Chronicle of Thailand : headline news since 1946 / ed. in chief Nicholas Grossman. -- Bangkok : Bangkok Post, 2010. -- ISBN 978-981-4217-12-5. -- S. 123]
Beispiel eines Twist auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:7v9novJIHQCrL59fpHN6IR
URL: https://open.spotify.com/track/7v9novJIHQCrL59fpHN6IR
Abb.: Twist
[Bildquelle: Tony Alter. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/78428166@N00/5879560732/. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]
"Der Twist (Englisch twist = Drehung, Verdrehung) war ein Modetanz im 4/4tel Takt, der in den frühen 1960er Jahren populär wurde und zu Rock 'n' Roll, Rhythm and Blues oder spezieller Twist-Musik getanzt wird. Der Sänger Chubby Checker machte diesen Tanz mit seinen Hits The Twist im Juli 1960 (und nochmals im November 1961) und Let's Twist Again im Juni 1961 weltweit populär. Ein besonderes Merkmal dieses Paartanzes ist, dass sich die Partner beim Tanzen nicht berühren."
[Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twist_%28Tanz%29. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
1962-01-12 - 1962-01-16
Staatsbesuch von König Frederik IX. (Christian Frederik Franz Michael Carl Valdemar Georg, 1899 - 1972) von Dänemark und seine Gattin Ingrid Victoria Sofia Louise Margareta von Schweden (1910 - 2000). Das Königspaar eröffnet eine Thai-Dänische Milchproduktionsanlage. König Bhumibol bekommt 12 Kühe geschenkt für seine Versuchsanlage auf dem Boden des Chitralada-Palastes (พระตำหนักจิตรลดารโหฐาน). Bis 1988 vermehren sich die Kühe auf 50 Stück.
Im Anschluss an den Staatsbesuch besucht das Königspaar Thailand eine Woche lang privat.
Abb.: Lage von Dänemark
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Frederik IX. (Christian Frederik Franz Michael Carl Valdemar Georg) von Dänemark und seine Gattin Ingrid Victoria Sofia Louise Margareta von Schweden auf Streichholzschachtel, 1935
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Die US Air Force beginnt Operation Ranch Hand: Vernichtung der Vegetation durch das Sprühen von Herbiziden aus der Luft.
Abb.: Aussprühen von Entlaubungsmitteln über Vietnam
[Bildquelle: USAF / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Entlaubung und Erntevernichtung in Südvietnam 1961 - 1971
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Spätfolgen (2004 !) der amerikanischen Kriegsverbrechen mit Agent Orange: "Eine vietnamesische Professorin vom Tu Du-Krankenhaus für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie mit einer Gruppe teils schwerstbehinderter Kinder. So sind bei dem Kind im Vordergrund die Augen nicht ausgebildet. Der Junge ganz links (hinten) hat nur ein Bein." (Wikipedia)
[Bildquelle: Alexis Duclos / Wikimedia. -- GNU FDLicense]
"Operation Ranch Hand war die größte Operation des U.S. Militärs während des Vietnamkrieges zur Ausbringung von Herbiziden. In den Jahren 1962 bis 1971 wurden Entlaubungsmittel wie Agent Orange mit Flugzeugen ausgebracht um Feindbewegungen im Dschungel besser beobachten zu können. Nachdem die ersten Sprühflüge wenig Wirkung zeigten, befahl das Military Assistance Command, Vietnam stärkere Formulierungen. Später wurde der Einsatz auf Plantagen mit Nahrungsmitteln ausgeweitet um den Feind auszuhungern und die Südvietnamesen in Internierungslager zu drängen. 1969 war die Hälfte des anbaufähigen Land besprüht. In den nachfolgenden Projekten Operation Sherwood Forest und Operation Pinky Rose wurden auf die vertrockneten Pflanzen Brandbomben abgeworfen um vorsätzlich Feuerstürme auszulösen." [Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Ranch_Hand. -- Zugriff am 2013-09-19]
"The Agents used—known as the Rainbow Herbicides—their active ingredients, and years used were as follows:[6]
- Agent Pink (60% – 40% n-butyl:isobutyl esters of 2,4,5-T) used in 1961-1965
- Agent Green (n-butyl ester of 2,4,5-T) unclear when used, but believed to be at the same time as Pink
- Agent Purple (50% n-butyl ester of 2,4-D, 30% n-butyl ester 2,4,5-T, 20% isobutyl ester of 2,4,5-T) used from 1962–1965
- Agent Blue (cacodylic acid and sodium cacodylate) used from 1962–1971 (in powder and water solution)
- Agent White (acid weight basis: 21.2% tri-isopropanolamine salts of 2,4-D and 5.7% picloram) used from 1966–1971
- Agent Orange (50% n-butyl ester of 2,4-D and 50% n-butyl ester of 2,4,5-T) used from 1965–1970
The herbicides were procured by the U.S. military from
- Dow Chemical Company (all but Blue),
- Monsanto (Orange, Purple and Pink),
- Hercules Inc. (Orange and Purple),
- Thompson-Hayward Chemical Company (Orange and Pink),
- Diamond Alkali/Shamrock Company (Orange, Blue, Purple and Pink),
- United States Rubber Company (Orange),
- Thompson Chemicals Corporation (Orange and Pink),
- Agrisect Company (Orange and Purple),
- Hoffman-Taft Inc. (Orange), and the
- Ansul Chemical Company (Blue).[7]
In April 1967 USA's entire production of 2,4,5-T was confiscated by the military; additionally foreign sources where tapped into."
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Ranch_Hand. -- Zugriff am 2013-09-19]
Die ersten 45 Freiwilligen des Peace Corps treffen in Thailand ein. Es sind vorwiegend gerade graduierte Universitätsabsolventen. Bis 2014 werden über 5.100 Freiwillige US-Bürger Dienst in Thailand tun.
Abb.: ®Logo
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Peace Corps-Lehrer, Thailand, 1975/77
[Bildquelle: Howard Stateman. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/how3ird/287498482/in/photostream. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]
"The Peace Corps is an American volunteer program run by the United States Government, as well as a government agency of the same name. The mission of the Peace Corps includes three goals: providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand US culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries. Generally, the work is related to social and economic development. Each program participant (aka Peace Corps Volunteer) is an American citizen, typically with a college degree, who works abroad for a period of 24 months after three months of training. Volunteers work with governments, schools, non-profit organizations, non-government organizations, and entrepreneurs in education, hunger, business, information technology, agriculture, and the environment. After 24 months of service, volunteers can request an extension of service.[2] The program was established by Executive Order 10924, issued by President John F. Kennedy on March 1, 1961, and authorized by Congress on September 22, 1961, with passage of the Peace Corps Act (Public Law 87-293). The act declares the program's purpose as follows:
To promote world peace and friendship through a Peace Corps, which shall make available to interested countries and areas men and women of the United States qualified for service abroad and willing to serve, under conditions of hardship if necessary, to help the peoples of such countries and areas in meeting their needs for trained manpower.
Since 1961, over 200,000 Americans have joined the Peace Corps and have served in 139 countries.
History 1950–1959Following the end of World War II, various members of the United States Congress proposed bills to establish volunteer organizations in developing countries. In December 1951 Representative John F. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) suggested to a group that "young college graduates would find a full life in bringing technical advice and assistance to the underprivileged and backward Middle East ... In that calling, these men would follow the constructive work done by the religious missionaries in these countries over the past 100 years."[3]:337–338 In 1952 Senator Brien McMahon (D-Connecticut) proposed an "army" of young Americans to act as "missionaries of democracy." Privately funded nonreligious organizations began sending volunteers overseas during the 1950s. While Kennedy is credited with the creation of the Peace Corps as president, the first initiative came from Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr. (D-Minnesota), who introduced the first bill to create the Peace Corps in 1957—three years prior to the University of Michigan speech. In his autobiography The Education of a Public Man, Humphrey wrote,
"There were three bills of particular emotional importance to me: the Peace Corps, a disarmament agency, and the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The President, knowing how I felt, asked me to introduce legislation for all three. I introduced the first Peace Corps bill in 1957. It did not meet with much enthusiasm. Some traditional diplomats quaked at the thought of thousands of young Americans scattered across their world. Many senators, including liberal ones, thought it silly and an unworkable idea. Now, with a young president urging its passage, it became possible and we pushed it rapidly through the Senate. It is fashionable now to suggest that Peace Corps Volunteers gained as much or more, from their experience as the countries they worked. That may be true, but it ought not demean their work. They touched many lives and made them better.Only in 1959, however, did the idea receive serious attention in Washington when Congressman Henry S. Reuss of Wisconsin proposed a "Point Four Youth Corps". In 1960, he and Senator Richard L. Neuberger of Oregon introduced identical measures calling for a nongovernmental study of the idea's "advisability and practicability". Both the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee endorsed study, the latter writing the Reuss proposal into the pending Mutual Security legislation. In this form it became law in June 1960. In August the Mutual Security Appropriations Act was enacted, making available US$10,000 for the study, and in November ICA contracted with the Maurice Albertson, Andrew E. Rice, and Pauline E. Birky of Colorado State University Research Foundation[4] for the study.[5]
1960–1969John F. Kennedy first announced his idea for such an organization during the 1960 presidential campaign, at a late-night speech at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on October 14, 1960. On November 1, he dubbed the proposed organization the "Peace Corps."
Critics opposed the program. Kennedy's opponent, Richard M. Nixon, predicted it would become a "cult of escapism" and "a haven for draft dodgers."[6][7][8]
Others doubted whether recent graduates had the necessary skills and maturity. The idea was popular among students, however, and Kennedy pursued it, asking respected academics such as Max Millikan and Chester Bowles to help him outline the organization and its goals. During his inaugural address, Kennedy again promised to create the program: "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country".[9] President Kennedy in a speech at the White House on June 22, 1962, "Remarks to Student Volunteers Participating in Operation Crossroads Africa", acknowledged that Operation Crossroads for Africa was the basis for the development of the Peace Corps. "This group and this effort really were the progenitors of the Peace Corps and what this organization has been doing for a number of years led to the establishment of what I consider to be the most encouraging indication of the desire for service not only in this country but all around the world that we have seen in recent years".[10] The Peace Corps website answered the question "Who Inspired the Creation of the Peace Corps?", acknowledging that the Peace Corps were based on Operation Crossroads Africa founded by Rev. James H. Robinson.[11]
On March 1, 1961, Kennedy signed Executive Order 10924 that officially started the Peace Corps. Concerned with the growing tide of revolutionary sentiment in the Third World, Kennedy saw the Peace Corps as a means of countering the stereotype of the "Ugly American" and "Yankee imperialism," especially in the emerging nations of post-colonial Africa and Asia.[12][13] Kennedy appointed his brother-in-law, Sargent Shriver, to be the program's first director. Shriver fleshed out the organization with the help of Warren Wiggins and others.[4] Shriver and his think tank outlined the organization's goals and set the initial number of volunteers. The program began recruiting in July 1962.
Until about 1967, applicants had to pass a placement test that tested "general aptitude" (knowledge of various skills needed for Peace Corps assignments) and language aptitude. After an address from Kennedy, who was introduced by Rev. Russell Fuller of Memorial Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, on August 28, 1961, the first group of volunteers left for Ghana and Tanzania. The program was formally authorized by Congress on September 22, 1961, and within two years over 7,300 volunteers were serving in 44 countries. This number increased to 15,000 in June 1966, the largest number in the organization's history.[14]
The organization experienced controversy in its first year of operation. On October 13, 1961, a postcard from a volunteer named Margery Jane Michelmore in Nigeria to a friend in the U.S. described her situation in Nigeria as "squalor and absolutely primitive living conditions."[15][16] However, this postcard never made it out of the country.[16] The University of Ibadan College Students Union demanded deportation and accused the volunteers of being "America's international spies" and the project as "a scheme designed to foster neocolonialism."[17] Soon the international press picked up the story, leading several people in the U.S. administration to question the program.[18] Nigerian students protested the program, while the American volunteers sequestered themselves and eventually began a hunger strike.[16] After several days, the Nigerian students agreed to open a dialogue with the Americans.
1970–1999In July 1971, President Richard Nixon, an opponent of the program, brought the Peace Corps under the umbrella agency ACTION. President Jimmy Carter, an advocate of the program, said that his mother, who had served as a nurse in the program, had "one of the most glorious experiences of her life" in the Peace Corps.[19] In 1979, he made it fully autonomous in an executive order. This independent status was further secured by 1981 legislation making the organization an independent federal agency.
In 1976, Deborah Gardner was found murdered in her home in Tonga, where she was serving in the Peace Corps. Dennis Provan, a fellow Peace Corps worker, was later charged with the murder by the Tonga government.[20] He was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and was sentenced to serve time in a mental institution in Washington D.C. Provan was never admitted to any institution, and the handling of the case has been heavily criticized. The main criticism has been that the Peace Corp seems to have worked to keep one of its volunteers from being found guilty of murder, due to the reflection it would have on the organization.[21]
2000–presentAlthough the earliest volunteers were typically thought of as generalists, the Peace Corps had requests for technical personnel from the start. For example, geologists were among the first volunteers requested by Ghana, an early volunteer host. An article in Geotimes (a trade publication) in 1963 reviewed the program, with a follow-up history of Peace Corps geoscientists appearing in that publication in 2004.[22] During the Nixon Administration the Peace Corps included foresters, computer scientists, and small business advisors among its volunteers.
In 1982, President Ronald Reagan appointed director Loret Miller Ruppe, who initiated business-related programs. For the first time, a significant number of conservative and Republican volunteers joined the Corps, as the organization continued to reflect the evolving political and social conditions in the United States. Funding cuts during the early 1980s reduced the number of volunteers to 5,380, its lowest level since the early years. Funding increased in 1985, when Congress began raising the number of volunteers, reaching 10,000 in 1992.
After the September 11, 2001, attacks alerted the nation to growing anti-U.S. sentiment in the Middle East, President George W. Bush pledged to double the size of the organization within five years as a part of the War on Terrorism. For the 2004 fiscal year, Congress passed a budget increase at US$325 million, US$30 million above that of 2003 but US$30 million below the President's request.
As part of an economic stimulus package in 2008, President Barack Obama proposed to double the size of the Peace Corps.[23] However, as of 2010, the amount requested was insufficient to reach this goal by 2011. Congress raised the 2010 appropriation from the US$373 million requested by the President to US$400 million, and proposed bills would raise this further for 2011 and 2012.[24] According to former director Gaddi Vasquez, the Peace Corps is trying to recruit more diverse volunteers of different ages and make it look "more like America".[25] A Harvard International Review article from 2007 proposes to expand the Peace Corps, revisit its mission and equip it with new technology.[26] In 1961 only 1% of volunteers were over 50, compared with 5% today. Ethnic minorities currently comprise 19% of volunteers.[1] 35% of the U.S. population are Hispanic or non-White.[27]
In 2009, Casey Frazee, who was sexually assaulted while serving in South Africa, created First Response Action, an advocacy group for a stronger Peace Corps response for volunteers who are survivors or victims of physical and sexual violence.[28][29] In 2010, concerns about the safety of volunteers were ratified by a report by the Office of Inspector General listing hundreds of violent crimes against volunteers.[30] In 2011, a 20/20 investigation found that "more than 1,000 young American women have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last decade while serving as Peace Corps volunteers in foreign countries.""
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_corps. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
Das Königspaar gewährt einigen Tausend Studenten der Thammasat Universität (มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ ) in Amphorn Gardens (สวนอัมพร) eine informelle Audienz. Anschließend dürfen die Studierenden zuhören, wie der König zusammen mit der Thammasat Band Saxophon spielt.
Abb.: Lage von Amphorn Gardens (สวนอัมพร)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Der König mit Saxophon, 2008
[Bildquelle: Jethro Taylor. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/rustybadger/2775415902/. -- Zugriff am 2012-04-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]
Ohne vorherige Konsultation mit den USA und der SEATO zieht Thailand an der Grenze zu Laos Truppen zusammen.
Die USA Unterstützung stoppen die Unterstützung der laotischen Regierung von Gen Phoumi Nosavan (ຜກຸມກິ ນອວກະກະສນ, 1920 - 1985) von monatlich 3 Mio. US-$
"In February 1962 Averell [Harriman, 1891 - 1986] got Washington to suspend the monthly grant of 3 million which enabled the Phoumi regime to meet its military and civilian payrolls, and in March he went to Laos to tell Phoumi personally that he must accept the Souvanna solution. Speaking with brutal frankness, Harriman informed Phoumi that he could not expect American troops to come to Laos and die for him and that the only alternative to a neutral Laos was a communist victory. Phoumi was still unyielding until April, when the Thai Government, which had hitherto backed him, accepted the Harriman logic and urged him to join a government under Souvanna [Phouma - ເຈົ້າສຸວັນນະພູມາ, 1901 – 1984)]." [Quelle: Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. <1917 - 2007>: A thousand days : John F. Kennedy in the White House. -- London : Deutsch, 1967. -- 829 S. ; 18 cm. -- (Mayflower-Dell Paperback). -- Original erschienen 1965. -- S. 415. -- Fair use]
Der US-Wissenschaftler Nick Holonyak Jr. (1928 - ) erfindet die erste die erste Laserdiode (LED) mit sichtbarem Licht (rot).
Abb.: In Thailand entwickelte Verkehrsampel mit LEDs, die mit Sonnenenergie gespeist werden, 2013
[Bildquelle: Engineering for Change. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/44221799@N08/8981449914. -- Zugriff am 2013-09-30. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Ministerpräsident Sarit unterrichtet 208 Kamnan (กำนัน, Chefs eines Tambon - ตำบล) aus den Provinzen Bangkok, Thonburi (ธนบุรี), Nonthaburi (นนทบุรี), Pathum Thani (ปทุมธานี) und Singburi (สิงห์บุรี). Sarit erzählt den Kamnan, wie die Regierung dem Volk hilft, es vor dem Kommunismus schützt, und den Rauschgifthandel unterbindet. Kommunisten würden das Volk im Nordosten zu gewinnen suchen, indem sie ihnen versprechen, dass der Kommunismus den Bauern Traktoren gibt und sich um ihre Kinder kümmert.
Abb.: Lage der Provinzen Bangkok, Thonburi (ธนบุรี), Nonthaburi (นนทบุรี), Pathum Thani (ปทุมธานี) und Singburi (สิงห์บุรี)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Ingenieure der US-Armee treffen ein, um beim Bau einer Überlandstraßen zu helfen:
- von Chachoengsao (ฉะเชิงเทรา) nach Prachinburi (ปราจีนบุรี)
- von Kabin Buri (กบินทร์บุรี) über Pak Thong Chai (เทศบาลตำบลปักธงชัย) nach Korat (โคราช)
- von Chonburi (ชลบุรี) über Pong Nam Ron (โป่งน้ำร้อน) nach Sa Kaeo (สระแก้ว)
Ca. 600 Soldaten werden zum Bau dieser wetterfesten, zweispurigen Überlandstraßen eingesetzt.
Abb.: Lage der neuen Überlandstraßen
[Bildquelle: CIA / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Beginn des Lao-Service des Radiosenders Voice of America.
Abb.: ®Logo
Der Khao Yai National Park (อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาใหญ่) wird für das Publikum geöffnet.
Abb.: Lage des Khao Yai National Park - อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาใหญ่
[Bildquelle: http://www.openstreetmap.org/. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Khao Yai National Park - อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาใหญ่, 2010
[Bildquelle: bianca polak. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/whitecatsg/5416304566/. -- Zugriff am 2012-04-16. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung)]
"Der Khao-Yai-Nationalpark (Thai: อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาใหญ่) ist ein Nationalpark in Thailand. Er war der erste Nationalpark in Thailand. Seit dem 14. Juli 2005 steht der „Waldkomplex der Dong-Phaya-Yen-Bergkette (ป่าดงพญาเย็น) mit dem Khao-Yai-Nationalpark“ auf der Liste des Weltkultur- und Naturerbes der Menschheit der UNESCO. Lage und Topographie
Der Khao-Yai-Nationalpark liegt mit seiner größten Fläche in der Provinz Nakhon Ratchasima (นครราชสีมา, Khorat), Teile liegen aber auch in den benachbarten Provinzen Saraburi (สระบุร), Prachinburi (ปราจีนบุรี)) und Nakhon Nayok (นครนายก). Er ist mit 1.355.396 Rai (ไร่, etwa 2.172 km²) Ausdehnung der drittgrößte Park des Landes.
Der Park zeigt verschiedene Landschaftstypen, wie immergrüne Trocken-, Regen- und Nebelwälder sowie Graslandschaften mit über 2.000 verschiedenen Spezies der Pflanzenwelt. Die höchsten Erhebungen sind der Khao Rom (เขาร่ม) mit 1.351 Meter, Khao Lam mit 1.326 Meter und der Khao Keaw mit 1.292 Meter, während der größte Teil des Parks von einem Sandstein-Plateau mit Höhen zwischen 600 Meter und 1.000 Meter gebildet wird. Daneben ist hier das Quellgebiet von fünf Flüssen: dem Nakhon Nayok Fluss (แม่น้ำนครนายก) im Süden, dem Lam Takhong, dem Praploeng im Norden und dem Muak Lek (มวกเหล็ก).
Adresse der Parkverwaltung: Amphoe Pak Chong, Provinz Nakhon Ratchasima 30130
WeltnaturerbestätteDer Kaho Yai-Nationalpark zählt mit vier weiteren Schutzgebieten seit 2005 zum Weltnaturerbe Dong-Phaya-Yen und Khao-Yai-Waldkomplex der UNESCO. Die gesamte geschützte Fläche beträgt 6155 Quadratkilometer (615.500 ha).
- Khao-Yai-Nationalpark: 216800 ha
- Thap-Lan-Nationalpark (อุทยานแห่งชาติทับลาน): 223600 ha
- Pang-Sida-Nationalpark (อุทยานแห่งชาติปางสีดา): 84400 ha
- Dong-Yai-Wildreservat (เขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าดงใหญ่): 31300 ha
Insgesamt 72 verschiedene Säugetier-Arten kommen in Khao Yai vor. Zusammen mit drei benachbarten Nationalparks, die alle zur Welterbestätte der Unesco zählen, beherbergt der Reservatskompex 112 Säugetierarten. Der Park ist insbesondere ein Refugium für große Säuger, wie der Asiatische Elefant und Indochinesische Tiger, die in vielen Teilen Südostasiens bereits ausgerottet sind. Auch seltenen Wildrindern bietet der Park noch eine Heimat. So leben etwa 150 Gaure und etwa zehn Exemplare der seltenen Bantengs im Park. Gelegentlich gibt es auch unbestätigte Berichte über Vorkommen des Wilden Wasserbüffel. Der Gesamtbestand der Elefanten wird auf rund 300 Tiere geschätzt. Weitere große Pflanzenfresser sind der Sambarhirsch und Waldziegenantilopen. Unter den zahlreichen Raubtierarten sind der Leopard, Nebelparder, Marmorkatze, Bengalkatze (Prionailurus bengalensis), Asiatischer Wildhund, Binturong, Indische Fischotter, Kragenbär und Malaienbär hervorzuheben. Die Affen sind durch Javaneraffen, Schweinsaffe, Bärenmakak, Haubenlangur und zwei Gibbonarten (Weißhandgibbon und der seltene Kappengibbon) vertreten. Vogelliebhaber kommen auf ihre Kosten, denn über 390 verschiedene Arten können in den vier Nationalparks der Welterbestätte beobachtet werden. 358 davon kommen allein im Khao-Yai-Nationalpark vor. Im benachbarten Pang-Sida-Nationalpark, der zur Welterbestätte zählt, wurde das seltene Siam-Krokodil wieder entdeckt[2]. In einer Höhle am Rande des Parks leben etwa eine Million Fledermäuse, die sich von Insekten ernähren.
SehenswertesDer Schrein Chao Phor Khor Yai liegt an der Thanarat Road km 24 und bildet einen Ort zur Verehrung für die Gläubigen.
Von den zahlreichen Wasserfällen im Khao Yai sind zu nennen:
- Haeo Narok-Wasserfall: im Norden des Nationalparks, mit 80 m Fallhöhe ein spektakulärer Anblick, besonders in den Monaten der Regenzeit (Mai bis Oktober).
- Namtok Sarika-Wasserfall: mit einem Badesee am Fuß in der Provinz Nakhon Nayok gelegen, der von thailändischen Touristen geschätzt wird.
- Haeo Suwat-Wasserfall: am Ende der Thanarat Road, 20 Meter hoher Wasserfall am Oberlauf des Lam Takhong mit üppiger Pflanzenwelt (Orchideen blühen von März bis Mai), der Badesee kann während starkem Regen gefährlich sein.
- Khong Kaeo-Stromschnelle: ein kleinerer Wasserfall am Lam Takhong, etwa 100 Meter von der Parkverwaltung entfernt an der Grenze der Provinzen Nakhon Nayok und Nakhon ratchasima gelegen.
Infolge der etwas höheren Lage ändern sich die Temperaturen über das Jahr gesehen etwas stärker als im übrigen Thailand. Die Durchschnittstemperatur liegt bei 23 °C. Die mittlere jährliche Regenmenge beträgt etwa 3.000 mm.
Das Klima ist tropisch-monsunal mit drei Jahreszeiten: die Regenzeit währt zwischen Mai und Oktober und speist die Wasserfälle zu erstaunlicher Größe, die kühle Jahreszeit dauert von November bis Februar (etwa 22 °C Tages- und 10 °C Nachttemperatur) sowie die heiße Jahreszeit von März bis April mit Temperaturen bis zu 35 °C.
ErwähnenswertDie Anzahl der Parkbesucher ist in den letzten Jahren angestiegen. Waren es im Jahre 1966 noch ca. 41.000 Besucher, so waren es 1996 bereits über eine Million. Die meisten Besucher sind Tagestouristen aus den Provinzen der Umgebung bis hin nach Bangkok aber auch aus dem Isaan, die sich auf den über 50 ausgeschilderten Pfaden den Park erwandern können.
GeschichteMaßgeblich beteiligt an der Einrichtung dieses ersten Nationalparks war Prof. Dr. Boonsong Lekakun (บุญส่ง เลขะกุล, * 15. Dezember 1907 in Songkhla - สงขลา, Süd-Thailand, † 9. Februar 1992 in Bangkok), einer der Gründer des Wildlife Fund Thailand und seinerzeit bekanntester Naturschützer des Landes. Als nach dem 2. Weltkrieg Jäger mit modernen Waffen die Population von Tigern und Krokodilen in Thailand nahezu ausrotteten, als immer mehr Teakbäume in den Dschungelgebieten Thailands ohne Aufforstung abgeholzt wurden, wurde Dr. Boonsong aktiv. Er brauchte fast zehn Jahre, um seine Idee eines Naturschutzgebiets bei der Regierung durchzusetzen, indem er Hunderte von Briefen schrieb, Artikel in Magazinen verfasste, wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften übersetzte und sogar einen regelmäßigen Sendeplatz im Radioprogramm innehatte. Erst Premierminister Sarit Thanarat schenkte ihm Gehör, nachdem er mit Dr. Boonsong im Helikopter über das Dong Phaya Yen Gebirge (ป่าดงพญาเย็น) geflogen war und die zerstörten Waldgebiete gesehen hatte. So wurde im Jahre 1962 der National Park Act, das Nationalpark-Gesetz erlassen. Seitdem gibt es insgesamt 138 entsprechend geschützte Gebiete (2003).
- dnp.go.th, abgerufen am 5. Juli 2011
- United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre: Dong Phayayan Khao-Yai Forest Complex, Thailand. Reviewed and approved Mark McGinley online"
[Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khao-Yai-Nationalpark. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
US-Präsident Kennedy erklärt, Dass die US-Truppen in Vietnam sich zwar selbst verteidigen dürfen, wenn sie angegriffen werden, dass sie aber "are not combat troops in the generally understood sense of the word."
US Attorney General Robert Kennedy (1925 - 1968) mit Gattin trifft ein, um die Unterstützung der USA für Ministerpräsident Sarit und seinen Kampf gegen den Kommunismus auszudrücken.
Abb.: Die Kennedy Brüder (von links nach rechts:) John F., Robert, Ted, 1960
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Jetzt gelingt es auch den USA, einen Menschen - John H. Glenn (1921 - ) - in eine Erdumlaufbahn zu schießen.
Abb.: John H. Glenn besteigt die Raumkapsel Friendship 7, 1962-02-20
[Bildquelle: NASA / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Premiere des Films บันทึกรักของพิมพ์ฉวี (Liebestagebuch der Pimchawee) von ศิริ ศิริจินดา (Siri Jinda, 1923 - 2003) mit Mitr Chaibancha (มิตร ชัยบัญชา, 1934 - 1970) und Petchara Chaowarat (เพชรา เชาวราษฎร์, 1943 - ). Die beiden Hauptdarsteller sind die ersten Filmstars Thailands im modernen Sinn (Beginn des Starkults).
Abb.: Filmplakat
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]
Abb.: Das "Traumpaar" Mitr - Petchara (มิตร - เพชรา)
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]
Provinz Suphan Buri (สุพรรณบุรี): Ruam Wongphan (รวม วงษ์พันธ์, 1922 - 1962), angeblich "chief communist conspirator in Central Thailand" wird festgenommen. Er wird 1962-04-24 hingerichtet (siehe unten!).
Abb.: Lage der Provinz Suphan Buri (สุพรรณบุรี)
Bildquelle: [Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Das Königspaar besucht
West- und Ostpakistan (heute: Bangladesh) (11 - 12. März)
Abb.: Lage von Afghanistan und West- und Ostpakistan
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Die USA setzten im Vietnamkrieg erstmals Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) ein. Er wird der häufigste Helikopter im Vietnamkrieg: 7,013 UH-1 werden im Vietnamkrieg eingesetzt, davon werden 3,305 zerstört.1,074 Huey Piloten werden getötet zusammen mit 1,103 anderen Besatzungsmitgliedern, 532 US-Passagieren und einer unbekannten Anzahl Vietnamesen. Am Höhepunkt des Kriegs sind täglich über 2000 Hueys im Einsatz.
Abb.: Ein Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) versprüht das Entlaubungs-Gift Agent Orange auf Südvietnam
[Bildquelle: US Army / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Houston (USA): erste Brustvergrößerung mit Silikon durch Dr. Thomas Cronin an Timmie Jean Lindsey Linds. In Thailand werden solche Operationen zur Routine werden.
Abb.: Silikon-Brustimplantat
[Bildquelle: FDA / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Transsexueller (Kathoey - กะเทย) mit Brustimplantaten, Thailand, 2007
[Bildquelle: duucfho. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/63979424@N00/2296588323. -- Zugriff am 2013-09-28. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, share alike)]
Putsch in Burma.
Abb.: General Ne Win ( နေဝင်)
[Bildquelle: my.Wikipedia]
"The 1962 Burmese coup d'état on 2 March 1962 marked the beginnings of socialist rule and the political dominance of the army in Burma (Myanmar) which spanned the course of 26 years. The resulting political system lasted until 18 September 1988, when the military took over power as the State Law and Order Restoration Council (now renamed the State Peace and Development Council) following the nationwide 8888 Uprising and virtual breakdown of the Socialist regime. The 1962 coup was led by Ne Win (နေဝင်း) and the Socialist Revolutionary Council, made up of 24 members. For the next 12 years until 1974, the country was ruled under martial law, and saw a significant expansion in the military's role in the national economy, politics and state bureaucracy.[1] The government's policies and ideology following the coup were based on the Burmese Way to Socialism (မြန်မာ့နည်းမြန်မာ့ဟန် ဆိုရှယ်လစ်စနစ်), which was publicly announced a month after the coup and supplemented with the founding of the Burma Socialist Programme Party (မြန်မာ့ဆိုရှယ်လစ်လမ်းစဉ်ပါတီ). Background
Following Burmese independence there were uprisings in the army and amongst ethnic minority groups. In late 1948, after a confrontation between army rivals, Ne Win was appointed second in command of the army, and his rival Bo Zeya, a communist commander and fellow member of the Thirty Comrades (ရဲဘော်သုံးကျိပ်), took a portion of the army into rebellion. Ne Win immediately adopted a policy of creating socialist militia battalions called Sitwundan under his personal command with the approval of U Nu.
On 31 January 1949, Ne Win was appointed Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, and given total control of the army replacing General Smith Dun, an ethnic Karen. He rebuilt and restructured the armed forces along the ruling Socialist Party's political lines, but the country was still split and the government was ineffective.
Ne Win was asked to serve as interim prime minister from 28 October 1958 by U Nu (ဦးနု), when the AFPFL split into two factions and U Nu barely survived a motion of no-confidence against his government in parliament. Ne Win restored order during the period known as the Ne Win caretaker government'.[2] Elections were held in February 1960 and Ne Win handed back power to the victorious U Nu on 4 April 1960.
Coup d'étatLess than two years later, on 2 March 1962, Ne Win again seized power in a military staged coup d'état. Ne Win became head of state as Chairman of the Revolutionary Council and also Prime Minister. He arrested U Nu, Sao Shwe Thaik (စဝ်ရွှေသိုက်) and several others, and declared a socialist state run by a "Revolutionary Council" of senior military officers. Sao Shwe Thaik's son, Sao Mye Thaik, was shot dead in what was generally described as a "bloodless" coup by the world's media. Thibaw Sawbwa Sao Kya Seng also disappeared mysteriously after being stopped at a checkpoint near Taunggyi (ဝဵင်းတွင်ႇၵျီး).[3]
Following riots at Rangoon University (ရန်ကုန် တက္ကသိုလ်), troops were sent to restore order. Ne Win's military used comparative restraint against protesters.[4] In 1988, 26 years later, Ne Win denied any involvement in dynamiting of the Student Union building, stating that his deputy Brigadier Aung Gyi, who by that time had fallen out with Ne Win and been dismissed, had given the order and that he had to take responsibility as a "revolutionary leader" by giving the sword with sword and spear with spear speech.
Shortly afterward, around 8 p.m. local time, Ne Win addressed the nation in a five-minute radio speech which concluded with the statement: "if these disturbances were made to challenge us, I have to declare that we will fight sword with sword and spear with spear".[5]
On 13 July 1962, less than a week after the speech, Ne Win left for Austria, Switzerland and the United Kingdom "for a medical check up".[6] All universities were closed for more than two years until September 1964.
Aftermath and effectsThe coup transformed Burma from a multi-party federational union into a single party state where the Burma Socialist Programme Party was the sole legal political entity allowed to operate in the country. Various private commercial interests, especially those owned by non-Burmese, were nationalised and many foreign companies withdrew from their operations. Up until 1974, the Revolutionary council ruled the country with martial law.
In 1974, a referendum on a new constitution greatly influenced by socialist doctrine was held, and the country became the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma. A new flag with socialist symbols was adopted and the country came under the rule of a parliament filled solely by the BSPP.
The 1962 coup is seen as the beginning of military dominance in Burma's political and internal affairs, which still lasts today. The Socialist regime and the system of governance alongside the autarky and isolationism greatly afflicted the economy and development of Burma, which by 1987 was relegated a Least Developed Country.
References[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1962_Burmese_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
- Schock, Kurt (1999). "People Power and Political Opportunities: Social Movement Mobilization and Outcomes in the Philippines and Burma". Soc. Probs. 46: 358.
- Nicholas Tarling, ed (1993). The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia. ISBN 0-521-35505-2.
- Smith, Martin (1991). Burma — Insurgency and the Politics of Ethnicity. London and New Jersey: Zed Books.
- Boudreau, Vincent (2004) Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., pp. 37-39, ISBN 0-521-83989-0
- The Burmese phrase is "dah go dah gyin, hlan go hlan gyin". Two different English translations of the speech can be read on the front page of the Rangoon Nation and the Rangoon Guardian of 9 July 1962. Part of The Nation "s headline of 9 July 1962 read "General Ne Win States Give Us Time to Work: Obstructionists are Warned: Will Fight Sword with Sword").
- News items of Ne Win's trip to these countries for 'medical check up' can be found in The Guardian and The Nation of 14 July 1962"
Folge der Wirtschaftsmaßnahmen von Ne Win (နေဝင်) ist ein blühender Schwarzhandel mit Thailand. Die Grenze wird von Burma für legalen Handel geschlossen.
Unterzeichnung des Luftverkehrsabkommens mit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Es tritt 1965-09-02 in Kraft.
Die USA (US Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1909 - 1994) und Thailand (Außenminister Thanat Khoman - ถนัด คอมันตร์, 1914 - ) stimmen in einem Communiqué in Washington DC überein, dass eine militärische Intervention der USA in Thailand nicht der Zustimmung der übrigen SEATO-Mitglieder bedarf.
Thanat Khoman (ถนัด คอมันตร์, 1914 - ) wird in Washington auch von Präsident John Fitzgerald „Jack“ Kennedy (1917 - 1963) empfangen.
Abb.: Dean Rusk, 1968
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Thanat Khoman (ถนัด คอมันตร์) mit Königin Sirikit, Wien, 1964
[Bildquelle: IAEA. -- https://www.flickr.com/photos/iaea_imagebank/4522460399/. -- Zugriff am 2015-04-07. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]Text des Communiqué:
"Joint statement by Thai Foreign Minister Thanat Khoman [ถนัด คอมันตร์, 1914 - ] and U. S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk [1909 - 1994] issued March 6, 1962, at the State Department
The Foreign Minister of Thailand Thanat Khoman, and the Secretary of State Dean Rusk met on several occasions during the past few days for discussion on the current situation in Southeast Asia, the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty and the security of Thailand.
The Secretary of State reaffirmed that the United States regards the preservation of the independence and integrity of Thailand as vital to the national interest of the United States and to world peace. He expressed the firm intention of the United States to aid Thailand, its ally and historic friend, in resisting Communist aggression and subversion.
The Foreign Minister and the Secretary of State reviewed the close association of Thailand and the United States in the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty and agreed that such association is an effective deterrent to direct communist aggression against Thailand. They agreed that the treaty provides the basis for the signatories collectively to assist Thailand in case of communist armed attack against that country. The Secretary of State assured the Foreign Minister that in the event of such aggression, the United States intends to give full effect to its obligations under the treaty to act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes. The Secretary of State reaffirmed that this obligation of the United States does not depend upon the prior agreement of all other parties to the treaty, since this treaty obligation is individual as well as collective.
In reviewing measures to meet indirect aggression, the Secretary of State stated that the United States regards its commitments to Thailand under the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty and under its Bilateral Economic and Military Assistance Agreements with Thailand as providing an important basis for United States actions to help Thailand meet indirect aggression. In this connection the Secretary reviewed with the Foreign Minister the actions being taken by the United States to assist the Republic of Vietnam to meet the threat of indirect aggression.
The Foreign Minister assured the Secretary of State of the determination of the government of Thailand to meet this threat of indirect aggression by pursuing vigorously measures for the economic and social welfare and the safety of its people.
The situation in Laos was reviewed in detail and full agreement was reached on the necessity for the stability of Southeast Asia, of achieving a free, independent and truly neutral Laos.
The Foreign Minister and the Secretary of State reviewed the mutual efforts of their governments to increase the capabilities and readiness of the Thai armed forces to defend the kingdom. They noted also that the United States is making a significant contribution to this effort and that the United States intends to accelerate future deliveries to the greatest extent possible. The Secretary and the Foreign Minister also took note of the work of the joint Thai-United States committee which has been established in Bangkok to assure effective cooperation in social, economic, and military measures to increase Thailand’s national capabilities. They agreed that this joint committee and its subcommittees should continue to work toward the most effective utilization of Thailand’s resources and those provided by the United States to promote Thailand’s development and security.
The Foreign Minister and the Secretary of State were in full agreement that continued economic and social progress is essential to the stability of Thailand. They reviewed Thailand’s impressive economic and social progress and the Thai government’s plans to accelerate development, particularly Thailand’s continuing determination fully to utilize its own resources in moving toward its development goals.
The Foreign Minister and the Secretary of State also discussed the desirability of an early conclusion of a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation between the two countries which would bring into accord with current conditions the existing treaty of 1937"
[Zitiert in: The Eagle and the elephant : Thai-American relations since 1833 = ความสัมพันธ์ไทย-อเมริกัน ตั้งแต่ พ.ศ. 2376. -- Golden Jubilee ed. = ฉบับกาญจนาภิเซกสมโภช / ed. Patricia Norland [u.a.]. -- Bangkok : United States Information Service, 1997. -- 279 S. : Ill. ; 29 cm. -- ISBN 974-89415-1-5. -- S. 233]
Ministerpräsident Sarit erklärt in einer Radio und Fernsehansprache:
"All of you will agree with me that it is not so easy to find such a sincere friend who is concerned about our own well-being as the United States." [Zitiert in: Randolph, R. Sean: The United States and Thailand : alliance dynamics, 1950-1985. -- Berkeley : Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1986. -- 245 S. ; 23 cm. -- (Research papers and policy studies, 12). -- ISBN 0-912966-92-0. -- S. 42]
Tod von Major-General Luang Wichitwathakan (หลวงวิจิตรวาทการ, วิจิตร วิจิตรวาทการ; 金良) (1998 - 1962).
Abb.: Luang Wichitwathakan - หลวงวิจิตรวาทการ
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia - public domain]
"Major-General Luang Wichitwathakan (also known as just Wichit Wichitwathakan) (Thai หลวงวิจิตรวาทการ, วิจิตร วิจิตรวาทการ; Chinese 金良) (August 11, 1898[1]–March 31, 1962[2]) was a Thai politician, playwright and historian. He was the chief ideologue and creator of cultural campaigns during the pre-World War II military rule of Field Marshall Plaek Pibulsonggram (แปลก พิบูลสงคราม), aimed at increasing the sense of nationalism of the Thais. Early life
Wichitwathakan was born Kim Liang (Chinese: 金良), the son of a merchant in Uthai Thani Province (อุทัยธานี),[3] .[4]
In a 1986 interview, his cousin Witun Wathanaparueda, a former Thai ambassador to Brazil and South Vietnam, said their paternal grandfather was an ethnic Chinese, adding that their family had been culturally assimilated into Thai ways.[5]
Throughout his political life, however, Wichitwathakan would deny having any Chinese ancestry, claiming his Chinese birth name was due to a custom of the local Thais, in which parents give their Thai children Chinese names.
Luang Wichitwathakan was prominently engaged in politics and the modernization of Thailand. He played an important role in establishing the Thai national identity and in changing the name of the country from Siam.[6]) He was also a prolific writer and playwright.
He received his primary education in a Buddhist temple school in Uthaithani. He continued the Buddhist education at Wat Mahathat (วัดมหาธาตุยุวราชรังสฤษฎิ์ราชวรมหาวิหาร) in Bangkok. He excelled in Buddhist studies, reaching a high stage of Parien and graduating first in the kingdom. He received an award from King Vajiravudh for academic excellence.
While still a monk in Wat Mahatat, Wichitwathakan wrote extensively in papers which he circulated among the monks. The papers were written in English, French, or German and were sometimes inflammatory regarding temple rules and regulations. This was finally stopped by the abbot, who prohibited the use of western languages .[7] In 1913, Wichitwathakan adopted the surname Wathanapreeda (which literally means development of happiness), following the royal decree issued by King Vajiravudh for all Thais to have surnames.[8]
Wichitwathakan had a keen interest in English and French, and translated some original Thai literary works into English, which he published through a Chinese curator, but which met with little commercial success.[9] Between 1921-1927 Wichit studied at the University of Paris.[10]
Service in France
At the age of 20, Wichitwathakan decided to leave the monkhood in favor of secular life and was admitted to the Ministry of Foreign affairs as a junior clerk. From this position in 1918, Wichitwathakan rose, through his own exceptional capability and diligence, to become Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1942.In 1921, Wichitwathakan was posted to the Royal Siamese Legation (equivalent to present-day embassy) in Paris, France, as Third Secretary. During his five years in Europe, Wichitwathakan served as a member of the Siamese delegation that attended and participated in deliberations of the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. He also studied Law and Political Sciences at the University of Paris. It was in Paris that he developed close friendships with the future revolutionaries, Pridi Phanomyong, also studying Law at Sorbonne, and Plaek Pibulsongkram, a military officer studying Artillery in France.
MarriageWhile in Paris, Wichit took French lessons from Lucienne Laffitte (née Guillaume), a cultivated French lady who was well-read and musically gifted. They subsequently married and together returned to Siam in the year 1927. While Wichitwathakan continued to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Madame Lucienne collaborated with him in several of his important historical publications, notably Prawatsart Sakon ("Universal History" - in this context means international or world history). Despite this creative partnership and the births of a son and a daughter, the marriage dissolved six years later and Madame Lucienne returned to France with her two children.[11] Luang Wichit subsequently married Prapapan Rapipan (Khunying Prapapan Vichit-Vadakan), a teacher of history and daughter of Khoon Vorasarndarunkit who was in charge of education in northern Siam under King Rama V.
In SiamAfter his return to Siam, Wichitwathakan met again with Pridi Phanomyong and Plaek Pibulsongkram, the conspirators of the Siamese coup d'état of 1932;[12].
Wichitwathakan was chairman of the committee which proposed changing the country's name from Siam to Thailand at the state convention in 1939. He led an irredentist campaign after being presented a map produced by Ecole Francaise d'Extrene Orient showing the Thai race inhabiting the areas of Siam, Burma and Southern China. Wichitwathakan estimated from this map that there were approximately 60 millions Thai inhabiting the lands of Southern China and Southeast Asia, and through his personal crusade as both a historian and a politician, was instrumental in effectuating the name change from Siam to Thailand when the state convention ratified the committee's proposal in 1939.
Revolutionary roleAlthough Wichitwathakan did not participate in the revolution against King Prajadhipok, he performed an important role in the conversion from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. When Pridi Phanomyong started the clandestine party called Khana Ratsadon (คณะราษฎร, People's Party), he consulted with former Thai students from Paris including Field Marshal Pibulsongkram, Prayun Phamonmontri and Thatsanai Mitraphakdi and Wichitwathakan. Pridi Phanomyong (ปรีดี พนมยงค์) specifically asked Wichitwathakan to join this secret association whose purpose was to overthrow the absolute monarchy. Wichitwathakan at this point in time still maintained loyalty to King Prajadhipok and was in favor of a conciliatory approach with regard to the Siamese royalty. Concerned about the socialistic and communistic ideology of Pridi Phanomyong, Wichitwathakan joined a royalist and free enterprise party called Kana Chart (National Party) while continuing to attend the clandestine meetings of the Ratsadon Party.
When King Prajadhipok indicated his willingness to support the armed royalist challenge to the People's Party and gave his blessing to Prince Bovoradej to mobilize his soldiers and attack Bangkok, Wichitwathakan forsook his loyalty to the King to align himself with the representative government as a member of the national assembly. While Pibul fought the insurrection of Prince Bovoradej (พระเจ้าบรมวงศ์เ้ธอ พระองค์เจ้าบวรเดช) militarily, Wichitwathakan played an important political role by being in charge of convincing the public and uncommitted military forces in the provinces to side with the government.
Wartime serviceIn 1942, Wichitwathakan became Minister of Foreign Affairs under Prime Minister Field Marshal Pibulsongkram and was responsible for negotiating free passage for the invading Japanese army in exchange for maintaining the sovereignty and independence of Thailand. He then assumed the duty of Thai Ambassador to Japan during the remainder of World War II, being stationed in Tokyo. Upon the unconditional surrender of Japan to the Allies at the end of the World War II conflict, Wichitwathakan was arrested by the American occupying forces along with the German Ambassador, Italian Ambassador and the entire Japanese Cabinet. His wife, Khunying Wichitwathakan requested and obtained a personal audience with General Douglas MacArthur during which she succeeded in explaining to him that as Foreign Minister, her husband had no alternative but to negotiate a treaty of free passage in exchange for maintaining the independence of Thailand. General Douglas MacArthur released Wichitwathakan from imprisonment and allowed him to return to Thailand on an American airplane. However, upon arrival to Bangkok, Wichitwathakan was rearrested and imprisoned by the new postwar government of Prime Minister Khuang Apaiwong (ควง อภัยวงศ์). Wichitwathakan was incarcerated along with former Prime Minister Field Marshal Pibulsongkram, to be tried in Thai court as war criminals. Subsequently, all charges were dropped and they were both acquitted and released from incarceration.
Post-war serviceAfter having been granted freedom, Luang Wichitwathakan temporarily dissociated himself from politics and became a nationally prominent playwright, author and historian. Most of his plays, songs, fictions as well as history and religious books were composed during the four years following his release from incarceration.
Then in the year 1948, Luang Wichitwathakan assisted Field Marshal Pibulsomgkram in staging a coup d'état which toppled Kuang Apaiwong from power. Wichitwathakan served in the new government as Minister of Finance and Minister of Economic Affairs and subsequently became Ambassador to India in 1952 and Ambassador to Switzerland, Austria and Yugoslavia in 1953. He also promoted the unification and nationalism of the people of Thailand by composing a series of nationalistic theatrical works, known as the Anupap series, which were performed at the National theater. This series of plays, titled Anupap Porkoon Ramkamhaeng (Power of King Ramkamhaeng), Anupap Haeng Kwam Seasara (Power of Sacrifice), Anupap Haeng Kwam Rak (Power of Love) were composed at the urging of Prime Minister Pibulsongkram with the purpose of strengthening the unity and cohesiveness of the Thai people.
In 1958, Luang Wichitwathakan participated in the coup d'état staged by Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat and removed Field Marshal Pibulsongkram from power. Wichitwathakan assumed the title of Paladbunchagarn of the Prime Minister's Office, equivalent to the position of Chef du Cabinet, or Secretary General of Office of the Prime Minister. He served Field Marshal Sarit as his closest confidant and advisor and politically played an active role in promoting the nationalism of the people of Thailand.
Wichitwathakan died in 1962 at age 64 years after a long cardiac illness.
Appointments1934-1942. Director General of the Department of Fine Arts
1942-1943. Minister of Foreign Affairs
1943-1945. Ambassador to Japan
1951-1952. Minister of Finance
1952. Minister of Economic Affairs
1952-1953 Ambassador to India
1953-1957 Ambassador to Switzerland, Austria and Yugoslavia
1957-1962 Paladbunchagarn (Special Assistant) to the Office of the Prime Minister Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat
Published Works PlaysLeod Supan (Blood of Supan) - Rachamanu - Suek Talang (Battle of Talang - Pra jao Krung Thon (King of Thonburi) - Tai Dab Na (Death at next Sword) - Po Kun Pa Mueng (King Pa Mueng) - Petch Pra Narai (Diamond of King Narai - Lan Leod Lan Rug (Territory of Blood Territory of Love) - Sriharajdecho - Dab Saen Mueng (Sword of a Hundred Thousand Cities) - Pra Naresuan Pragard Issarapap (King Naresuan Declares Independence) - Rachatida Pra Ruang (Royal Daughter of Pra Ruang) - Jao Ying Gannigar (Princess Gannigar) - Jao Ying Sanwee (Princess Sanwee) - Krut Dum (Black Garuda) - Anupap Po Kun Ramkamhang (Power of King Ramkamhang) - Anupap hang Kwam Rug (Power of Love) - Anupap Hang Kwam Seasara (Power of Sacrifice)
FictionPan Tong Rong Leod (Golden Receptacle for Blood) - Dok Fa Jampasak (Celestial Flower of Jampasak) - Ballang Chieng Rung (Throne of Chieng Rung) - Morasum Hang Cheevit (Tempest of Life) - Petch Pra Narai (Diamond of King Narai) - Plee Cheep Pue Choo (Sacrificing Life for Lover) - Huang Rug Hav Luek (Bond of Love Deep Crevice) - Fak Fa Salawin (Horizon of Salawin) - Athit Asadong (Western Sunset) - Lek Lang Kan (Iron for Vengeance)
Non-FictionMun Samong (Brain) - Puttanupap (Power of Buddhism) - Jittanupap (Power of Mind) - Manusapatiwat (Human Revolution) - Mahaburus (Great Men) - Kong Dee Nai India (Good things in India) - Vicha Paed Pragarn (Eight Sources of Knowledge) - Vicha Krong Ruen Krong Rug (Science of Domesticity and Love) - Vitee Tam Ngarn lae Srang Anakot (Way to Work and Build Future) - Anakot kong Chart (Future of Nation) - Sangsawang Nai Kwam Mued (Brightness in The dark) - Sassana Sagol (Universal religion) - Prawatsart Sagol (Universal History) - Watanatum Sukothai (Civilization of Sukothai) - Kwam Fun (Dream)
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. p. 40. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. p. 1. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Chris Baker, Pasuk Phongpaichit. A History of Thailand. Cambridge University Press. pp. 98, 288. ISBN 0521816157.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. p. 40. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. pp. 40, 57. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. p. 57. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. pp. 40–41. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. p. 57. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. p. 41. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Chris Baker, Pasuk Phongpaichit. A History of Thailand. Cambridge University Press. p. 113. ISBN 0521816157.
- Scot Barmé (1993). Luang Wichit Wathakan and the Creation of a Thai identity. Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Institute of Southeast Asian studies. p. 43. ISBN 981-3016-58-2.
- Chris Baker, Pasuk Phongpaichit. A History of Thailand. Cambridge University Press. p. 117. ISBN 0521816157."
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luang_Wichitwathakan. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
Beginn der Präsenz der US Air Force auf der Korat (โคราช) Royal Thai Air Force Base: 15 Militärs werden als U.S. Military Advisory Group (JUSMAG) stationiert. Schon zuvor wurde US Militär auf dem naheliegenden Camp Friendship stationiert.
Abb.: Lage der Korat (โคราช) Royal Thai Air Force Base
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]Video über die 44th Engineer Group (Construction) der US-Armee im Camp Friendship
[Quelle der mp4-Datei: US National Archives (Public domain) / Jeff Quitney. -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBi4DvRfqmI. -- Zugriff am 2014-03-19. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung)]
SEATO Luftwaffen-Übung AIR COBRA in Thailand.
Die Regierung erlaubt zwei Night Clubs ausschließlich für die 600 US-Militärs in den Provinzen Udon Thani (อุดรธานี) und Nong Khai (หนองคาย). Die Clubs werden von Thai-US-Militärpolizei und der lokalen Polizei kontrolliert. Die Provinzgouverneure werden aufgefordert, der Bevölkerung diese Notwendigkeit zu erklären. Die US Militärs seien da, um Straßen zu bauen und andere Aufgaben zu erfüllen.
Abb.: Lage der Provinzen Udon Thani (อุดรธานี) und Nong Khai (หนองคาย)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Hamburg (Deutschland): die Beatles treten erstmals mit dem Schlagzeuger Ringo Starr (statt Bete Best) auf.
Abb.: The Beatles Denkmal, Almaty, Kasachstan, 2011
[Bildquelle: Ken & Nyetta. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/kjfnjy/6291525954/. -- Zugriff am 2013-05-20. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung]
Verhaftung des Abts von Wat Mahathat [วัดมหาธาตุ ยุวราชรังสฤษฎิ์ ราชวรมหาวิหาร] und Rektor der dortigen buddhistischen Hochschule, Phra Phimontham [พระพิมลธรรม, 1903 - 1989]
Abb.: Phra Phimontham [พระพิมลธรรม]
[Fair use]
"Im Jahre 1962 gab es aber erneut Auseinandersetzungen um die Besetzung von hohen Ordensämtern, und diesmal griff die Regierung härter durch. Prominentestes Opfer unter einer größeren Anzahl anderer Mönche war erneut Phra Phimontham [พระพิมลธรรม, 1903 - 1989], der offen die Missbräuche und die Korruption von General Sarit Thanarat kritisiert haben soll und hinter dem weiterhin der Hauptinitiator im Kampf des Mahanikaya [มหานิกาย] um die Vorherrschaft in der buddhistischen Hierarchie vermutet wurde. Am 20. April wurde er zum Sitz der Geheimpolizei (CID) geladen, wo ihm die gelbe Robe abgenommen wurde und er dann auf Anweisung des Premierministers und des Direktors des Departments für Religiöse Angelegenheiten [กรมการศาสนา] in Untersuchungshaft geriet. Die Polizei warf Phra Phimontham vor, er habe mehrfach den Anordnungen der Ordensverwaltung den Gehorsam verweigert. Er habe sich in sarkastischer Weise über den Patriarchen und den Vorsitzenden des Geistlichen Ministerrates geäußert. Als seine Bemühungen erfolglos gewesen seien, auf diese Weise seine früheren Ämter wieder zu erlangen, habe er Unruhe in den Orden getragen und durch Gruppenbildung die mönchische Gemeinschaft spalten wollen. In diesem Zusammenhang warf die Polizei ihm vor, er sei an der Flugblatt-Aktion gegen Theras [พระเถระ] des buddhistischen Ordens beteiligt gewesen und habe Thammayutika- [ธรรมยุติกนิกาย] und Mahanikaya voneinander trennen wollen, was als Zersetzung der Stabilität der buddhistischen Institutionen gewertet werden müsse. Phra Phimontham habe insofern eine kommunistische Strategie angewandt, weil er wie die Kommunisten die Zerstörung der Religion geplant hätte. Die Polizei behauptete, sie habe auch Indizien dafür, dass Phra Phimontham Kontakte zu kommunistischen Organisationen unterhalten habe. Erneut wurden ihm schließlich auch wieder sexuelle Verfehlungen vorgeworfen. Die Festnahme des Mönches sei notwendig, um eine Gefahr für Nation, Religion und Königtum - hier also wieder die drei Begriffe der offiziellen Staatsideologie - abzuwenden.
Die Tatsache, dass sich die Beschuldigungen in den Prozessen gegen die meisten bekannten Mönche später als haltlos erwiesen, bestätigt die Vermutung, dass es um die Ausschaltung politischer Gegner und deren klösterlichen Anhang ging oder sogar um bloße Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb des buddhistischen Ordens. Auffällig ist auch, dass die wichtigsten Prozesse erst nach dem Tode von Sarit durchgeführt wurden, die Häftlinge also durch eine längere Untersuchungshaft aus dem öffentlichen Leben ausgeschlossen werden sollten. Zwei Jahre nach ihrer Verhaftung wurden die Mönche Phra Maha Manat, Phra Maha Nakhon [พระมหานคร] und Phra Maha Sangwian [พระมหาสังเวียนเตชธโร] durch ein Militärgericht in Bangkok freigesprochen, weil der Anklagevertreter nicht genügend Beweise für eine strafbare Handlung vorlegen konnte. Sie waren kommunistischer Umtriebe beschuldigt worden, durch die die Sicherheit des Landes gefährdet worden sei.
Erst vier Jahre nach seiner Festnahme wurde schließlich 1966 Phra Phimontham der Prozess gemacht. Die Anklage lautete ähnlich wie die Anschuldigungen bei seiner Festnahme. Die angeblichen strafbaren Handlungen waren nur noch genauer spezifiziert. Zwei Vorwürfe lauteten, Phra Phimontham habe Meditationstechniken aus Birma importiert, die den Eindruck erwecken sollen, Buddhismus und Kommunismus seien das gleiche, und er habe Mönche zur buddhistischen Universität nach Nalanda [नालन्दा] geschickt, die kommunistisch unterwandert sei. Dies spiegelt die Besorgnis der Thai-Regierung wider, dass Formen des buddhistisch-sozialistischen Synkretismus aus den Nachbarländern nach Thailand ausstrahlen könnten.
Teilweise waren die Vorwürfe jedoch geradezu phantastisch: Phra Phimontham habe in verantwortlicher Position in der bereits 1952 aufgelösten kommunistisch inspirierten Mönchsorganisation mitgewirkt, er habe den Buddha einen Lügner genannt und Schießübungen für eine kommunistische Revolution veranstaltet.
Kein einziger der Vorwürfe konnte von der Anklagevertretung so mit Beweisen gestützt werden, dass es zu einer Verurteilung gereicht hätte. Ende August 1966 wurde Phra Phimontham daher wieder auf freien Fuß gesetzt. Das Urteil vernahmen rund 2000 Zuhörer, größtenteils Mönche, die sich in dem nur 200 Sitze umfassenden Gerichtssaal drängten. Nach seiner Freilassung aus der Haft kleideten ihn seine Anhänger mit einer neuen gelben Robe. Denn obwohl Phra Phimontham während seiner vierjährigen Untersuchungshaft von der Polizei seiner gelben Robe beraubt worden war, hatte er sich durchgehend als Mönch betrachtet; er hatte im weißen Gewand des Einsiedlers und "Ubasok" [อุบาสก] (frommer Mann) die buddhistischen Vorschriften für die Mönche beachtet, meditiert und Bücher geschrieben. Da sein Freispruch in die buddhistische Regenzeit fiel, blieb er noch weitere zwei Monate beim CID, um in dieser Zeit nicht seinen Wohnsitz zu verändern, was formell gegen die Vinaya-Regeln verstoßen hätte. Im November 1966 kehrte er nach Wat Mahathat zurück und residierte seitdem wieder in jenem Gebäude, das er auch als Abt des Klosters bewohnt hatte, besucht von Scharen von mönchischen und Laien-Anhängern.
Doch seiner Ämter war er in der Zwischenzeit verlustig gegangen. Der Generaldirektor des Departments für Religiöse Angelegenheiten, Oberst Pin Muthukan [ปิ่น มุทุกันต์, 1916 - 1972>], in dessen Amtszeit während der Sarit-Ära die Verhaftungswelle ausgelöst wurde, erklärte nach dem Freispruch, der gegenwärtige Abt könne ja nicht einfach aus seinem Posten entfernt werden, um Phra Phimontham wieder in seine Ämter einzusetzen. Noch Mitte 1970 galt es als unwahrscheinlich, dass Phra Phimontham wieder irgendein höheres Ordensamt erhält, da der damalige Patriarch Somdet Phra Maha Wirawong (Chuan) [สมเด็จพระมหาวีรวงค์ (จวน), 1897 - 1971] der gleiche Thera ist, der u.a. von Phra Phimontham Anfang der 50er Jahre unter dem Namen Phra Satsana Sophon [พระสาสนโสภณ] angegriffen worden war. Außerdem war der Direktor des Departments für Religiöse Angelegenheiten ein Vertrauter des Patriarchen."
[Quelle: Skrobanek, Walter <1941 - 2006>: Buddhistische Politik in Thailand : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des heterodoxen Messianismus. -- Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1976. -- 315 S. ; 24 cm. -- (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung ; 23). -- ISBN 3-515-02390-9. -- Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 1972. -- S. 234ff. -- Mit Erlaubnis des inzwischen verstorbenen Autors]
Ruam Wongphan (รวม วงษ์พันธ์, 1922 - 1962), angeblich "chief communist conspirator in Central Thailand", wird - nach einem Verhör durch Ministerpräsidenten Sarit - hingerichtet. Er wird u.a. beschuldigt, die kommunistische Untergrundzeitung Rakchart (รักชาติ, The Patriot) verbreitet zu haben. Er habe die Sicherheit des Staates, Religion und Monarchie zerstören wollen. Seine Frau, Pradit Sutthijit, bewahrt seinen Leichnam im Wat Makudkasattriyaram (วัดมกุฏกษัตริยาราม) in Bangkok. Erst 1995-04-24 wird er kremiert. Zu seiner Kremation 1995 erscheint als Gedenkbuch:
อนุสรณ์เนื่องในงานฌาปนกิจศพ นายรวม วงษ์พันธ์ ณ เมรุวัดมกุฏกษัตริยาราม เขตพระนคร กรุงเทพฯ วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2538. -- 120 S.
1962-04-25 - 1962-04-29
Laotische Goodwill Mission nach Thailand unter Leitung von Ministerpräsident Prinz Boun Oum Na Champassak (เจ้าบุญอุ้ม ณ จำปาศักดิ์, 1912 - 1980).
Abb.: Boun Oum Na Champassak (เจ้าบุญอุ้ม ณ จำปาศักดิ์)
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]
1962-05 - 1967-07
Hans-Ulrich von Schweinitz ist deutscher Botschafter in Thailand.
Gründung der Deutsch-Thailändischen Gesellschaft.
Abb.: ®Logo
Kommunistische Truppen nehmen die laotische Stadt Luang Namtha (ຫລວງນໍ້າທາ) ein. Thailand befürchtet eine kommunistische Invasion und verlegt Tausende von Soldaten an den Mekong. Thailand ersucht die USA um die Entsendung von Truppen.
Abb.: Lage von Luang Namtha (ຫລວງນໍ້າທາ)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
"No sooner had Phoumi declared a readiness to negotiate than the Pathet Lao [ປະເທດລາວ] broke the cease-fire in a major way. On May 6, with North Vietnamese support, they seized the town of Nam Tha, where Phoumi had imprudently deployed a substantial force. The engagement was, as usual, almost bloodless. The Royal Laotian army fled, and the communists appeared to be starting a drive towards the Thai border. This flagrant violation of the cease-fire brought a prompt reaction in Washington. Harriman [Averell Harriman, 1891 - 1986] now proposed that a contingent of Marines be sent to Thailand. Kennedy was at first reluctant, fearing that, once the Marines were installed in Thailand, it would be difficult to find an occasion to withdraw them, but decided to go ahead. The commitment of limited force on May 15 had an immediate effect. The Pathet Lao came to a halt, and negotiations started up again. In Washington Harriman called in the Laotian ambassador and said that, if the coalition were not immediately completed, it would be the end of Phoumi. When this word reached Vientiane, Phoumi, whose power had vanished with his army, capitulated. On June 12 a coalition government was formed with Souvanna [Phouma - ເຈົ້າສຸວັນນະພູມາ, 1901 – 1984] as Prime Minister and Phoumi [Nosavan - ຜກຸມກິ ນອວກະກະສນ, 1920 - 1985] and Prince Souphanouvong [ສຸພານຸວົງ, 1909 - 1995] of the Pathet Lao as vice-premiers." [Quelle: Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. <1917 - 2007>: A thousand days : John F. Kennedy in the White House. -- London : Deutsch, 1967. -- 829 S. ; 18 cm. -- (Mayflower-Dell Paperback). -- Original erschienen 1965. -- S. 415. -- Fair use]
US Verteidigungsminister Robert McNamara (1916 - 2009) und Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer (1899 - 1988) sind auf dem Weg nach Saigon in Bangkok zu dringenden Gesprächen mit der Thai Regierung. Sie erreichen eine Übereinkunft über die zeitweise Stationierung von US-Truppen in Thailand.
Der Bildhauer und thailändische Kunstpapst Corrado Feroci (1892 – 1962) alias Silpa Bhirasri (ศิลป์ พีระศรี) stirbt.
Auf der Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force Base in Bangkok richten die USA das Military Assistance Command, Thailand (MACT) ein.
US-Präsident John F. Kennedy beordnet 1800 Marines nach Thailand. Sie werden in der Provinz Udon Thani (อุดรธานี) stationiert. Insgesamt ist die Stationierung von 5000 Marines geplant. Sie sollen "make the communists [in Laos] stop, look and listen." (US Under-Secretary of State Averell Hariman).
Außerdem bleiben 1000 US-Soldaten, die an einem SEATO-Maneuver im April teilgenommen hatten, in Korat (โคราช) stationiert.
"In May 1962 when the Pathet Lao threat against Thailand became acute, a U.S. battle group was dispatched on joint training exercises within the country. President Kennedy announced that more U.S. troops would be sent, and by 15 May a second contingent landed. On the same day, newspapers reported that the U.S. was seeking SEATO help, and that W. Averell Harriman, then Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, had "outlined the U.S. position in separate conferences with envoys of Australia, New Zeland, Pakistan, and the Philippines."69 Within two days, all the SEATO members except France had agreed to send help if necessary. The U.S. sent 4,000 troops into Thailand. Three other SEATO nations actually put forces (albeit token forces) into Thailand. The UK sent 10 Hunter jet fighters, Australia sent a jet squadron, and New Zealand sent 100 parachute troops and three transport aircraft. The Philippines and Pakistan publicly noted that they were standing by to help." [Quelle: The Pentagon Papers. -- http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/United_States_%E2%80%93_Vietnam_Relations,_1945%E2%80%931967:_A_Study_Prepared_by_the_Department_of_Defense/IV._A._1._U.S._MAP_for_Diem:_The_Eisenhower_Commitments,_1954%E2%80%931960. -- Zugriff am 2013-12-03]
Abb.: Lage des US-Luftstützpunkts Udon Thani (อุดรธานี) und anderer US-Lufstützpunkte in Nordostthailand
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Marines landen in Thailand, 1962
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Ohne Konsultation mit Thailand oder Laos lässt Präsident Kennedy Notfallpläne Ausarbeiten für
- "the investing and holding by Thai forces with
U. S. backup of Sayabouri Province [Sainyabuli - ໄຊຍະບູລີ] (being that portion of northern Laos to the west of the Mekong River); and- the holding and recapture of the panhandle of Laos from Thakhek [ທ່າແຂກ] to the southern frontier with Thai, Vietnamese, or
U. S. forces."[Zitiert in: Randolph, R. Sean: The United States and Thailand : alliance dynamics, 1950-1985. -- Berkeley : Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1986. -- 245 S. ; 23 cm. -- (Research papers and policy studies, 12). -- ISBN 0-912966-92-0. -- S. 43, Anm. 62]
Abb.: Lage der Provinz Sainyabuli (ໄຊຍະບູລີ) und von Thakhek (ທ່າແຂກ)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Das Königspaar besucht die U.S. Army's 27th Infantry "Wolfhounds" bei Korat (โคราช).
Abb.: Lage von Korat (โคราช)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: "Here, Queen Sirikit visits with Colonel William McKean, Commander of the 27th, and U.S. Ambassador to Thailand, Kenneth T. Young, Jr. The U.S. forces in Thailand are used to assist as instructors and advisors."
[Bildquelle: Department of Defense / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Die US Botschaft in Bangkok beginnt mit der Ausarbeitung eines Internal Defense Plan für Thailand. Der Pan steht in der Botschaft auf Abruf bereit.
Im Lumphini-Park ist die Raumkapsel Friendship 7 ausgestellt, mit der US-Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr (1921 - ) am 20. Februar dreimal um die Erde geflogen ist. Innenminister Gen Praphas Charusathien (ประภาส จารุเสถียร, 1912 - 1997): "Th capsule proved once more the success of your country"
Abb.: Raumkapsel
Friendship 7, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC, 2005
[Bildquelle: Raulbot / Wikipedia. -- GNU FDLIcense]
Die Bangkok Post berichtet, dass die Polizei in der Nähe von Nakhon Phanom [นครพนม] in Höhlen auf einem Berg etwa 1200 leere Kästen entdeckt hat. Vier Mönche, eine Nonne und zwei Novizen werden verhört:
Abb.: Lage von Nakhon Phanom [นครพนม]
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
"The monks, the nun and the novices are attached to a wat (วัด) in the caves. It is not known what the cases have been used for or what they were meant to be used for. However, it was noted by police that each case is of sufficient size to contain four submachine-guns. Police Lieutenant General Krasien Sarutanon [กระเษียนศรุตานนท์], Assistant Police Chief, told reporters that 'this is an old matter', explaining that it was believed to be connected with the case of Nai Krong Chandawong [ครอง จันดาวงศ์, 1908—1961] who was executed for communist activities. He said that the present chief monk was the former deputy to the former chief monk who was arrested in the Krong Chandawong case and defrocked. It was explained that the villagers had been told by the present monk to build cases of a specified size so that 'in the Golden Age ahead the cases will be filled with gold and jewels for the builders'."
[Zitiert in: Skrobanek, Walter <1941 - 2006>: Buddhistische Politik in Thailand : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des heterodoxen Messianismus. -- Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1976. -- 315 S. ; 24 cm. -- (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung ; 23). -- ISBN 3-515-02390-9. -- Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 1972. -- S. 203. -- Mit Erlaubnis des inzwischen verstorbenen Autors]
Der Internationale Gerichtshof in Den Haag (Niederlande) entscheidet, dass Prasat Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ / ปราสาทพระวิหาร) auf dem Territorium Kambodschas liegt. In Thailand geht das große Geschimpfe los.
Abb.: Lage von Den Haag
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Lage von Prasat Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ / ปราสาทพระวิหาร) nach der Gerichtsentscheidung
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]Die Entscheidung des Gerichtshofs bewirkt die Produktion vieler nationalistischer Songs, z.B.
"For example, the ongoing dispute over the Preah Vihear (Phra Wihan) temple and the International Court of Justices decision to assign ownership to Cambodia in 1962 inspired a series of nationalistic songs such as
- Phaibun’s [ไพบูลย์ บุตรขัน, 1916 - 1972] "Khao Phra Wihan haeng khwam lang" [เขาพระวิหารแห่งความหลัง] (Preah Vihear in the Past),
- Phayong Mukda's [พยงค์ มุกดา, 1926 - 2010] "Khong khao mai ao khong rao mai hai" [ของเขาไม่เอาของเราไม่ให้] (We Don’t Want What’s Yours and We Won’t Give What’s Ours) sung by Chaichana Bunnachot [ชัยชนะ บุญนะโชติ, 1942 - ],
- "Khao Phra Wihan thi rak" [เขาพระวิหารที่รัก] (Beloved Preah Vihear) by Chai Mueangsing [ชาย เมืองสิงห์, 1939 - ],
Der Song auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:6sQ70ysKu1bKcKxDjcczoq
URL: https://open.spotify.com/track/6sQ70ysKu1bKcKxDjcczoq- "Khao Phra Wihan" [เขาพระวิหาร] by Suraphon Sombatjaroen [สุรพล สมบัติเจริญ, 1930 - 1968],
- P. Chuenprayot’s [ป. ชื่นประโยชน์, 1922 - 2001] "Khao Phra Wihan tong pen khong Thai" [เขาพระวิหารต้องเป็นของไทย] (Preah Vihear must be Thai) sung by Kan Kaeosuphan [ก้าน แก้วสุพรรณ, 1939 - 2013],
Der Song auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:0ZjAbxIrbHKOxPsr8R46T3
URL: https://open.spotify.com/track/0ZjAbxIrbHKOxPsr8R46T3
and- Suchat Thianthong’s [สุชาติ เทียนทอง, 1938 - 1985] "Thorani kan saeng Khao Phra Wihan" [ธรณีกรรแสงเขาพระวิหาร] (The Earth Mourns for Preah Vihear).
The existence of these songs suggests that most established songwriters in the Thai popular music industry were willing to participate in and encourage the increased emphasis on cultural nationalism under Sarit’s regime (1958-63)."
[Quelle: Mitchell, James Leonhard: Luk Thung : the culture and politics of Thailand's most popular music. -- Chiang Mai : Silkworm, 2015. --208 S. : Ill ; 21 cm. -- ISBN 978-616-215-106-4. -- S. 13]
Abb.: Wax figure of Paiboon Butkhan (ไพบูลย์ บุตรขัน, 1918-1972), a modern Thai music pioneer. Photo taken at the Thai Human Imagery Wax Museum, Nakhon Pathom, 2007
[Bildquelle: 2T / Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Phayong Mukda's [พยงค์ มุกดา]
[Fair use]Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:7zaOSY35MnHEa6WnwETyZx
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7zaOSY35MnHEa6WnwETyZx
Abb.: Chaichana Bunnachot [ชัยชนะ บุญนะโชติ]
[Fair use]Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:1G6RBlZEwfxQeCBlxCcF8F
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1G6RBlZEwfxQeCBlxCcF8F
Abb.: Chai Mueangsing [ชาย เมืองสิงห์]
[Fair use]Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:20EnS7wwsUtXbl9L39rNGp
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/20EnS7wwsUtXbl9L39rNGp
Abb.: Suraphon Sombatjaroen [สุรพล สมบัติเจริญ]
[Fair use]Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:37Spq0XXQKSIaOKjFkCGhO
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/37Spq0XXQKSIaOKjFkCGhO
Abb.: P. Chuenprayot [ป. ชื่นประโยชน์]
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:6Tq158T5Nktm1hi0s0eXLW
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Tq158T5Nktm1hi0s0eXLW
Abb.: Kan Kaeosuphan [ก้าน แก้วสุพรรณ]
[Fair use]Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:3ioFR8E2Am3BYZSvyzRtDT
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ioFR8E2Am3BYZSvyzRtDT
Abb.: Suchat Thianthong’s [สุชาติ เทียนทอง]
[Fair use]Künstlerlink auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:artist:4PD56jybsnFJTzZuB5dejq
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4PD56jybsnFJTzZuB5dejq
Laut US National Security Action Memorandum No. 162 sind in Laos sowohl Thai als Filipino "Techniker" im US-Auftrag paramilitärisch tätig. Verfasser des Memorandums: McGeorge "Mac" Bundy (1919 – 1996), United States National Security Advisor:
The Secretary of Defense
The Attorney General
The Director of Central Intelligence
The Director, United States Information AgencySUBJECT: Development of U.S. and Indigenous Police, Paramilitary and Military Resources
The President has approved the following statement and proposed assignments of responsibilities to various agencies as recommended by the Special Group (Counterinsurgency):The study of U.S. and indigenous paramilitary resources pursuant to NSAM 56 reflects gratifying progress in the development of an adequate U.S. capability to support both the training and active operations of indigenous paramilitary forces. Certain deficiencies, however, were clearly revealed. The deficiencies, to which all efforts and shortcomings to date are related, should be the basis upon which internal defense requirements are established for each country to be assisted.
1. Country Internal Defense Plans
With one or two exceptions, there exist no outline plans to unify and orchestrate U.S. internal defense programs and activities in friendly countries facing a threat of subversive insurgency, or which provide strategic guidance for assisting such countries to maintain internal security. The Department of State has prepared a list identifying the countries facing a threat of subversive insurgency and will direct the formulation of outline plans for internal defense (Country Internal Defense Plans) by the Country Team in each such country which encompass the total U.S.-supported internal defense field. These plans will include the military, police, intelligence and psychological measures comprising a well rounded internal defense plan and will be consistent with the military, economic, political and social measures constituting the overall country plan. Such plans should be completed and in the hands of the Department of State by September 1, 1962, available for review by the Special Group (Counterinsurgency). From that time on, in accordance with the provisions of NSAM 124, the Special Group will keep these country internal defense plans under periodic review, and insure prompt resolution of interdepartmental problems arising in connection with their implementation.
2. Improvement of Personnel Programs of Agencies Concerned with Unconventional Warfare
A study will be made by the Armed Forces and appropriate civil agencies concerned with unconventional warfare activities of how to improve their personnel programs. Particular attention will be directed to the following:
(a) Personnel programming for officers and men, including establishment of career programs which protect the special skills and professional qualifications of personnel assigned to unconventional warfare duties.
(b) Ability to perform efficiently in foreign areas in conditions of stress and danger for prolonged periods.
(c) Morale factors such as family housing, tours of duty, hardship allowances, hazardous duty pay, special recognition such as rewards.3. Orientation of Personnel
As part of the current effort to train more personnel in the problems confronting underdeveloped societies, both civil and military agencies of the Government will assign, where feasible and subject to the availability of funds and personnel, middle-grade and senior officers to temporary duty for orientation purposes in selected countries experiencing internal security problems.
4. Deployment of Counterinsurgency Personnel
In order to insure a timely deployment of qualified counterinsurgency specialists to impending crisis areas, CIA and AID will take action to insure that adequate qualified personnel with paramilitary skills are available. Periodic reports of progress to achieve this objective will be submitted to the Special Group (Counterinsurgency) by CIA and AID.
5. Support of Covert Paramilitary Operations
More Special Forces personnel will be assigned to support CIA covert paramilitary operations where acute insurgency situations exist. The Department of Defense has taken steps to expedite these assignments. In addition the Department of Defense will increase its capability to fund, support, and conduct wholly or partly covert paramilitary operations under the criteria of NSAM 57 which distinguishes responsibilities of the Department of Defense and CIA:
Where such an operation is to be wholly covert or disavowable, it may be assigned to CIA, provided that it is within the normal capabilities of the agency. Any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert which requires significant numbers of militarily trained personnel, amounts of military equipment which exceed normal CIA-controlled stocks and/or military experience of a kind and level peculiar to the Armed Services is properly the primary responsibility of the Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.
This cooperation will be intensified and the President will be given periodic reports on the progress of these efforts.
6. Increased Use of Third Country Personnel
The Department of Defense, in collaboration with the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency, will undertake a study to determine on a selective basis the feasibility of the concept of the increased use of third-country personnel in paramilitary operations. Particular attention will be given to the following:
(a) The whole range of this concept from the current limited use of Thai and Filipino technicians in Laos to the creation of simply equipped regional forces for use in remote jungle, hill and desert country. Such forces would be composed of foreign volunteers supported and controlled by the U.S.
(b) The feasibility of using third-country military or paramilitary forces to operate under their own or other national auspices in crisis areas.7. Exploitation of Minorities
In view of the success which has resulted from CIA/US Army Special Forces efforts with tribal groups in Southeast Asia, continuing efforts will be made to determine the most feasible method of achieving similar results in other critical areas. On a selective basis, CIA and the Department of Defense will make studies of specific groups where there is reason to believe there exists an exploitable minority paramilitary capability.
8. Improvement of Indigenous Intelligence Organizations
Recent experience shows that most underdeveloped countries need more efficient intelligence coordination and dissemination systems to counter subversive insurgency. Therefore, the CIA will expand its present training and support efforts to achieve needed improvements in indigenous intelligence organizations and that other U.S. agencies contribute to this CIA coordinated program.
9. Research and Development for Counterinsurgency
The Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency will carry in their research and development programs a special section devoted to the requirements of counterinsurgency. The Special Group (Counterinsurgency) will follow up on this action and receive reports from time to time with regard to progress in developing modern equipment suitable to meet the requirements of counterinsurgency.
McGeorge Bundy"
[Quelle: https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pentagon2/doc116.htm. -- Zugriff am 2016-09-20]
1962-06-20 - 1962-06-27
Das Königspaar besucht die Malaiische Föderation (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu).
Abb.: Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, ڤرسكوتوان تنه ملايو)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]Am 1962-06-23 spielt der König Saxophon in einer Jam Session mit dem Radio Malaya Orchesta. Sie spielen in einem Bergresort. U.a. spielt der König "Margie" (1920) / von Con Conrad (1891 - 1938) und J. Russel Robinson (1892 - 1963)
Abb.: Titelblatt der Sheet music
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]Der Song auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:track:5G0GvAEe6MxUM0K8k4mwLF
URL: https://open.spotify.com/track/5G0GvAEe6MxUM0K8k4mwLFAm 1962-06-26 besucht das Königspaar in Penang den 1845 erbauten buddhistischen Thai-Tempel Wat Chaiya Mangalaram (วัดไชย
มังคลาราม) . Der König vollzieht die Augenöffnungszeremonie am 33 m langen liegenden Buddha. Der König spendet dem Tempel US$ 1.000.
Abb.: Lage von Penang
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Wat Chaiya Mangalaram, Penang, 2012
[Bildquelle: Edmund Gall. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/e_n_gall/7872161192. -- Zugriff am 2014-10-29. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, share alike)]
Abb.: Liegender Buddha, Wat Chaiya Mangalaram, Penang, 2008
[Bildquelle: penguincakes. -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/penguincakes/2420940574. -- Zugriff am 2014-10-29. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, keine kommerzielle Nutzung, share alike)]
Nachdem ihn der König um Umsicht bezüglich des internationalen Gerichtsentscheids zu Prasat Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ / ปราสาทพระวิหาร) gebeten hat, verlässt Sarit den revanchistischen Kurs und erklärt, dass Thailand den Gerichtsentscheid respektiere, um seinen guten Ruf in internationalen Angelegenheiten zu bewahren.
Über 50.000 Studenten demonstrieren in Bangkok gegen den internationalen Gerichtsentscheid zu Prasat Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ / ปราสาทพระวิหาร).
1962-06-26 - 1975-12-02
Prinz Souvanna Phouma (ເຈົ້າສຸວັນນະພູມາ, 1901 – 1984) ist Ministerpräsident von Laos.
Die Bank of Tokyo (株式会社東京銀行) eröffnet eine Filiale in Bangkok.
Der erste Fernsehsatellit - Telstar - überträgt Fernsehbilder aus den USA nach Frankreich. Telstar ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt US-amerikanischer und französischer Firmen.
Abb.: Telstar
[Bildquelle: NASA / Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
Auf der Takhli (ตาคลี) Royal Thai Air Force Base wird das 6011th Air Base Squadron als erste US "host unit gebildet.
Erstmals wird Asalha Puja (วันอาสาฬหบูชา) als öffentlicher Feiertag gefeiert. Der König führt die Zeremonien an.
"Asalha Puja (known as Asanha Puja or Asana Bucha in Thailand, Thai: วันอาสาฬหบูชา wan-aa-san-ha-boo-chaa) is a Theravada Buddhist festival which typically takes place in July, on the full moon of the eighth lunar month. It commemorates the Buddha’s first sermon in the Deer Park in Benares and the founding of the Buddhist sangha. In Thailand, Asalha Puja is a government holiday and the sale of alcohol is prohibited. The day is observed by donating offerings to temples and listening to sermons. The following day is known in Thailand as Thai: วันเข้าพรรษา Wan Kao Pansa; it is the first day of Thai: พรรษา vassa, the Theravada rains retreat."
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asalha_Puja. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
Eröffnung der Deutsch-Thailändischen Handelskammer in Bangkok.
Abb.: ®Logo
Unterzeichnung des internationalen Abkommens über die Neutralität von Laos. Thailand gehört zu den Unterzeichnerstaaten:
Déclaration sur la neutralité du Laos
Declaration on the neutrality of Laos
- 关于老撾中立的宣言的誚定書
Filmbericht über das Laos-Abkommen:
[Bildquelle des .mp4-Filmberichts über das Laosabkommen: http://www.archive.org/details/gov.archives.arc.657070. -- Zugriff am 2012-03-13. -- Public domain]
"The International Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos is an international agreement signed in Geneva on July 23, 1962 between 14 states and Laos. It was a result of the International Conference on the Settlement of the Laotian Question which lasted from May 16, 1961 to July 23, 1962. Burma, Cambodia, Canada, the People's Republic of China, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, France, India, Poland, the Republic of Vietnam, Thailand, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States signed a Declaration which together with the statement of neutrality by the Royal Government of Laos of July 9, 1962, entered into force as an international agreement on the date of signature July 23, 1962.
The 14 signatories pledged to respect Laotian neutrality, to refrain from interference — direct or indirect — in the internal affairs of Laos, and to refrain from drawing Laos into military alliance or to establish military bases in Laotian territory. The Laotian government pledged to promulgate constitutionally its commitments which would have the force of law.
However, the agreement was violated in when the Democratic Republic of Vietnam established a supply line through "neutral" Laotian territory for supplying the Viet Cong insurgency against the government of South Vietnam.
More specifically, during the Second Indochina War the North Vietnamese obtained the cooperation of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (Pathet Lao) in constructing and maintaining the Ho Chi Minh Trail which passed through the length of Laos. Thousands of Vietnamese troops were stationed in Laos to maintain the road network and provide for its security. Vietnamese military personnel also fought beside the Pathet Lao in its struggle to overthrow Laos' neutralist government. Cooperation persisted after the war and the Lao communist victory."
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Agreement_on_the_Neutrality_of_Laos. -- Zugriff am 2012-03-13]
Die Regierung sendet mobile Teams nach Nordostthailand, um isolierte Gegenden zu "entwickeln".
Die USA schenken der Thai-Marine das große Panzer-Landungsschiff HTMS Chang, einen Veteranen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg (USS Lincoln County).
Abb.: Die spätere HTMS Chang, 1950
[Bildquelle: US-Navy. -- Public domain]Thailand bekommt von den USA auch mehrere Grumman Amphibienflugzeuge geschenkt.
Abb.: Grumman Amphibienflugzeug HU-16 Albatross N3HU, gebaut 1953
[Bildquelle: Alan Radecki / Wikimedia. -- GNU FDLicense]
Ein Forschungsteam der Siam Society nimmt Kontakt mit dem Bergvolk Mlabri (มลาบรี) im Mae Sa (แม่สา) Tal (Provinz Nan - น่าน) auf.
Abb.: Lage von Mae Sa (แม่สา)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
"The Mlabri (มลาบรี) or Mrabri are an ethnic group of Thailand and Laos, and have been called "the most interesting and least understood people in Southeast Asia"[1]. Only about 300 or fewer Mlabris remain in the world today, with some estimates as low as 100. A hill tribe in northern Thailand along the border with Laos, they have been groups of nomadic hunter-gatherers. The group in Thailand live close to the Hmong and northern Thai. The group living in Laos live close to other ethnic groups as well. Nomenclature
The name Mlabri is a Thai/Lao alteration of the word Mrabri, which appears to come from a Khmuic term "people of the forest" – in Khmu, mra means "person" and bri "forest". They are also known locally as Phi Tong Luang (Thai: ผีตองเหลือง, Lao: ຜີຕອງເຫລືອງ) or "spirits of the yellow leaves", apparently because they abandon their shelters when the leaves begin to turn yellow.
GeneticsGenetic analysis of the Mlabri group by Hiroki Oota and colleagues led them to observe that the mtDNA has little diversity, suggesting to them that the Mlabris were founded 500–800 years ago from very few individuals. This hypothesis was contested in the journal PLoS Biology in 2005 in an exchange of articles between Hiroki Oota and colleagues, and Tony Waters.
LifestyleThe Mlabri live an extremely primitive lifestyle. They are nomadic and have no real houses, making instead temporary shelters from palm leaves and bamboo-string. Previously they wore a loin-covering of bark or cloth, though now most Mlabri wear old factory-produced clothes procured by trade with other tribes in the area. They are hunter-gatherers, although far more of their food comes from gathering than hunting. Women give birth alone in the forest and infant mortality is very high.
They have few regimented social ceremonies, and are said to have no religious system to speak of, although it is reported that they believe in some spirits of the forest and other natural features. Marriages are concluded after simple request, with no bride-price, and the dead are buried near where they died before the tribe moves on.
Austrian anthropologist Hugo Bernatzik published an ethnography of the "Yellow Leaf People" in 1938 which reflected his brief observations of the tribe in the mid-20th century.
BibliographyExternal links
- Bernatzik, Hugo, The Spirits of the Yellow Leaves Leipzig 1938; London: R. Hale. Translated by E. W. Dickson. 1958.
- Oota, Hiroki and others, "Recent Origin and Cultural Reversion of a Hunter-Gatherer Group", PLoS biology, 2005 March, volume 3, number 3.
- Schliesinger, Joachim, Ethnic Groups of Laos, vol. 2, White Lotus 2000, pp. 187-197
- Waters, Tony, "Comment on 'Recent Origin and Cultural Reversion of a Hunter-Gatherer Group," PLoS Biology 2005 August, volume 3, number 8.
- Trier, Jesper Invoking the Spirits - fieldwork on the material and spiritual life of the Mlabri, pp. 325, 2008 July ISBN 978-87-88 415-47-6
- MlaBri People - page with photographs of Mlabri people.
- Schliesinger, Joachim, Ethnic Groups of Laos, vol. 2, ISBN 9744800364, p. 187"
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mlabri_people. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
Der König äußert sich vor Dorfbossen in Nordostthailand zu Thai-ness (ความเป็นไทย):
"Being Thai does not necessarily depend on the religion one follows nor the customs and language used. There may be variations, but we are all Thai. We follow the same flag and share common aspirations." [Übersetzung: Thak (1978). -- S. 210]
1962-08-18 - 1962-08-26
Das Königspaar besucht Neuseeland. Königin: Elizabeth II, Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Hiberniae et terrarum transmarinarum quae in ditione sunt Britannica Regina, Fidei Defensor (1926 - ). Ministerpräsident: Sir Keith Jacka Holyoake (1904 - 1983)
Abb.: Lage von Neuseeland
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: "Queen Sirikit of Thailand seated in conversation with Prime Minister Keith Holyoake. Beyond the Queen is Sir frank Kitts, Mayor of Wellington. Photographed by an Evening Post staff photographer on the 20th of August 1962." (Im Hintergrund der König)
[Quelle: Queen Sirikit and Prime Minister Keith Holyoake in conversation. Dominion post (Newspaper) :Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post and Dominion newspapers. Ref: EP/1962/2410/19-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. http://natlib.govt.nz/records/22770227. -- Zugriff am 2013-03-15. -- "You can copy this item for personal use, share it, and post it on a blog or website. It cannot be used commercially without permission"]
Abb.: "Queen of Thailand, Sirikit Kitiyakara, shaking hands with Vincent Aspey, leader of the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation Orchestra, Wellington, August 1962. "
[Bildquelle: Queen of Thailand, Sirikit Kitiyakara, shaking hands with the leader of the NZBC orchestra, Vincent Aspey, in Wellington. Aspey, Vincent, 1909-1987 :Photographs of Vincent Aspey and other musicians. Ref: 1/2-057269-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. http://natlib.govt.nz/records/23230292. -- Zugriff am 2013-03-15. -- "You can copy this item for personal use, share it, and post it on a blog or website. It cannot be used commercially without permission"]
Abb.: Willkommenplakat: der neuseeländische Kiwi begrüßt den Thai-Elefanten
In der Provinz Chachoengsao (ฉะเชิงเทรา) wurde ein weißer Elefant gefangen. Der Fänger, Lamjuan Boonprakob, 30, kommt nach Bangkok, um die Übergabe an den König zu besprechen.
Abb.: Lage der Provinz Chachoengsao (ฉะเชิงเทรา)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
1962-08-24 - 1962-09-04
Fourth Asian Games in Jakarta (Indonesien). Thailand nimmt mit 120 Sportlern und 40 Funktionären teil. Der Radfahrer Thaworn Chirapan (ถาวร จิราพรรณ) gewinnt im 160km-Rennen die Goldmedaille. Es ist die erste Goldmedaille eines Thai in einem internationalen Wettbewerb.
Abb.: Lage von Jakarta
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
1962-08-26 - 1962-09-13
Das Königspaar besucht Australien. Königin: Elizabeth II, Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Hiberniae et terrarum transmarinarum quae in ditione sunt Britannica Regina, Fidei Defensor (1926 - ). Ministerpräsident: Sir Robert Gordon Menzies (1894 - 1978)
Abb.: Elizabeth II, Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Hiberniae et terrarum transmarinarum quae in ditione sunt Britannica Regina, Fidei Defensor (links) mit Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, 1954
[Bildquelle: Wikimedia. -- Public domain]In seinem Toast beim Staatsbankett lobt der König auch die Australierin Tania Verstak (1942 - ), die 1962 zur Miss International Beauty gekürt worden ist.
Abb.: Lage von Australien
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]Der König besucht u.a. das Stahlwerk in Port Kembla.
Abb.: Lage von Port Kembla
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Kambodscha beschuldigt Thailand, den kambodschanischen Luftraum mit 81 Flugzeugen verletzt zu haben
Die USA und Thailand unterzeichnen ein Abkommen über eine Anleihe von $11,1 Mio zum Bau dreier Bewässerungsprojekte:
Lam Pra Plerng Projekt, Korat (โคราช)
Lam Pao Damm (ลำปาว), Kalasin (กาฬสินธุ์): gebaut 1963-68, speichert 1,430 Mio m³ Wasser für Flutabwehr und Bewässerung
Mae Tang (แม่แตง) Projekt, Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) und Lamphun (ลำพูน)
Abb.: Lage der Provinzen Korat (โคราช), Kalasin (กาฬสินธุ์), Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) und Lamphun (ลำพูน)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
1962-09 - 1970-09
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland fördert den Ausbau der Elektrizitätsversorgung Thailands.
Handelsabkommen mit der Sowjetunion.
Thailand beschwert sich, dass die USA Militärhilfe an Kambodscha leisten. Prinz Sihanouk habe die USA mit Worten behext, um Hilfe gegen den Vietcong (Việt cộng) zu bekommen, obwohl Sihanouk nie auch nur ein einziges Wort gegen den Vietcong gesagt habe.
Weitere 55 Freiwillige des Peace Corps treffen ein. Darunter sind Englischlehrer, Labortechniker, Turnlehrer. Sie bekommen Unterricht in Thai und über Thailand.
Als Zeichen, dass sich Wat Chao Ched Noi (วัดเจ้าเจ็ดใน) und Wat Chao Ched Nok (วัดเจ้าเจ็ดนอก) in Ban Chao Ched (เจ้าเจ็ด), Provinz Ayutthaya (อยุธยา), versöhnt haben, schenkt der König in beiden Klöstern die Kathin-Roben.
Abb.: Lage von Ban Chao Ched (เจ้าเจ็ด)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Wat Chao Ched Noi (วัดเจ้าเจ็ดใน) und Wat Chao Ched Nok (วัดเจ้าเจ็ดนอก)
[Bildquelle: ©Google earth. -- Zugriff am 2012-02-21]
Collins Radio Co., Texas, bekommt den Auftrag über $13,3 Mio. im ganzen Land Kurzwellenstationen und andere Radiokommunikationsmittel zu errichten.
Gründung von Toyota Motor Thailand Co.,Ltd. Toyota wird die führende Automarke Thailands werden. Die Firma teilt ihre Geschichte in Thailand in fünf Ären:
Abb.: ®Logo
- Establishment era : First step of togetherness with Thais (1962-1972)
- Development era : Determined to develop for greater trust (1973-1982)
- Toyota New era : Pursuit of growth as contributing to society (1983-1992)
- Motorisation era : Manufacturing cars to meet market demands (1993-2002)
- Environmental innovation era : Eco-friendly technology, integrating responsibility for society (2003-Present)
[Quelle: http://www.toyota.co.th/en/news-detail.php?cont_id=384. -- Zugriff am 2013-10-05]
London: Uraufführung des Films Dr No. Es ist der erste James-Bond-Film.
Abb.: Plakat
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Fair use]Original Sound Track auf Spotify:
URI: spotify:album:6QTHnXmnjfQCrG5bBVFaFC
URL: https://open.spotify.com/album/6QTHnXmnjfQCrG5bBVFaFC
1962-10-11 - 1965-12-08
Zweites Vatikanisches Konzil (Vaticanum II)
Abb.: Bischöfe beim Konzil
[Bildquelle: Lothar Wolleh (1930–1979) / Wikimedia. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
1962-10-14 - 1962-10-28
Die Stationierung sowjetischer Mittelstreckenraketen auf Kuba führt zur Kubakrise: es droht ein Atomkrieg. Die Sowjetunion zieht schließlich dei Raketen von Kuba ab.
Abb.: Reichweite der sowjetischen Raketen auf Kuba
[Bildquelle: Wikimedia. -- Public domain]
1962-10-20 - 1962-11-20
Indisch-Chinesische Grenzkrieg (भारत-चीन युद्ध / 中印边境战争)
Abb.: Zwischen Indien und China umstrittenes Gebiet in Nordostindien
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Abb.: Zwischen Indien und China umstrittene Gebiets in Nordwestindien
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Der Tropische Sturm Harriet verwüstet Teile Südthailands:
Provinz Nakhon Si Thammarat (นครศรีธรรมราช): 649 Tote
Surat Thani (สุราษฎร์ธานี): 23 Tote
Die meisten Todesopfer sind Fischer oder Besatzungsmitglieder von Schiffen, die infolge des Sturms untergehen.
Der Sturm zerstört unzählige Häuser, und Ernte im Wert von ca. 206 Mio. Baht. Der Sturm zerstört auch Dämme, die das Eindringen von Salzwasser in die Felder verhindern sollen.
Abb.: Lage der Provinzen Nakhon Si Thammarat (นครศรีธรรมราช) und Surat Thani (สุราษฎร์ธานี)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Nach einem Aufruf des Königs wird für die Opfer des Sturms viel gespendet. Mit dem überschüssigen Geld wird die Rajaprajanugroh Foundation (มูลนิธิราชประชานุเคราะห์ ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์) gegründet, die die Kinder der Sturmopfer bei der Ausbildung unterstützen soll sowie den Opfern zukünftiger Katastrophen helfen soll.
Abb.: Website
[Bildquelle: http://www.rajaprajanugroh.org/default.aspx. -- Zugriff am 2012-03-22. -- Fair use]
"The Rajaprajanugroh Foundation (Royal Foundation for the Welfare of the People) was established in 1962 in the wake of a disastrous typhoon in southern Thailand that killed 600 people and disrupted government services. His Majesty worked tirelessly to channel the overwhelming public donations that had flowed into the Palace in response to his call for assistance for the victims. Recognising a need for a permanent emergency response system, he established the Rajaprajanugroh Foundation. Between 1962 and 1982, the Foundation responded to 2,390 incidents and assisted 3,914,608 victims. Today, its staff numbers more than 1,500 trained workers. His Majesty described the work of the Foundation by saying it: "...is similar to a large insurance company for the nation. Those who meet with misfortune receive timely and expeditious assistance from others who are not as unfortunate, pooling their financial and material assistance through the foundation."
[Quelle: http://www.mfa.go.th/royalweb/5-b-4-a.html. -- Zugriff am 2012-03-22]
Eines der regierungsamtlichen "Entwicklungs"-Teams in Nordostthailand meldet einen "enormen Erfolg" in der Überwindung von Aberglauben: in Amphoe Na Khu (นาคู), Provinz Kalasin - กาฬสินธุ์, konnten sie eine Frau dazu bringen, sich im Spital behandeln zu lassen. Die Dörfler hatten zuerst geglaubt, dass die Gebärmutter der Frau von bösen Geistern besessen sei.
Abb.: Lage von Na Khu (นาคู)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Die USA richten von Frankfurt a. M. (BRD) aus eine Luftbrücke ein, über die Indien im Krieg mit China mit Waffen beliefert wird.
Neue Ein-Baht-Münzen aus Kupfernickel kommen in Umlauf. Sie tragen das Bildnis von König Bhumibol.
Staatsbesuch des laotischen Ministerpräsidenten Prinz Souvanna Phouma (ເຈົ້າສຸວັນນະພູມາ, 1901 – 1984) in Thailand. Damit macht sich Souvanna in den Augen mancher seiner Anhänger als Neutralist unglaubwürdig.
Abkommen mit den USA über den Abzug von US-Bodentruppen aus Thailand.
Die Britischen Truppen (140 Militärs und 10 Kampfflugzeuge), die seit Mai in Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) stationiert waren, werden nach Singapur zurückgezogen.
Abb.: Lage von Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) und Singapur
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
1962-11-21 - 1962-11-26
Anlässlich der 100-Jahr-Feier des Deutsch-Siamesischen Freundschaftsvertrags Staatsbesuch des deutschen Bundespräsidenten Heinrich Lübke (1894 - 1972) mit Gattin.
Abb.: Bundespräsident Heinrich Lübke
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Public domain]
In Ubol Ratchathani (อุบลราชธานี) wird ein Thai-SEATO Community Development Technical Assistance Centre eröffnet.
Abb.: Lage von Ubol Ratchathani (อุบลราชธานี)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Die Weltbank gibt Thailand eine Anleihe über $9 Mio zur Verbesserung der Bewässerung entlang des Chao Phraya (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา) und in der Phetchaburi-Ebene (เพชรบุรี).
Abb.: Lage von Phetchaburi (เพชรบุรี)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Abb.: Chao Phraya (แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา)
[Bildquelle: Kmusser / Wikipedia. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Der CIA bringt 35 Laoten (hauptsächlich Hmong - ມົ້ງ ) in ein geheimes Ausbildungslager für unkonventionelle Kriegsführung in der Nähe von Phitsanulok (พิษณุโลก). das Lager heißt Camp Surat Sena aka. Phitscamp.
Abb.: Lage von Phitsanulok (พิษณุโลก)
[Bildquelle: CIA. -- Public domain]
Dean Gooderham Acheson (1893 - 1971) in der United States Military Academy at West Point:
"Great Britain has lost an Empire and has not yet found a role. "
Das in Thailand stationierte Luftwaffenschwadron Neuseelands wird aus Thailand abgezogen.
Abb.: Lage von Neuseeland
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
1962-12-14 - 1962-12-18
Staatsbesuch von Burmas Führer, General Ne Win ( နေဝင်, 1911 - 2002). Ne Win hatte am 2. März durch einen Putsch die Macht an sich gerissen. Er wird vom König mit dem neu geschaffenen The Most Auspicious Order of the Rajamitrabhorn (เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันเป็นมงคลยิ่งราชมิตราภรณ์) ausgezeichnet.
Abb.: General Ne Win (နေဝင)
[Bildquelle: my.Wikipedia]
Abb.: The Most Auspicious Order of the Rajamitrabhorn (เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันเป็นมงคลยิ่งราชมิตราภรณ์)
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]
Deutschland gibt Thailand eine Anleihe von $11 Mio für eine Brücke über den Nam Phong-Fluss (น้ำพอง) in der Provinz Khon Kaen (ขอนแก่น).
Abb.: Lage des Nam Phong-Fluss (น้ำพอง)
[Bildquelle: OpenStreetMap. -- Creative Commons Lizenz (Namensnennung, share alike)]
Act on the Administration of the Buddhist Order of Sangha B. E. 2505 (พระราชบัญญัติคณะสงฆ์ พ.ศ. ๒๕๐๕).
Abb.: Organisation des buddhistischen Ordens (Sangha - พระสงฆ์) nach dem Act on the Administration of the Buddhist Order of Sangha B. E. 2505
[Bildquelle: Thailand official year book 1964. -- Nach S. 504]Als Grund für das Gesetz wird genannt:
"Whereas the procedure of the Sangha activities is not the authority separated to proceed with the purpose to balance the authority as it has appeared in the present law and the said system has an effect on reducing the efficiency of the task, so it should be amended and improved to let the Supreme Patriarch, the President of the Sangha, direct the Sangha by the Sangha Supreme Council according to authority and Dhammavinaya. All of this is to have the prosperity of Buddhism." [Übersetzung: Phra Dharmakosajarn [พระธรรมโกศาจารย์ aka. Prayoon Dhammacitto - ประยูร ธมฺมจิตฺโต] <1955 - >: Regulations of Sangha administration. -- Lamsai : Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 2010. -- 143 S. ; 22 cm. -- ISBN 9789743649035. -- S. 66]
Aus dem Gesetz:
หมวด ๔นิคหกรรมและการสละสมณเพศมาตรา ๒๔ พระภิกษุจะต้องรับนิคหกรรมก็ต่อเมื่อกระทำการล่วงละเมิดพระธรรมวินัย และนิคหกรรมที่จะลงแก่พระภิกษุก็ต้องเป็นนิคหกรรมตามพระธรรมวินัย
มาตรา ๒๕ ภายใต้บังคับมาตรา ๒๔ มหาเถรสมาคมมีอำนาจตรากฎมหาเถรสมาคมกำหนดหลักเกณฑ์และวิธีการปฏิบัติ เพื่อให้การลงนิคหกรรมเป็นไปโดยถูกต้อง สะดวก รวดเร็วและเป็นธรรม และให้ถือว่าเป็นการชอบด้วยกฎหมายที่มหาเถรสมาคมจะกำหนดในกฎมหาเถรสมาคมให้ มหาเถรสมาคมหรือพระภิกษุผู้ปกครองสงฆ์ตำแหน่งใดเป็นผู้มีอำนาจลงนิคหกรรมแก่ พระภิกษุผู้ล่วงละเมิดพระธรรมวินัย กับทั้งการกำหนดให้การวินิจฉัยการลงนิคหกรรมให้เป็นอันยุติในชั้นใด ๆ นั้นด้วย
มาตรา ๒๖ พระภิกษุรูปใดล่วงละเมิดพระธรรมวินัยและได้มีคำวินิจฉัยถึงที่สุดให้ได้รับ นิคหกรรมให้สึก ต้องสึกภายในยี่สิบสี่ชั่วโมงนับแต่เวลาที่ได้ทราบคำวินิจฉัยนั้น
มาตรา ๒๗ พระภิกษุรูปใดต้องคำวินิจฉัยให้รับนิคหกรรมไม่ถึงให้สึก ไม่ยอมรับนิคหกรรมนั้น หรือประพฤติล่วงละเมิดพระธรรมวินัยเป็นอาจิณ หรือไม่สังกัดอยู่ในวัดใดวัดหนึ่งกับทั้งไม่มีที่อยู่เป็นหลักแหล่ง มหาเถรสมาคมมีอำนาจวินิจฉัยและมีคำสั่งให้พระภิกษุรูปนั้นสละสมณเพศเสียได้
พระภิกษุผู้ต้องคำวินิจฉัยให้สละสมณเพศตามความในวรรคก่อน ต้องสึกภายในเจ็ดวันนับแต่วันที่ได้ทราบคำวินิจฉัยนั้น
มาตรา ๒๘ พระภิกษุรูปใดต้องคำพิพากษาถึงที่สุดให้เป็นบุคคลล้มละลาย ต้องสึกภายในสามวันนับแต่วันที่คดีถึงที่สุด
มาตรา ๒๙ พระภิกษุรูปใดถูกจับโดยต้องหาว่ากระทำความผิดอาญา เมื่อพนักงานสอบสวนหรือพนักงานอัยการไม่เห็นสมควรให้ปล่อยชั่วคราวและเจ้า อาวาสแห่งวัดที่พระภิกษุรูปนั้นสังกัดไม่รับมอบตัวไว้ควบคุม หรือพนักงานสอบสวนไม่เห็นสมควรให้เจ้าอาวาสรับตัวไปควบคุม หรือพระภิกษุรูปนั้นมิได้สังกัดในวัดใดวัดหนึ่ง ให้พนักงานสอบสวนมีอำนาจจัดดำเนินการให้พระภิกษุรูปนั้นสละสมณเพศเสียได้
มาตรา ๓๐ เมื่อจะต้องจำคุก กักขังหรือขังพระภิกษุรูปใดตามคำพิพากษาหรือคำสั่งของศาล ให้พนักงานเจ้าหน้าที่ผู้มีอำนาจหน้าที่ปฏิบัติการให้เป็นไปตามคำพิพากษา หรือคำสั่งของศาลมีอำนาจดำเนินการให้พระภิกษุรูปนั้นสละสมณเพศเสียได้ และให้รายงานให้ศาลทราบถึงการสละสมณเพศนั้น
"Part VI. Punishment and disrobing Article 24. Punishment shall be meted out to a Bhikkhu who commits an offense against the Doctrine or the Discipline. Such a punishment shall be in accordance with what is set forth in the Doctrine or the Discipline.
Article 25. In the interest of Article 24 the Council of Elders is vested with the power to formulate the code of the Council, laying down the principles and methods in order the facilitate the meting out of punishment in a proper and righteous manner within the earliest possible time. It is accordingly deemed righteous for the Council to stipulate in its code either itself or any administrative Bhikkhu officer whose duty it is to administer punishment to a Bhikkhu who has committed an offense against the Doctrine or the Discipline. Also it is within its authority to determine where a decision to enforce punishment should be final.
Article 26. A Bhikkhu who has committed such an offense as demands him, according to the final judgment, to be disrobed must leave the Bhikkhuhood within twenty-four hours of his being informed of the verdict.
Article 27. In the event that there is a Bhikkhu who refuses the verdict to disrobe himself or who habitually commits offenses against the Doctrine or the Discipline or who is not attached to any monastery, thereby living the life of a tramp, the Council of Elders is vested with the power to enforce a judgment for his disrobing.
In such a case he is to be disrobed within seven days after he is informed of the judgment.
Article 28. A Bhikkhu who is declared by a court of law to be a bankrupt is to disrobe himself within three days after the final judgment is passed.
Article 29. In the event that a Bhikkhu is accused of a crime and is arrested, the police authority is vested with the power to disrobe him, provided that the investigation officer of the police or the public prosecutor deems it advisable to hold him in confinement for the time being and the abbot of the monastery where he lives refuses to put him under control or that the investigating officer (of the police) things it inadvisable to put him under the charge of the abbot or that the Bhikkhu is not attached to any monastery.
Article 30. In the event that the Bhikkhu is to be imprisoned or held in confinement or in custody following the sentence of a court of law, the authorities carrying out the court’s order is vested with the power to disrobe him. After that they are to make a report on the incident to the court."
[Quelle: https://th.wikisource.org/wiki/พระราชบัญญัติคณะสงฆ์_พ.ศ._๒๕๐๕/๓๑_ธันวาคม_๒๕๐๕. -- Zugriff am 2015-08-28] [Übersetzung: Acts on the administration of the Buddhist Order of Sangha / Mahamakuta Educational Council. -- Bangkok : Mahamakuta Educational Council, Buddhist University, 1963] Ministerpräsident Sarit Thanarat erklärt:
"The important principle of administration according to this new Act is to give the authority of the Sangha Administration to the Sangha Supreme Council [มหาเถรสมาคม] presided by the Supreme Patriarch [สมเด็จพระสังฆราช สกลมหาสังฆปริณายก], that decision was made because the Government was sure that the Sangha Supreme Council consisted of the great senior monks of high class, who were in the virtue to be suitable to accept the respect and worship from the people and whom the king, the excellent religious patron, admired, had confidence in and established in the high honorific rank, so they must be able to perform religious task fairly. " [Übersetzung: Phra Dharmakosajarn [พระธรรมโกศาจารย์ aka. Prayoon Dhammacitto - ประยูร ธมฺมจิตฺโต] <1955 - >: Regulations of Sangha administration. -- Lamsai : Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 2010. -- 143 S. ; 22 cm. -- ISBN 9789743649035. -- S. 100f.]
Die erste Nummer der Zeitung Thai Rath ( ไทยรัฐ) erscheint. Verleger ist Kampol Watcharapol. Thai Rath wird zu Thailands auflagenstärkster Zeitung werden.
Abb.: ไทยรัฐ, 1976
[Bildquelle: th.Wikipedia. -- Fair use]
Abb.: ไทยรัฐ, 2006-12-31
[Bildquelle: Wikipedia. -- Fair use]
"Thai Rath (Thai: ไทยรัฐ, lit. Thai State) is a Thai-language daily newspaper published in Bangkok and distributed nationwide. The paper is a broadsheet published with two sections. The first section is devoted to news. Although the news section is best known for its sensationalist coverage of crime and accidents, it also includes stories on Thai politics, economy and society. The second section features coverage of sport and entertainment. Thai Rath is the oldest and best-selling newspaper in Thailand, claiming a circulation in excess of 1 million copies daily.[1] History
Thai Rath was founded on 25 December 1962 by Kampol Vacharaphol (กำพล วัชรพล, 1919 - 1996) . Kampol had started two other newspapers, Khaophap Raiwan (ข่าวภาพรายวัน), which were shut down by the Thai government in 1958. He then threated to buy Siang Ang Thong (เสียงอ่างทอง) from Mr. Laor Ketkaew, 1 May 1959 to 25 December 1962."
[Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_Rath. -- Zugriff am 2011-11-08]
Die Regierung kündigt an, einen neuen Flughafen für Bangkok zu bauen. Es soll der beste Flughafen des Fernen Ostens werden. Kostenvoranschlag: $50 Mio. 44 Jahre später, 2006, wird dann wirklich der neue Flughafen Suvarnabhumi Airport (ท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ) eröffnet.
ausführlich: http://www.payer.de/thailandchronik/ressourcen.htm
Zu Chronik 1963